Rectangular Covering
This problem is from [1].
Problem statement: given \(N\) data points, arrange \(k\) boxes such that every point is inside a box and the size of the boxes is minimized. We assume the boxes have sides parallel to the axes. I.e. the box is not angled.
A 2d data set with \(N=50\) points can look like:
![]() |
N=50 data points |
The best configuration of \(K=5\) boxes for this data set is:
![]() |
Optimal solution for K=5 rectangles |
The problem is like the opposite of the "largest empty box" [2], where we try to find the largest box without any data points inside.
2D Model
Let's define some symbols:
A high-level model for 2 dimensions can look like:
- We will denote the data points by \(i\) and the rectangles by \(k\).
- The coordinates of the data points are stored in \(p_{i,c} \in [L,U]\) with \(c \in \{x,y\}\).
- The location and size of the rectangles are \(r_{k,s}\in [L,U]\) . Here \(s\in \{x,y,w,h\}\).
- The assignment of (data) points to rectangles is modeled with a binary variable \(x_{i,k} \in \{0,1\}\).
A high-level model for 2 dimensions can look like:
High-level 2D MIQP model |
\[\begin{align}\min & \sum_k \color{darkred} r_{k,w} \cdot \color{darkred} r_{k,h} \\ & \sum_k \color{darkred}x_{i,k} = 1 && \forall i \\ & \color{darkred}x_{i,k}=1 \implies \begin{cases} \color{darkblue}p_{i,x} \ge \color{darkred}r_{k,x} \\ \color{darkblue}p_{i,y} \ge \color{darkred}r_{k,y} \\ \color{darkblue}p_{i,x} \le \color{darkred}r_{k,x}+\color{darkred}r_{k,w} \\ \color{darkblue}p_{i,y} \le \color{darkred}r_{k,y}+\color{darkred}r_{k,h} \end{cases} && \forall i,k\\ & \color{darkred} x_{i,k}\in \{0,1\} \\ & \color{darkred}r_{k,h} \in [\color{darkblue}L,\color{darkblue}U] \\ &\color{darkred}r_{k,x}+\color{darkred}r_{k,w} \le \color{darkblue}U \\ &\color{darkred}r_{k,y}+\color{darkred}r_{k,h} \le \color{darkblue}U \end{align}\] |
The implication says "if \(x_{i,k}=1\) then point \(i\) should be in box \(k\)". This can be implemented using indicator constraints or with a big-M construct: \[\begin{align} & p_{i,x} \ge r_{k,x} -M(1-x_{i,k})\\ & p_{i,y} \ge r_{k,y}-M(1-x_{i,k}) \\ & p_{i,x} \le r_{k,x}+r_{k,w} +M(1-x_{i,k})\\ & p_{i,y} \le r_{k,y}+r_{k,h}+M(1-x_{i,k}) \end{align}\] A value for \(M\) can be \(M=U-L\). We can of course scale the data \(p_{i,c}\) to \(p_{i,c} \in [0,1]\) beforehand, in which case we can set \(M=1\). This is what I did in my experiments.
I also add the constraint: \[r_{k,x} \ge r_{k-1,x}\] to make the solution more predictable. The solution will be ordered by the \(x\)-coordinate of the box. It also reduces symmetry in the model.
The objective has non-convex quadratic terms. So we need a non-convex quadratic solver.
