Processing math: 100%

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Not bad for a MIP...

Often I see people who have read or heard about NP-completeness dismissing a MIP formulation even before trying. This is certainly a misunderstanding of complexity theory. To be clear:

Complexity theory says (almost) nothing about how fast a particular MIP solver can solve your particular problem on your particular dataset.  

I think we can even drop the "almost." So, let's not fall into this trap, and just try things out!

In [1] a simple problem is stated:

Given n=40,000 numbers, select a subset that sums up to 100,000 or as closely as possible.

A small MIP model can do the job:

MIP model

Monday, December 26, 2022

Maximum number of points with minimum distance

In [1] the following problem is posted:

Consider N points and a minimum distance MinDist. Pick as many points as possible from this collection, such that the distances between the selected points is at least MinDist.

A small data set can look like:

----      9 PARAMETER p  coordinates of points

              x           y

i1       17.175      84.327
i2       55.038      30.114
i3       29.221      22.405
i4       34.983      85.627
i5        6.711      50.021
i6       99.812      57.873
i7       99.113      76.225
i8       13.069      63.972
i9       15.952      25.008
i10      66.893      43.536
i11      35.970      35.144
i12      13.149      15.010
i13      58.911      83.089
i14      23.082      66.573
i15      77.586      30.366
i16      11.049      50.238
i17      16.017      87.246
i18      26.511      28.581
i19      59.396      72.272
i20      62.825      46.380
i21      41.331      11.770
i22      31.421       4.655
i23      33.855      18.210
i24      64.573      56.075
i25      76.996      29.781
i26      66.111      75.582
i27      62.745      28.386
i28       8.642      10.251
i29      64.125      54.531
i30       3.152      79.236
i31       7.277      17.566
i32      52.563      75.021
i33      17.812       3.414
i34      58.513      62.123
i35      38.936      35.871
i36      24.303      24.642
i37      13.050      93.345
i38      37.994      78.340
i39      30.003      12.548
i40      74.887       6.923
i41      20.202       0.507
i42      26.961      49.985
i43      15.129      17.417
i44      33.064      31.691
i45      32.209      96.398
i46      99.360      36.990
i47      37.289      77.198
i48      39.668      91.310
i49      11.958      73.548
i50       5.542      57.630

Saturday, December 17, 2022

Comparing matrix balancing objectives

The matrix balancing problem can be described as [1]: find a non-negative matrix Ai,j, that is as close as possible to A0i,j, while observing given row and column totals and a given sparsity pattern. Or, mathematically,

Matrix Balancing Problem

Friday, December 2, 2022

Networks not always need an extra source and sink node

Convert standard assignment problem to a network problem

A standard assignment problem formulated as an LP/MIP looks like:

Assignment problem

Monday, November 28, 2022

Cuckoo search is a bit cuckoo

Excuses for the lame title.

This could be the start of a very extended series of papers.


  1. Christian L. Camacho-Villalón, Marco Dorigo, Thomas Stützle, An analysis of why cuckoo search does not bring any novel ideas to optimization, Computers & Operations Research, Volume 142, 2022,
  2. Aranha, C., Camacho Villalón, C.L., Campelo, F. et al. Metaphor-based metaheuristics, a call for action: the elephant in the room. Swarm Intell 16, 1–6 (2022)

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

A strange series

In [1] a question is posed about a somewhat strange series. Let i{0,,n}. Then we require:

  • xi{0,1,2,},
  • xi is equal to the number of times the value i occurs in the series. In mathematical terms, one could say: xi=|{j:xj=i}| (here |S| is the cardinality of the set S).

An example for n=4 is: 

index  0 1 2 3 4 
value  2 1 2 0 0

Tuesday, November 8, 2022

sum of K largest

Consider a vector of variables xi. We want to impose the constraint: sum of K largest xi0.5ixi I.e. the sum of the largest K values are less than half of the total. Sometimes this is expressed mathematically as Ki=1x[i]0.5ixi where x[i] is an ordered version of xi with x[1]x[2]x[3]. There are several formulations for this constraint, all of them interesting, I think.

