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Monday, April 8, 2019

Generating Pareto optimal points (part 2)

In [1] a small multi-objective problem was described. In part 1 of this post [2], I showed how we generate the set of Pareto optimal solutions using a complete enumeration scheme.

Summary of the problem

We want to find all Pareto optimal solutions (i.e. non-dominated solutions) consisting of a set of items (rows in the table below). We have the following data:

----     42 PARAMETER data  %%% data set with 12 items

               cost       hours      people

Rome           1000           5           5
Venice          200           1          10
Torin           500           3           2
Genova          700           7           8
Rome2          1020           5           6
Venice2         220           1          10
Torin2          520           3           2
Genova2         720           7           4
Rome3          1050           5           5
Venice3         250           1           8
Torin3          550           3           8
Genova3         750           7           8

We want to optimize the following objectives:

  1. Maximize number of items selected
  2. Minimize total cost
  3. Minimize total hours
  4. Minimize total number of people needed
In addition we have a number of simple bound constraints:
  1. The total cost can not exceed $10000
  2. The total number of hours we can spend is limited to 100
  3. There are only 50 people available

Non-dominated solutions.

We say that when comparing two feasible solution points a and b, a dominates b if:

  • All the objectives of a are better or equal to the objectives of b and
  • for one objective k we have fk(a) is strictly better than fk(b).
This means a does not dominate b if fk(b) is strictly better than fk(a) in one objective k. Or if all objectives are the same.


The idea is to generate MIP solutions that have a preference to go to the efficient frontier using some weights, and then add constraints that say: we should be better in at least one objective. I.e. suppose we have collected already solutions (ˉxi,s,ˉfk,s) in previous cycles s, then we require:δk,s=1fk is better than ˉfk,skδk,s1sδk,s{0,1} I.e. our new solution is not dominated by previous record solutions. 

This approach is documented in [3].

Note: I think we are just handwaving a bit about the possibility two solutions with all the same objectives: these are also non-dominated. For our problem this turns out not to be an issue.

Approach 2: MIP models with non-dominated constraints

In this part I will show the GAMS code, that implements this.

2.1 Organize the data

We need to specify the problem data:

'items' /Rome,Venice,Torin,Genova,Rome2,Venice2,
Torin2,Genova2,Rome3,Venice3,Torin3,Genova3 /
'objectives' /cost,hours,people,items/

table data(i,k)
cost   hours  people
Rome     1000    5       5
Venice    200    1      10
Torin     500    3       2
Genova    700    7       8
Rome2    1020    5       6
Venice2   220    1      10
Torin2    520    3       2
Genova2   720    7       4
Rome3    1050    5       5
Venice3   250    1       8
Torin3    550    3       8
Genova3   750    7       8
'items') = 1;

parameter UpperLimit(k) /
cost 10000
hours  100
people  50
* if zero or not listed use INF
upperLimit(k)$(UpperLimit(k)=0) =

parameter sign(k) 'sign: +1:min, -1:max' /
(cost,hours,people) +1
items               -1

2.2 Form Box

I will implement the implications as big-M constraints. This means we want to have small values for our big-M's. To obtain these it is useful to form tight bounds on the objectives fk.

* Basic Model

parameter c(k) 'objective coefficient';

variable z 'total single obj';
positive variable f(k) 'obj values';
binary variable x(i) 'select item'

'scalarized objective'

scalobj.. z =e=
sum(k, c(k)*f(k));
objs(k)..  f(k) =e=
sum(i, data(i,k)*x(i));

* some objs have an upper limit
f.up(k) = upperLimit(k);

option optcr=0,limrow=0,limcol=0,solprint=silent,solvelink=5;

* find lower and upper limits of each objective

model m0 'initial model to find box' /all/;

parameter fbox(k,*) 'new bounds on objectives';

  c(obj) = 1;
solve m0 minimizing z using mip;
'min') = z.l;
solve m0 maximizing z using mip;
'max') = z.l;
  c(obj) = 0;

display upperLimit,fbox;

* range = max - min
'range') = fbox(k,'max')-fbox(k,'min');

* tighten objectives
f.lo(k) = fbox(k,
f.up(k) = fbox(k,

The first part is just the linear model: we have a scalarizing objective function, and the linear constraint that calculates the objectives fk.

In the second part we perform a loop, where we both minimize and maximize each fk.

It is interesting to see the differences between the implicit bounds we calculated here and the original constraints:

----     81 PARAMETER UpperLimit  

cost   10000.000,    hours    100.000,    people    50.000,    items       +INF

----     81 PARAMETER fbox  new bounds on objectives


cost      6810.000
hours       45.000
people      50.000
items        9.000

We first observe that all lower bounds stay at zero. Actually a solution with xi=fk=0 is a feasible and even non-dominated solution. However, on the upper bounds we did a really good job. These upper bounds were tightened significantly.

2.3 MOIP algorithm

* MOIP algorithm

'found solutions'

binary variable delta(maxsols,k) 'count solutions that are better';


'big-M values'

M(k) = fbox(k,
scalar tol 'tolerance: improve obj by this much' /1/;

* initialize
solstore(maxsols,i) = 0;

nondominated1(sols,k)$(sign(k)=+1).. f(k) =l= solstore(sols,k)-tol + (M(k)+tol)*(1-delta(sols,k));
nondominated2(sols,k)$(sign(k)=-1).. f(k) =g= solstore(sols,k)+tol - (M(k)+tol)*(1-delta(sols,k));
sum(k, delta(sols,k)) =g= 1;
sum(i, (2*solstore(sols,i)-1)*x(i)) =l= sum(i,solstore(sols,i)) - 1;

* initialize to empty set
sols(maxsols) =

* set weights to 1 (adapt for min/max)
c(k) = sign(k);

scalar ok /1/;

model m1 /all/;

solve m1 minimizing z using mip;

* optimal or integer solution found?
   ok = 1$(m1.modelstat=1
or m1.modelstat=8);

     sols(maxsols) =
     solstore(maxsols,k) = round(f.l(k));
     solstore(maxsols,i) = round(x.l(i));

display solstore;

In this algorithm we look for up to 1000 solutions. We implemented the constraints that make sure fk is not-dominated by earlier solutions, and we use an objective that guides the solver towards the efficient frontier. In addition, for no good reason, I also added a constraint that works on the x space: forbid previously found integer solutions.

Note that in each cycle the MIP problem becomes bigger:

  • we add non-dominated constraints
  • we add an integer cut
  • we add binary variables δs,k related to the non-dominated constraints.

2.4 Solution

This gives the same 83 solutions as we found in [2].

(Solution 0 with all zeroes is not printed here).


  1. Best Combination Algorithm of Complex Data with Multiple Constraints,
  2. Generating Pareto optimal points (part 1),
  3. John Sylva, Alejandro Crema: "A method for finding the set of non-dominated vectors for multiple objective integer linear programs", EJOR 158 (2004), 46-55.

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