The detailed data and the solution look like:
---- 56 PARAMETER p data points x y i1 0.80601 0.17283 i2 0.52952 0.14887 i3 0.64826 0.69240 i4 0.35222 0.02016 i5 0.43130 0.55356 i6 0.64087 0.77456 i7 0.23545 0.78074 i8 0.26800 0.08158 i9 0.97328 0.11440 i10 0.87431 0.66711 i11 0.75621 0.96771 i12 0.19863 0.24001 i13 0.21990 0.26101 i14 0.98863 0.17156 i15 0.06625 0.93008 i16 0.80603 0.83235 i17 0.10543 0.02902 i18 0.22927 0.09355 i19 0.12983 0.90322 i20 0.43682 0.72756 i21 0.24754 0.57512 i22 0.36012 0.51628 i23 0.71015 0.74601 i24 0.70367 0.74621 i25 0.18517 0.93583 i26 0.81681 0.67338 i27 0.46350 0.57754 i28 0.08932 0.65688 i29 0.97335 0.69059 i30 0.89449 0.07780 i31 0.14124 0.39550 i32 0.99382 0.49870 i33 0.05406 0.56047 i34 0.32927 0.79803 i35 0.22975 0.85134 i36 0.78532 0.27930 i37 0.18014 0.28874 i38 0.38628 0.82680 i39 0.48970 0.57654 i40 0.46709 0.14913 i41 0.19949 0.83893 i42 0.25438 0.57046 i43 0.55116 0.95672 i44 0.02634 0.93260 i45 0.49950 0.08040 i46 0.44529 0.43742 i47 0.55100 0.41666 i48 0.29626 0.69398 i49 0.93426 0.58556 i50 0.28083 0.92941 ---- 56 VARIABLE x.L assignment variables k1 k2 k3 k4 k5 i1 1 i2 1 i3 1 i4 1 i5 1 i6 1 i7 1 i8 1 i9 1 i10 1 i11 1 i12 1 i13 1 i14 1 i15 1 i16 1 i17 1 i18 1 i19 1 i20 1 i21 1 i22 1 i23 1 i24 1 i25 1 i26 1 i27 1 i28 1 i29 1 i30 1 i31 1 i32 1 i33 1 i34 1 i35 1 i36 1 i37 1 i38 1 i39 1 i40 1 i41 1 i42 1 i43 1 i44 1 i45 1 i46 1 i47 1 i48 1 i49 1 i50 1 ---- 56 VARIABLE r.L rectangles x y w h k1 0.02634 0.69240 0.77969 0.27530 k2 0.05406 0.24001 0.20032 0.41687 k3 0.10543 0.02016 0.42409 0.12897 k4 0.36012 0.41666 0.19087 0.16088 k5 0.78532 0.07780 0.20850 0.61279 ---- 56 VARIABLE z.L = 0.51132 objective
This model was solved to proven global optimality with Gurobi in about 670 seconds. Cplex also can solve models of this type.
To higher dimensions
The above model dealt with the 2D problem. It is not very difficult to extend this to more dimensions. Let's try to make this general, for any dimension.
First of all, I reorganized my sets a bit:
- We have \(d \in \{1,\dots,D\}\) indicating the dimension we are looking at. Think about this as \(1=x,2=y,3=z,...\).
- To characterize a box, for each dimension, we have a coordinate and a side-length. So, \(cs \in \{\mathrm{coord},\mathrm{side}\}\).
With this, we can write:
- \(p_{i,d}\) are the coordinates of the points,
- \(r_{k,d,cs}\) indicate the location and size of the boxes.
The model can now look like:
High-level n-dimensional MINLP model |
\[\begin{align}\min & \sum_k \prod_d \color{darkred} r_{k,d,side} \\ & \sum_k \color{darkred}x_{i,k} = 1 && \forall i \\ & \color{darkred}x_{i,k}=1 \implies \begin{cases} \color{darkblue}p_{i,d} \ge \color{darkred}r_{k,d,coord} \\ \color{darkblue}p_{i,d} \le \color{darkred}r_{k,d,coord}+\color{darkred}r_{k,d,side} \end{cases} && \forall i,k,d\\ & \color{darkred} x_{i,k}\in \{0,1\} \\ & \color{darkred}r_{k,d,cs} \in [\color{darkblue}L,\color{darkblue}U] \\ &\color{darkred}r_{k,d,coord}+\color{darkred}r_{k,d,side} \le \color{darkblue}U \end{align}\] |
The objective is not quadratic. We can make it quadratic by chaining[2]. We introduce a variable \(v\) which is defined by:\[v_{k,d} = \begin{cases} v_{k,d-1}\cdot r_{k,d,side} & \text{for $d\ge 3$}\\ r_{k,2,side} \cdot r_{k,1,side} & \text{for $d=2$}\end{cases}\] Now we can just minimize \(\sum_k v_{k,D}\). For the special case of a 3d problem, we can simplify this to: \[\begin{align} \min & \sum_k \mathit{area}_k \cdot r_{k,3,side} \\ & \mathit{area}_k = r_{k,2,side}\cdot r_{k,1,side}\end{align}\]
A small data set (\(N=20\) points, and \(K=5\)) leads to:
---- 62 PARAMETER p data points dim1 dim2 dim3 i1 0.80601 0.17283 0.52952 i2 0.14887 0.64826 0.69240 i3 0.35222 0.02016 0.43130 i4 0.55356 0.64087 0.77456 i5 0.23545 0.78074 0.26800 i6 0.08158 0.97328 0.11440 i7 0.87431 0.66711 0.75621 i8 0.96771 0.19863 0.24001 i9 0.21990 0.26101 0.98863 i10 0.17156 0.06625 0.93008 i11 0.80603 0.83235 0.10543 i12 0.02902 0.22927 0.09355 i13 0.12983 0.90322 0.43682 i14 0.72756 0.24754 0.57512 i15 0.36012 0.51628 0.71015 i16 0.74601 0.70367 0.74621 i17 0.18517 0.93583 0.81681 i18 0.67338 0.46350 0.57754 i19 0.08932 0.65688 0.97335 i20 0.69059 0.89449 0.07780 ---- 62 VARIABLE x.L assignment variables k1 k2 k3 k4 k5 i1 1 i2 1 i3 1 i4 1 i5 1 i6 1 i7 1 i8 1 i9 1 i10 1 i11 1 i12 1 i13 1 i14 1 i15 1 i16 1 i17 1 i18 1 i19 1 i20 1 ---- 62 VARIABLE r.L rectangles dim1.coord dim1.side dim2.coord dim2.side dim3.coord dim3.side k1 0.02902 0.77701 0.22927 0.74401 0.07780 0.03660 k2 0.08932 0.14613 0.64826 0.28757 0.26800 0.70534 k3 0.17156 0.18066 0.02016 0.24086 0.43130 0.55733 k4 0.36012 0.51418 0.46350 0.24017 0.57754 0.19701 k5 0.72756 0.24015 0.17283 0.07471 0.24001 0.33511 ---- 62 VARIABLE z.L = 0.10539 objective
This model can be solved with Gurobi. Cplex does not allow non-convex quadratic constraints.