Monday, October 24, 2022

Brian Kernighan talks about modeling languages


Nov 17, 2015 Professor Brian Kernighan presents on 'How to succeed in language design without really trying.' Brian Kernighan is Professor of Computer Science at Princeton University and Honorary Professor in the School of Computer Science at The University of Nottingham.

Basically, Kernighan says:
  • GAMS is terrible (somewhat of a side note). This makes some sense: that opinion was probably the reason to develop AMPL in the first place (if he thought GAMS was terrific, why develop AMPL).
  • Original declarative AMPL i.e. the part he worked on: good.
  • Later procedural facilities in AMPL (he was not involved in that): bad. (IMHO practical modeling often needs some procedural support; this is one of the reasons why modeling tools embedded in Python are popular).

Thursday, October 20, 2022

Micro-econometrics: discrete choice models

In this post, I want to discuss some statistical models from [1]. I'll implement these models in GAMS. First of all to emphasize these are all (nonlinear) optimization problems. Instead of using canned routines using a statistical package, this can help to get a better understanding of what is really going on. At least for me, not using a black-box routine, forces me to understand the underlying optimization models. Another application can be to have this part of a larger GAMS model. Some mathematical programming models just need some estimation code before the real model can be attacked. If the rest of the model is in GAMS, it may be a little bit easier to also use GAMS in the estimation tasks, instead of using a statistical package. This actually happens quite a lot. Finally, it may be easier to add constraints using a GAMS formulation compared to a canned routine in a statistical package.

In this case, the first argument was the reason for using GAMS. Reproducing results is for me a good tool to help me understand a dense text.  

Monday, October 3, 2022

Select points

In [1], the following problem is posted:

I have multiple sets of data points. For example, set 1 contains 5 data points, set 2 contains 1 data point, set 3 contains 10, etc. I need to select one data point from each set so that distances between these selected points is minimal. Any Python based functions to be used will be very helpful

This can be stated as an optimization problem. Writing down the model is a useful exercise, not only to solve it and get solutions but also to define the problem a bit more precisely than a typical "word problem". 

A super simple non-convex MIQP model is:

Non-convex MIQP Model

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Some Matrix Balancing Experiments

This is about the matrix balancing problem.

We have three sets of data:
  • A matrix with with entries A0i,j0
  • Row- and column-totals ri and  cj.
The A0 matrix is collected from different sources than the row- and column-totals. So the matrix elements don't sum up to our totals. The problem is finding a nearby matrix A, so the row and column totals are obeyed. In addition, we want to preserve the sparsity pattern of  A0: zeros should stay zero. And also: we don't want to introduce negative numbers (preserve the signs). More formally:

Matrix Balancing Problem

Approximate the matrix subject to row- and column-sum constraints

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Wordle: number of words from unique letters

In [1] an optimization model is proposed for the following problem:

Using a list of 5-letter words, try to find a set of 5 words such that each letter is used at most once. 


The list of 5-letter words is from the wordle [2] game. Words with duplicate letters are removed. A partial list is:

----   1035 SET w  words: large list of 5-letter words

abdom,    abend,    abets,    abhor,    abide,    abies,    abyes,    abilo,    abime,    abysm,    abled,    abler,    ables
ablet,    ablow,    abmho,    abner,    abnet,    abode,    abody,    abohm,    aboil,    abord,    abort,    abote,    about
above,    abret,    abrim,    abrin,    abris,    abrus,    absey,    absit,    abstr,    abune,    abuse,    abush,    abuts
acedy,    acerb,    ached,    achen,    acher,    aches,    achor,    acidy,    acids,    acier,    acies,    acyls,    acing
ackey,    acker,    aclys,    acmes,    acned,    acnes,    acoin,    acold,    acone,    acorn,    acost,    acoup,    acred
acres,    acrid,    acryl,    acron,    acrux,    acted,    actin,    acton,    actor,    actos,    actus,    acute,    adcon

The total number of 5-letter words in this list is: 10,175.

