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Saturday, April 6, 2019

Generating Pareto optimal points (part 1)


This is a multi-objective (a.k.a. multi-criteria) problem. We are asked to find all Pareto optimal solutions (i.e. non-dominated solutions) consisting of a set of items [1]. We have the following data:

----     42 PARAMETER data  %%% data set with 12 items

               cost       hours      people

Rome           1000           5           5
Venice          200           1          10
Torin           500           3           2
Genova          700           7           8
Rome2          1020           5           6
Venice2         220           1          10
Torin2          520           3           2
Genova2         720           7           4
Rome3          1050           5           5
Venice3         250           1           8
Torin3          550           3           8
Genova3         750           7           8

We want to optimize the following objectives:

  1. Maximize number of items selected
  2. Minimize total cost
  3. Minimize total hours
  4. Minimize total number of people needed
In addition we have a number of simple bound constraints:
  1. The total cost can not exceed $10000
  2. The total number of hours we can spend is limited to 100
  3. There are only 50 people available

Vilfredo Pareto [2]

Approach 1: complete enumeration

This is a small data set with 12 items. This means we have only 212=4,096 possible combinations. Some of these represent infeasible solutions. Let's have a look.

In the next paragraphs I will show a GAMS program without a model: no variables and no constraints and no solve statement. I will use some less familiar GAMS constructs to (1) enumerate all possible solutions and (2) to filter out dominated solutions. I will take small steps, because of the high level of exotisism of these GAMS steps.

1.1 Generating all combinations

GAMS has a tool to generate a power set (the set of all sub sets). We can use this to generate all possible combinations.

'items' /Rome,Venice,Torin,Genova,Rome2,Venice2,
Torin2,Genova2,Rome3,Venice3,Torin3,Genova3 /
'objectives' /cost,hours,people,items/
'solution points' /s1*s4096/

* check if set s is large enough
scalar size 'size needed for set s';
size = 2**
abort$(card(s)'set s is too small',size;

* generate all combinations
'used in next set' /no,yes/
/ system.powersetRight /
'power set'
ps(s,i) = ps0(s,i,
display ps;

The unusual construct system.powersetRight will populate set ps0 with information about the power set. I hardly ever use the Power Set, but there is a well-known formulation for the TSP (Traveling Salesman Problem), that can use this [3]. The generated set ps0 looks like (I pivoted things around to make the table a bit more readable):

ps0 with second index pivoted
This has a little bit more info than we need: we only need the "yes" rows. This "yes"-only part is stored in set ps. It looks like:

Set ps
It looks like we are missing solution s1 here. That is because GAMS stores everything sparse. A row without any Y elements is just not stored. The bottom of set ps looks like:

Bottom of set ps
Indeed we have all 4096 solutions (well, except for that funny first row).

1.2 Form our X parameters

With this we can form our xs,i{0,1} parameter. We want a 0-1 parameter for two reasons: we want numerical values to evaluate our objectives, and we need this parameter later on to use a filter tool.

* make a parameter out of this
parameter x(s,i) 'solutions';
x(s,i) = ps(s,i);
* make sure row 1 exists: introduce an EPS
ord(s)=1 and ord(i)=1) = eps;
display x;

A trick to make the row not disappear is to insert an EPS value. An EPS value is like a zero when operated upon. But it exists: GAMS will no longer assume the whole row does not exist. 

Parameter x with EPS value

1.3 Form the F values

Now we have all possible solutions in the x space, we can start calculating the f values: the objectives. 

table data(i,k) '### data set with 12 items'
cost   hours  people
Rome     1000    5       5
Venice    200    1      10
Torin     500    3       2
Genova    700    7       8
Rome2    1020    5       6
Venice2   220    1      10
Torin2    520    3       2
Genova2   720    7       4
Rome3    1050    5       5
Venice3   250    1       8
Torin3    550    3       8
Genova3   750    7       8
'items') = 1;

parameter f(s,k) 'objective values';
f(s,k) =
sum(i, data(i,k)*x(s,i));
display f;

First we need to introduce our data. One objective is missing from the columns: the items. This is simply a column with ones: each item counts as one. With this we can calculate all f values in one swoop. The display output looks like:

----     56 PARAMETER f  objective values

             cost       hours      people       items

s1            EPS         EPS         EPS         EPS
s2        750.000       7.000       8.000       1.000
s3        550.000       3.000       8.000       1.000
s4       1300.000      10.000      16.000       2.000
s5        250.000       1.000       8.000       1.000
s6       1000.000       8.000      16.000       2.000
s7        800.000       4.000      16.000       2.000
s8       1550.000      11.000      24.000       3.000
s9       1050.000       5.000       5.000       1.000
s10      1800.000      12.000      13.000       2.000

. . . 

s4089    5930.000      37.000      52.000       9.000
s4090    6680.000      44.000      60.000      10.000
s4091    6480.000      40.000      60.000      10.000
s4092    7230.000      47.000      68.000      11.000
s4093    6180.000      38.000      60.000      10.000
s4094    6930.000      45.000      68.000      11.000
s4095    6730.000      41.000      68.000      11.000
s4096    7480.000      48.000      76.000      12.000

I only show the head and the tail of the display here. As we can see, some objective values violate the constraints. E.g. the last solution s4096, needs 76 people while we only have 50 available.

