The optimization toolbox of Matlab does not contain an MIQP (Mixed Integer Quadratic Programming) solver. So when they discuss a cardinality constrained portfolio problem (this means only a certain number of assets can be in the portfolio), an interesting cutting plane technique is used instead. This method will solve a series of linear MIP models instead of attacking the MIQP model directly.
Let’s first formulate the problem as proper MIQP model. First here is how the data is prepared:
Quadratic Data Trick
The main deviation from the original model is that we don’t store the variance-covariance matrix Q as a full dense matrix but as an upper-triangular matrix (it includes the diagonal). We multiply the off-diagonal elements by two, so that the expression ∑i,jxiQi,jxj will yield exactly the same result for any x. Basically we replace expressions like x1Q1,2x2+x2Q2,1x1 by 2x1Q1,2x2. The sole purpose of this trick is to have fewer non-zero elements in the quadratic form xTQx. This really can help for larger problems (this looks mainly a GAMS problem: GAMS is slower in generating the model when the nonzero count of the Q matrix increases; it does not make much difference for the QP solver).
The model itself looks like:
MIQP Model
Modeling trick
In the original model the variable K was not present and the min- and max-fraction constraints were formulated as:
This duplicates a summation. Our formulation adds a single variable (with a lower- and upper-bound) but we get rid of an equation that includes a summation. As a result we reduce the number of non-zero elements in the constraint matrix.
Cutting Plane Algorithm
In the cutting plane method we replace the quadratic objective
where K is the current iteration or cycle, and x∗k is the optimal MIP solution from the k-th iteration. This is essentially a Taylor approximation.
minλy−∑iμixiy≥−x∗kTQx∗k+2x∗kTQxfor k=1,...,K−1
Here is our version of the algorithm:
In this second model we replaced the original objective by the new linear objective and the cuts. The equation cut is indexed by a dynamic set cuts that grows during the iteration loop. We start the iteration scheme with an empty set cuts. Note that in the calculation of β we changed the expression from 2x∗kTQ to x∗kT(Q+QT). This is to compensate for the upper-triangularization trick we used before.
The results are:
miqp 0.036039
iter1 -0.002430
iter2 0.013922
iter3 0.025362
iter4 0.034862
iter5 0.035138
iter6 0.035646
iter7 0.035731
iter8 0.035776
iter9 0.035790
iter10 0.035828
We see the objectives converge towards the optimal MIQP objective.
- Mathworks, Mixed-Integer Quadratic Programming Portfolio Optimization.
- J. E. Kelley, Jr. "The Cutting-Plane Method for Solving Convex Programs." J. Soc. Indust. Appl. Math. Vol. 8, No. 4, pp. 703-712, December, 1960.