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Primal, Dual and Equilibrium format of the Transportation Model

The primal transportation model [1] can be stated as:

Primal formulation

Here indicates "with dual ...". The duals for this model are ui and vj. In the model, we have added the (optimal) signs of the duals. It may come as a surprise that the optimality of a solution can be established by just looking at the signs of the marginals (duals and reduced cost). When we print the results of this model, we can see something like:

Saturday, August 13, 2022

k out of n with smallest bandwidth

The problem from [1], slightly generalized, is easy to describe:

Given an n vector vi with data, select k<n elements that are closest to each other.

Of course, we can state the problem as a formal optimization model:  

Optimization Model

Wednesday, August 10, 2022

Large sparse transportation model with CVXPY,CVXR

In [1] I was trying out different formulations of a large, sparse (but very easy) transportation model using different modeling tools and solvers. The conclusion was:

  • Exploiting sparsity leads to the best performance
  • GAMS/Cplex is about 10 times as fast as Python/PuLP/CBC
  • GAMS/Cplex is about 1000 times as fast as R/OMPR/GLPK

Don't overinterpret these numbers: this is a single model, which may not be at all representable for your models. Let's see how CVXPY[2] and CVXR[3] are doing. To recap we want to solve a large (but easy) transportation model:

Dense Transportation Model

The additional wrinkle is that only a small fraction of the links ij exist.

There are (at least) three ways to model this:

  1. Use a large cost coefficient for forbidden links.
  2. Fix xi,j=0 for non-existing links.
  3. Exploit sparsity directly by only summing over existing links.
CVXPY/CVXR are matrix-based modeling tools. That gives some extra things to think about. A transportation model in matrix-notation can look like:

Transportation Model in Matrix Notation

Monday, August 1, 2022


Newer versions of Windows come with a very useful tool to download files: curl.exe.

The standard help is:

C:\Users\erwin>where curl



C:\Users\erwin>curl --help

Usage: curl [options...] <url>

 -d, --data <data>          HTTP POST data

 -f, --fail                 Fail fast with no output on HTTP errors

 -h, --help <category>      Get help for commands

 -i, --include              Include protocol response headers in the output

 -o, --output <file>        Write to file instead of stdout

 -O, --remote-name          Write output to a file named as the remote file

 -s, --silent               Silent mode

 -T, --upload-file <file>   Transfer local FILE to destination

 -u, --user <user:password> Server user and password

 -A, --user-agent <name>    Send User-Agent <name> to server

 -v, --verbose              Make the operation more talkative

 -V, --version              Show version number and quit


This is not the full help, this menu is stripped into categories.

Use "--help category" to get an overview of all categories.

For all options use the manual or "--help all".



A model with semi-continuous variables

In [1], a selection problem is posted, that turns out to be an easy MIP. The problem is:

From a (large) collection of products select those products with the highest unit return (or value) subject to:
  • A product can only be ordered between a minimum and maximum amount
  • There is a budget w.r.t. the total amount of products
This can be modeled using so-called semi-continuous variables: variables that can assume zero or a value between the constants L and U. So we can write:

MIP model with semi-continuous variables

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

The inverse of A(i,j) has signature B(j,i)

GAMS has strict domain checking (type checking). This has some interesting consequences. Basically all good: much better protection against errors compared to simply using integer indices 1,,n. Consider the square matrix Ai,j:

parameter A(i,j) 'square matrix';
A(i,j) = min(
display A;

Tuesday, July 12, 2022

Linearize min(a,b)>min(x,y)

This question was posed [1]: How to linearize min(a,b)>min(x,y) where a,b,x,y are variables. The type of variables is not specified so let's assume they all are continuous variables.

Monday, July 11, 2022

Transportation model with some non-existing links

I am again looking at simple models based on the transportation model:

Dense Transportation Model

Friday, July 8, 2022

Artificially creating a large LP model: why is Cplex so efficient

I am teaching some GAMS classes this summer. The first class is about the transportation model. This is model number 1 from the GAMS model library [1]. It is a tiny model, slightly modified from the original model in [2]. I believe the GAMS version has been made dual degenerate.