1.4 Constraint handling

We need to remove all solutions that violate the constraints. This can be done as follows:

parameter UpperLimit(k) 'bounds'/
cost 10000
hours  100
people  50
upperlimit(k)$(upperlimit(k)=0) =

set infeas(s) 'infeasible solutions';
infeas(s) =

scalar numfeas 'number of feasible solutions';
numfeas =
display numfeas;

* kill solutions that are not feasible
x(infeas,i) = 0;
f(infeas,k) = 0;

This code removes all infeasible solutions from x and f. Note that assigning a zero makes the corresponding records disappear: this is because GAMS stores everything sparse. The display shows:

----     71 PARAMETER numfeas              =     3473.000  number of feasible solutions

1.5 Filter out dominated solutions

In the result set there are quite a few dominated solutions. A solution f1 dominates f2 if:

  1. All objectives are better or equal
  2. There is one objective which is strictly better
Looking again at some of our solutions

----     87 PARAMETER f  objective values

             cost       hours      people       items

s1            EPS         EPS         EPS         EPS
s2        750.000       7.000       8.000       1.000
s3        550.000       3.000       8.000       1.000
s4       1300.000      10.000      16.000       2.000
s5        250.000       1.000       8.000       1.000
s6       1000.000       8.000      16.000       2.000
s7        800.000       4.000      16.000       2.000

we see that for this small subset

  • s1 is non dominated 
  • s5 dominates s2 and s3
  • s7 dominates s4 and s6
Remember we are minimizing cost, hours and people while maximizing items. 

GAMS has a tool to filter large data sets, call mcfilter.

No input file specified

Usage: mcfilter xxx.gdx

mcfilter will remove duplicate and dominated points in a
multi-criteria solution set.

The input is a gdx file with the following data:
   parameter X(point, i):   Points containing binary values.
                            If all zero for a point, use EPS.
   parameter F(point, obj): Objectives for the points X.
                            If all zero for a point, use EPS.
   parameter S(obj):        Direction of each objective: 1=max,-1=min
The output will be a gdx file called xxx_res.gdx with the same parameters
but without duplicates and dominated points.


The X and the F parameters conform to our parameters. So the only thing to add are the signs of the objectives.

parameter sign(k) 'sign: -1:min, +1:max' /
(cost,hours,people) -1
items               +1

execute_unload "feassols",x,f,sign=s;
execute "mcfilter feassols.gdx";

We see:

mcfilter v3.
Number of records     =     3473
Number of X variables =       12
Number of F variables =        4
Loading GDX data      =       15 ms
After X Filter, count =     3473
X Duplicate filter    =        0 ms
After F Filter, count =       83
F Dominance filter    =        0 ms
Writing GDX data      =        0 ms

There are 83 non-dominated or Pareto optimal solutions.

The final Pareto set looks like:

Non-dominated solutions

I list here the x values and the f values. As can be expected, a solution with all xi=0 is part of the Pareto set: doing nothing is very cheap; no other solution can beat this on price. Interestingly, project Genova3 is never selected.

Approach 2: use a series of MIP models

There is another way to generate these 83 points: use a MIP model. Or rather a series of MIP models. We use an algorithm like:

  1. Generate an optimal MIP solution. If infeasible: STOP.
  2. Add constraints: new solutions must be better in one objective
  3. Go to step 1.
This approach will be shown in part 2.


We have described a small multi-objective problem. We established that:
  • There are 4096 total combinations possible.
  • After removing the infeasible solutions, there are 3473 solutions left.
  • After removing the dominated solution, we are left with 83 Pareto optimal solutions. 
We used some less well-known GAMS tools in our script: a power set generator and a multi-criteria filter.



  1. Dear Mr. Kalvelagen, I just want to thank you for your sharing. As a senior ChE student, I have been working on MOMILP for my graduation project, so your solution caught my attention. I’m looking forward to seeing the Approach 2. Best regards from Istanbul

  2. Just because I did my PhD on it: there is a third (not very well known approach): you can solve the optimization problem parametrically (i.e. as a function of the weights/epsilons in your MO formulation. Here a couple of papers:

    [0]: General multi-parametric programming intro - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0263876216303276
    [1]: Multi-objective optimization using multi-parametric programming - https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0098135415003269
    [2]: Multi-parametric programming using binary parameters - https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10898-016-0463-z

    But to be honest, it won't scale very well most likely, there are only implementations in MATLAB for multi-parametric programming solvers. So it's basically a curiosity :-)
