Maximum entropy estimation has become an important tool when few observations are available. Some references are:
- Amos Golan, George G. Judge, and Douglas Miller, Maximum Entropy Econometrics: Robust Estimation with Limited Data Wiley, 1996
- Channing Arndt, Sherman Robinson, and Finn Tarp, Parameter Estimation for a Computable General Equilibrium Model: A Maximum Entropy Approach
- Erwin Kalvelagen, Least Squares Calculations with GAMS section 6
- Randall C. Campbell and R. Carter Hill, Maximum Entropy Estimation in Economic Models with Linear Inequality Restrictions, Tech. Report 2001-11, Louisiana State University, Department of Economics, 2001.
Confidence intervals can be formed using the bootstrap or resampling approach. The percentile method is used to estimate the confidence intervals. The model below illustrates how this can be implemented in GAMS.
Bootstrap GME model
Copyright 2007 Erwin Kalvelagen, Amsterdam Optimization
[1] Maximum entropy estimation in economic models with linear
inequality restrictions, Randall C. Campbell, R. Carter Hill
Department of Economics, Louisiana State University,
Baton Rouge, LA 70803,USA, 2001
[2] Ramanathan, R., 2002. Introductory econometrics with applications
(Harcourt College Publishers, Fort Worth).
[3] Bardley Efron, Robert J. Tibshirani, "An Introduction to the Bootstrap",
Chapman & Hall, 1993
bootstrap-gme.gms -- gams file -- data file (optional) -- file with quantiles for Student t distribution
set i /case1*case116/
k0 /
constant 'constant term in regression'
povrate 'poverty level'
urb 'not used'
famsize 'average household size'
unemp 'percentage unemployment rate'
highschl 'percentage of population age 25 and over with high school degree only'
college 'percentage of population age 25 and over that completed 4 or more years of college'
medinc 'median household income'
D90 'dummy: one for the 1990 Census and zero for the 1980 Census'
k1(k0) 'data used' /povrate,famsize,unemp,highschl,college,medinc,D90/
* input data from Ramanthan (2002, Data 7-6, p. 653)
table data(i,k0) '-- input data from Ramanthan [2] (2002, Data 7-6, p. 653)'
display data;
* critical values t distribution
* this table is available from
* if not available you can use a normal approximation
$if exist $include
$if defined tc $goto tcok
* we have no access to so we use a normal approximation
set prob /p1,p2,p3,p4,p5,p6/;
parameter probval(prob) /
p1 0.10, p2 0.05, p3 0.025, p4 0.01, p5 0.005, p6 0.001
parameter qnorm(prob) /
p1 1.281552, p2 1.644854, p3 1.959964, p4 2.326348, p5 2.575829, p6 3.090232
$label tcok
* create some summary statistics
parameter summary(k1,*) '-- summary statistics (table 1 in [1])';
summary(k1,'mean') = sum(i,data(i,k1))/card(i);
summary(k1,'min') = smin(i,data(i,k1));
summary(k1,'max') = smax(i,data(i,k1));
summary(k1,'stdev') = sqrt[sum(i,sqr[data(i,k1)-summary(k1,'mean')])/(card(i)-1)];
summary(k1,'coeffvar') = summary(k1,'stdev')/summary(k1,'mean');
display summary;
* linear regression using OLS
set k(k0) 'regression coefficients'
data(i,'constant') = 1;
beta(k) 'regression coefficients'
sse 'sum of squared errors'
dummyobj 'dummy objective'
fit(i) 'fit linear equations'
dummyobj.. sse =n= 0;
fit(i).. data(i,'povrate') =e= sum(k, beta(k)*data(i,k));
model ols /dummyobj,fit/;
option lp=ls;
ols.limrow = 0;
ols.limcol = 0;
ols.solprint = 0;
solve ols using lp minimizing sse;
* Note: compare OLS results to page 8 in [1]
parameter estim(k,*,*) 'estimates';
estim(k,'OLS','-') = beta.l(k);
* Calculate OLS confidence intervals
parameter ols_se(k) 'standard errors';
ols_se(k) = beta.m(k);
display ols_se;
set ival 'confidence interval' /lo,up/;
scalar ndf 'degrees of freedom';
ndf = card(i) - card(k);