![]() |
3d solution |
Linear formulation by set covering
This formulation was inspired by the comments by Rob Pratt below. The idea is to generate all possible rectangles in advance. We pick two arbitrary points to determine the horizontal part of the rectangle and two arbitrary points to determine the vertical part of the rectangle. This would mean \[{50 \choose 2} \times {50 \choose 2}= 1,500,625\] rectangles. In addition, we need to keep track of which points are covered by each rectangle \(k\). Let's introduce: \[s_{i,k} = \begin{cases} 1 & \text{if point $i$ is covered by rectangle $k$}\\ 0 & \text{otherwise}\end{cases}\] The resulting model is \[\begin{align} \min& \sum_k x_k \mathit{area}_k\\ & \sum_k x_k=5\\ & \sum_k s_{i,k} x_k \ge 1&& \forall i \\ & x_k \in \{0,1\} \end{align}\] This is now a very large, but very easy linear MIP model.
- As we generate all rectangles in advance, we can also calculate the area (or volume) in advance. That explains why the model becomes linear.
- Note that the horizontal pair of points \(x_1,x_2\) can be identical to the vertical pair \(y_1,y_2\). They are drawn independently.
- We did not generate rectangles with just a single point. We can easily add them.
- When generating two "horizontal" points \(x_1, x_2\) and two "vertical" points \(y_1,y_2\), one or more of the points may be outside the resulting box. We can just drop that candidate rectangle. See the picture below. Note that elsewhere in the generation process we will form the rectangle: \(y_1,x_2\) in the \(x\) direction and \(x_1,y_1\) in the \(y\) direction.
- So: we generated more rectangles than needed if we did not drop cases like in the previous bullet. A little bit more logic is needed to prevent these unneeded rectangles. Note this will not change the solution. We just will generate a smaller model.
- I think if you do this right, then just 50,658 rectangles will be generated. This means we could discard 96.6% of the candidate rectangles!
- This can be extended to larger dimensions. I expect the total number of possible boxes can become very large, very quickly.
This candidate rectangle is dropped from consideration. |
- How can I find k minimum bounding rectangles to enclose all the given points?,
- Non-convex Quadratic Models,
Alternatively, you can model the problem linearly as a cardinality-constrained set covering problem, as follows. Let R be the set of all possible rectangles with a grid point on each boundary. Here, |R| = (50 choose 2)^2 = 1,500,625. For r in R, let binary variable U(r) indicate whether rectangle r is used. The objective is to minimize the total area sum {r in R} area(r) * U(r). The cardinality constraint is sum {r in R} U(r) = 5. The cover constraint for each point i is sum {r in R: i in R} U(r) >= 1. This formulation avoids the symmetry issue, and the resulting optimal solution matches yours.
ReplyDeleteGreat idea. I think the number of rectangle is not 100% correct. We miss rectangles with a single point. Also some rectangles may not be of value, because one of the two "y" points (or both) may be outside the "x" window. And vice versa.
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DeleteYes, you can omit any rectangles that do not contain any points. In that case, I get 1,342,573 nonempty rectangles; I don't understand how to get 50,658. You can also allow side length 0, in which case I get 1,386,723 nonempty but possibly 0 area rectangles.
DeleteYes, I confirm 50,658 rectangles now, including those with 0 area. I wrote "with a grid point on each boundary" but had not checked this condition.
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DeleteFor the 3D instance, I get 6039 useful boxes.
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