Single Solution Model
- a row
- a column
- a diagonal
- an anti-diagonal
n-Queens Problem |
---- 73 VARIABLE x.L placement of queens a b c d e f g h 8 1 7 1 6 1 5 1 4 1 3 1 2 1 1 1
Enumerate all solutions
So, here, they explicitly say to use SolnPoolAGap=0. My claim is that this makes it possible to miss solutions. This also means we really are talking about a Cplex bug here: it does not work as advertised.
"The author is losing solutions because Cplex does smart branching." This is nonsense, in my opinion. So, if I had used "dumb branching" (whatever that means), would things have improved? Note that the Cplex documentation has no option for selecting or unselecting "smart branching." That term is never used. Implementing a custom branching strategy for this model is, of course, for the birds.
- Chess and solution pool,
- How to enumerate all solutions.
Appendix: GAMS model
n-queens problem with Cplex solution pool we should get 92 solutions with Cplex options threads=1 and SolnPoolAGap=0 we find 91 solutions (instead of 92)
Erwin Kalvelagen
*-------------------------------------------------------------------- * basic sets *--------------------------------------------------------------------
Sets i 'rows' /8*1/ j 'columns' /a*h/ kd 'diagonals have i-j=k for k=-6..6' /'-6'*'-1',0*6/ kad 'anti-diagonals have i+j=k for k=3..15' /3*15/ ;
*-------------------------------------------------------------------- * describe diagonals and anti-diagonals *--------------------------------------------------------------------
sets diag(i,j,kd) 'diagonals' antidiag(i,j,kad) 'anti-diagonals' ; diag(i,j,kd) = i.val - ord(j) = kd.val; antidiag(i,j,kad) = i.val + ord(j) = kad.val;
option diag:0:0:8, antidiag:0:0:8; display diag, antidiag;
*-------------------------------------------------------------------- * model *--------------------------------------------------------------------
binary variable x(i,j) 'placement of queens'; variable numqueens 'number of queens we can place';
equations obj "objective: place as many queens as we can" row(i) "don't place two queens in same row" column(j) "don't place two queens in same column" diagonal(kd) "don't place two queens on the same diagonal" antidiagonal(kad) "don't place two queens on the same anti-diagonal" ;
obj.. numqueens =e= sum((i,j),x(i,j));
row(i).. sum(j, x(i,j)) =l= 1; column(j).. sum(i, x(i,j)) =l= 1;
diagonal(kd).. sum(diag(i,j,kd),x(i,j)) =l= 1; antidiagonal(kad).. sum(antidiag(i,j,kad),x(i,j)) =l= 1;
model queens /all/;
*-------------------------------------------------------------------- * find a single solution *--------------------------------------------------------------------
option mip=cplex; solve queens maximizing numqueens using mip;
option numqueens:0,x:0; display "----- Single Solution --------------------", numqueens.l,x.l "------------------------------------------"; ;
*-------------------------------------------------------------------- * find all solutions using the Cplex solution pool * note: threads=1 and SolnPoolAGap=0 gives 91 solutions (instead of 92) *--------------------------------------------------------------------
$set gdx allsols.gdx
$onecho > cplex.opt SolnPoolAGap=0.1 solnpoolintensity=4 solnpoolpop=2 populatelim=100000 solnpoolmerge=%gdx%
*to reproduce Cplex tolerance issue use: *SolnPoolAGap=0 *threads=1 $offecho
queens.optfile=1; solve queens maximizing numqueens using mip;
* if all is ok we'll see: * --- Dumping 92 solutions from the solution pool...
*-------------------------------------------------------------------- * load all solutions *--------------------------------------------------------------------
Sets index0'register elements' /soln_queens_p1*soln_queens_p100/ index(index0) ;
parameter allsols(index0,i,j);
execute_load "%gdx%" index,allsols=x; display index;
*-------------------------------------------------------------------- * plot all solutions *--------------------------------------------------------------------
$set html allsolutions.html
scalar tablecolnum 'column counter' /1/ solnum 'solution counter' /1/ posx 'x position' posy 'y position' iswhite 'square is white if i+j=even' ;
file f /%html%/; put f;
put '<h1>n-Queens Problem</h1>'/; put '<p>Place as many queens as possible on a standard 8×8 chess board such that they ' "don't attack each other. Show all possible optimal solutions.</p>"/;
put '<table>'/; put '<tr>'/;
loop(index, put '<td>'/; put '<svg height="200" width="250" viewbox="0 0 9 9">'/;
* * column headers (a,b,c,...) *
loop(i, posy = 0.5+ord(i); put '<text x="0.5" y="',posy:0:1, '" dominant-baseline="middle" text-anchor="middle" stroke="black" stroke-width="0.01" fill="black" font-size="1">',, '</text>'/; );
* * row labels (8,7,6,...) * loop(j, posx = 0.5+ord(j); put '<text x="',posx:0:1, '" y="0.5" dominant-baseline="middle" text-anchor="middle" stroke="black" stroke-width="0.01" fill="black" font-size="1">',, '</text>'/; );
* * black/white board * black squares are painted light blue * loop((i,j), iswhite = (ord(i)+ord(j))/2 <> floor((ord(i)+ord(j))/2); put '<rect x="',ord(j):0:0,'" y="',ord(i):0:0,'" width="1" height="1" '; put$(iswhite=1) 'fill="white" '; put$(iswhite=0) 'fill="lightblue" '; put 'stroke-width="0.01" stroke="black" />'/; );
loop((i,j)$(allsols(index,i,j)>0.5), posx = 0.5+ord(j); posy = 0.9+ord(i); put '<text x="',posx:0:1,'" y="',posy:0:1,'" ' 'text-anchor="middle" stroke="black" ' 'stroke-width="0.01" fill="black" font-size="1">♕</text>'/; ); put '</svg><br><div style="text-align: center;">Solution:',solnum:0:0,' of ',card(index):0:0,'</div></td>'/;
if (tablecolnum=8 and solnum<card(index), tablecolnum = 0; put '</tr><tr>'/; ); tablecolnum=tablecolnum+1; solnum=solnum+1; ); put '</tr></table>'/;
executetool 'win32.ShellExecute "%html%"';
I had to make a similar allowance while using the CPLEX pool. When looking for objective function values 0.00 +/- 0.01 I had to set the absgap option to 0.015 otherwise a result with objective of 0.0099999999998985345 would be included but 0.010000000000012221 would be excluded. CPLEX usually handles floating point precision issues very well, but not in this situation. See
ReplyDeleteI think my case is stronger as Cplex docs explicitly state that optimal integer solutions should be enumerated with SolnPoolAGap=0.0.