scalar alpha 'significance level' /0.025/;
scalar qt 'critical value';
$if defined tc qt = sum((df,prob)$(dfval(df)=ndf and probval(prob)=0.025), tc(df,prob));
$if not defined tc abort$(ndf<30) "Normal approximation not valid";
$if not defined tc qt = sum(prob$(probval(prob)=0.025), qnorm(prob));
display ndf,alpha,qt;
parameter ols_conf_ival(k,ival);
ols_conf_ival(k,'lo') = beta.l(k) - qt*ols_se(k);
ols_conf_ival(k,'up') = beta.l(k) + qt*ols_se(k);
display ols_conf_ival;
* Note: these can also be imported from the GDX file LS.GDX
* See
* GME model
set j 'support points' /j1*j5/;
variables p(k,j), w(i,j);
p.lo(k,j) = 0.0001;
w.lo(i,j) = 0.0001;
entrpy 'entropy'
e(i) 'residuals'
parmsupp(k) 'parameter support'
errsupp(i) 'error support'
normp(k) 'normalize p'
normw(i) 'normalize w'
obj 'maximize entropy'
linear(i) 'linear model'
z(k,j) 'parameter support matrix'
v(i,j) 'error support matrix'
obj.. entrpy =e= -sum((k,j), p(k,j)*log(p(k,j)))-sum((i,j), w(i,j)*log(w(i,j)));
linear(i).. data(i,'povrate') =e= sum(k, beta(k)*data(i,k)) + e(i);
parmsupp(k).. beta(k) =e= sum(j, z(k,j)*p(k,j));
errsupp(i).. e(i) =e= sum(j, v(i,j)*w(i,j));
normp(k).. sum(j, p(k,j)) =e= 1;
normw(i).. sum(j, w(i,j)) =e= 1;
model gme /obj,parmsupp,errsupp,linear,normp,normw/;
* GME model support data
set s 'error support scenarios' / s3, s4 /;
set gmex 'parameter support scenarios' /gme1,gme2,gme3/;
table z_all(gmex,k,j) 'parameter support for GME model'
j1 j2 j3 j4 j5
gme1.constant -50 -25 0 25 50
gme1.famsize -20 -10 0 10 20
gme1.unemp -20 -10 0 10 20
gme1.highschl -20 -10 0 10 20 -20 -10 0 10 20
gme1.medinc -20 -10 0 10 20
gme1.d90 -20 -10 0 10 20
gme2.constant -50 -25 0 25 50
gme2.famsize -10 -5 0 5 10
gme2.unemp -2 -1 0 1 2
gme2.highschl -2 -1 0 1 2 -2 -1 0 1 2
gme2.medinc -10 -5 0 5 10
gme2.d90 -20 -10 0 10 20
gme3.constant -50 -25 0 25 50
gme3.famsize -5 0 5 10 15
gme3.unemp -1 0 1 2 3
gme3.highschl -3 -2 -1 0 1 -3 -2 -1 0 1
gme3.medinc -15 -10 -5 0 5
gme3.d90 -20 -10 0 10 20
table esup_all(s,j) 'error support'
j1 j2 j3 j4 j5
s3 -10 -5.0 0 5.0 10
s4 -13 -6.5 0 6.5 13
display "GME support data",z_all,esup_all;
* run GME scenarios
z(k,j) = z_all(gmex,k,j);
v(i,j) = esup_all(s,j);
solve gme maximizing entrpy using nlp;
* report results
option estim:3:1:2;
display "---------------------------------------------------",
"OLS and GME estimates (table 5 in [1])",
* create bootstrap sample
set nbs 'bootstrap samples' /sample1*sample400/;
parameter random(nbs,i) 'random draws with replacement';
random(nbs,i) = uniformint(1,card(i));
display random;
alias (i,ii);
set srandom(nbs,i,ii) 'as random but now expressed as a set';
srandom(nbs,i,ii)$(ord(ii)=random(nbs,i)) = yes;
display srandom;
* run bootstrap method
parameter newdata(i,k0);
equation linear2(i) 'linear model';
linear2(i).. newdata(i,'povrate') =e= sum(k, beta(k)*newdata(i,k)) + e(i);
model gme2 /obj,parmsupp,errsupp,linear2,normp,normw/;
parameter estim2(nbs,k,s,gmex) 'estimates';
newdata(i,k0) = 0;
newdata(i,k0) = sum(srandom(nbs,i,ii), data(ii,k0));
z(k,j) = z_all(gmex,k,j);
v(i,j) = esup_all(s,j);
solve gme2 maximizing entrpy using nlp;
display estim2;
* calculate bootstrap confidence intervals
* percentile method
* call rank first not from within a loop so declarations can happen
set idummy/a/;
xdummy(idummy) /a 1/
$libinclude rank xdummy idummy rdummy
parameter bconfival2(k,*,*,ival) 'confidence interval percentile method -- table 13 in [1]';
bconfival2(k,'OLS','-',ival) = ols_conf_ival(k,ival);
bb(nbs) 'values to be sorted'
pct(ival) 'percentiles'
r(nbs) 'rank'
bb(nbs) = estim2(nbs,k,s,gmex);
pct('LO') = 2.5;
pct('UP') = 97.5;
$libinclude rank bb nbs r pct
bconfival2(k,s,gmex,ival) = pct(ival);
option bconfival2:3:1:3;
display bconfival2;