In [1] an optimization model is proposed for the following problem:
Using a list of 5-letter words, try to find a set of 5 words such that each letter is used at most once.
The list of 5-letter words is from the wordle [2] game. Words with duplicate letters are removed. A partial list is:
---- 1035 SET w words: large list of 5-letter words
abdom, abend, abets, abhor, abide, abies, abyes, abilo, abime, abysm, abled, abler, ables
ablet, ablow, abmho, abner, abnet, abode, abody, abohm, aboil, abord, abort, abote, about
above, abret, abrim, abrin, abris, abrus, absey, absit, abstr, abune, abuse, abush, abuts
acedy, acerb, ached, achen, acher, aches, achor, acidy, acids, acier, acies, acyls, acing
ackey, acker, aclys, acmes, acned, acnes, acoin, acold, acone, acorn, acost, acoup, acred
acres, acrid, acryl, acron, acrux, acted, actin, acton, actor, actos, actus, acute, adcon
The total number of 5-letter words in this list is: 10,175.