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

XNOR as linear inequalities

Boolean expressions are found in many MIP models. AND and OR are the most common. When we have an expression like x and y or x or y, where all variables are binary, we typically reformulate this as a set of inequalities. XOR is a bit more exotic, but I have never seen a usage for XNOR. Until now [1].

As this is about boolean logic, in the discussion below all variables x, y, z are binary.   


Monday, June 27, 2022

Goal Programming

In [1] a goal programming [2] model was stated, although the poster did not use that term.

The model is fairly simple:

  • We have 6 different raw materials that need to be blended into a final product.
  • The raw materials have 4 different ingredients.
  • We want to blend one unit of final product that has some target values for some formulas. We have three of these goals. 

The data looks like:

Thursday, June 16, 2022


The MAX-CUT problem is quite famous [1]. It can be stated as follows:

Given an undirected graph G=(V,E), split the nodes into two sets. Maximize the number of edges that have one node in each set.

Here is an example using a random sparse graph:

Sunday, June 5, 2022

Maximizing Standard Deviation

In [1] a question was posed: how to maximize the standard deviation of a vector xi, subject to side constraints using an LP/MIP formulation?

The standard deviation is usually defined as: sd(x)=1n1i(xiμ)2 where μ=ixin and n is the number of elements in x.

Thursday, June 2, 2022

A subset selection problem

Selecting k out of n can be a computational difficult task. Here we look at a special case and see how we can exploit the properties of the data. Suppose we have n data points. We want to select k points such that the average of these k points is as close to a target value t as possible [1]. I.e. we want minS|sSpskt| where |S|=k. The special property of the data is that it is composed of just a few different values. Let's say our data looks like:

Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Coding is to programming like typing is to writing

Quote by Leslie Lamport: 

Coding is to programming like typing is to writing

My generalization: IMHO, developers often start coding (i.e. typing) way too early.

Monday, May 16, 2022

Ranking using numpy.argsort

I needed to find a ranking of a large data set. Using Python, it makes sense to look at the numpy library for this. 

Numpy has the function argsort, which returns index positions [1]. One would think these are exactly the ranks we are after. Unfortunately, this is not the case.

>>> import numpy as np
>>> a = [3.0, 1.0, 5.0, 2.0]
>>> indx = np.argsort(a)
>>> indx
array([1, 3, 0, 2], dtype=int64)

Wednesday, May 4, 2022

Evil Sudoku

On[1] there is now an "evil" difficulty level. I found these very difficult to solve by hand (I usually give up).

Sunday, May 1, 2022

Getting rid of non-linearities

In [1], an attempt was made to implement the following non-linear constraint: tmax{iCFi,tqiLt,0}tLt0.015 Obviously code like:

cfm = quicksum( max(quicksum(cf[i][t] * q[i] - L[t] for i in range(I)), 0) for t in range(T) /  quicksum(L[t] for t in range(T)) <= 0.015

is really not what we want to see. It is best, not to directly start up your editor and write Python code like this. Rather, get a piece of paper, and focus on the math.

There are two non-linearities: a division and a max() function. Note that I am not sure which symbols are variables or parameters.  I'll try to explain some possible cases below.

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Inverting a large, dense matrix

In this post I show some experiences with inverting a large, dense matrix. The variability in performance was a bit surprising to me. 


I have available in a GAMS GDX file a large matrix A. This is an input-output matrix. The goal is to find the so-called Leontief inverse (IA)1 and return this in a GAMS GDX for subsequent use [1]. It is well-known that instead of calculating the inverse it is better to form an LU factorization of IA and then use that for different rhs vectors b (essentially a pair of easy triangular solves). [2] However, economists are very much used to having access to an explicit inverse.

Saturday, April 16, 2022

Expanding Visual Studio in the Task Manager


This is scary. Note that is in an idle state (nothing compiling, running, or debugging at the moment). Soon we all need 128 GB of RAM.

Thursday, April 14, 2022

GAMS: Undocumented PUT formats

The GAMS documentation mentions (standard notation) and (scientific notation) for formatting numeric items using the PUT statement. There are however a few more. Here we print values using different formats:
         1.20     1.20E+00 1.2000000000          1.2
         1.23     1.23E+00 1.2345000000       1.2345
 123450000.00     1.23E+08 123450000.00    123450000
         0.00     1.20E-07 0.0000001200       1.2E-7
         0.00     1.23E-07 0.0000001235    1.2345E-7

It looks like formats 3 and 4 are inspired by SAS PUT formats f12.10 and best12.10.


  1. Dictionary of formats,

Appendix: GAMS code

'values'   /i1*i5/
'formats'  /''*''/

parameter p(i) 'test values' /
i1  1.2
i2  1.2345
i3  1.2345e8
i4  1.2e-7
i5  1.2345e-7

* write all values in all formats

file f /put.txt/;
* right align text
f.lj = 1;
put f;
* write headers
put /;
* write values
put ' ':0;
put p(i);
put /;

Sunday, April 10, 2022

Rewriting old GAMS code

It is always a good idea to revisit existing GAMS code and see if we can improve it. Here is an example of an actual model.

The problem is that we want to set up a mapping set between two sets based on the first two characters. If they are the same, the pair should be added to the mapping. The old code looked like:

'regions' /
AP   'Appalachia'
CB   'Corn Belt'
LA   'Lake States'
'subregions' /
'mapping regions<->subregions'

* old code:
LOOP(R,  value('1',R) = 100*ord(,1) + ord(,2); );
LOOP(S,  value('2',S) = 100*ord(,1) + ord(,2); );
'1',R) = value('2',S)) = YES;

display value;
display rs;


To verify this indeed generates the correct result for set rs, we look at the output:

----     27 PARAMETER value  

           AP          CB          LA     APN0501     APN0502     APN0504     CBL0704     CBM0404     LAM0404

1    6580.000    6766.000    7665.000
2                                        6580.000    6580.000    6580.000    6766.000    6766.000    7665.000

+     LAM0406

2    7665.000

----     28 SET rs  mapping regions<->subregions

       APN0501     APN0502     APN0504     CBL0704     CBM0404     LAM0404     LAM0406

AP         YES         YES         YES
CB                                             YES         YES
LA                                                                     YES         YES

The set rs is obviously correctly populated. The auxiliary parameter value contains the ASCII values: e.g. AP has value 6580 as the decimal ASCII codes for A and P are 65 and 80.

  • The function ord(string, pos) returns the ASCII value of the character at position pos of the string.
  • The suffix .TL is the text string of the set element (internally GAMS does not work with the strings but rather an integer id for each set element; here we make it explicit we want the string).
  • The loops are not really needed. We could have used:
    value('1',R) = 100*ord(,1) + ord(,2);
    value('2',S) = 100*ord(,1) + ord(,2);
  • The mapping set is a very powerful concept in GAMS. It is somewhat like a dict in Python, except it is not one way. It can map from r to s but also from s to r.

We can simplify the code to just:

* new code:
* compare first two characters in r and s
rs(r,s) =
ord(,1)=ord(,1) and ord(,2)=ord(,2);
display rs;

This gives the same result:

----     22 SET rs  mapping regions<->subregions

       APN0501     APN0502     APN0504     CBL0704     CBM0404     LAM0404     LAM0406

AP         YES         YES         YES
CB                                             YES         YES
LA                                                                     YES         YES

  • No need for the auxiliary parameter value.
  • No loops.
  • We could add a check that we have no unmapped subregions. E.g. by:
    abort$(card(rs)<>card(s)) "There are unmapped subregions";
  • This will also catch cases where the casing does not match.
  • Critical note: GAMS has very poor support for strings. This should have been rectified a long time ago. There is no excuse for this deficiency. 


It is always worthwhile to revisit existing models and clean them up. During development, especially when under time pressure, we often are happy once our code works. As the lifetime of models can be surprisingly long, and thus new generations of users and modelers start working with old models, it is a good idea to do a cleanup round to make the code as readable as possible.