Monday, August 12, 2024

Revised Simplex LP Solver written in GAMS

I am teaching some GAMS classes, and a question arose: "How does the Simplex method work?" It's not easy to answer in a few sentences, but I want to touch upon the concept of a basis anyway. Once you have a good intuition of what a basis is, a simple Simplex method is not so far-fetched. I find the tableau presentation somewhat confusing and far removed from what actual Simplex solvers do. I strongly prefer the Revised Simplex Method in matrix notation. 

Minor rant: I just don't understand the appeal of the tableau method. It looks to me like an invention for torturing undergrad students. Most of all, it is not very structure-revealing; it does not help you understand the underlying concepts. But about 100% of the LP textbooks insist we should learn that first.

As a gimmick, I implemented a simplified version in the GAMS language. This reminds me that someone spent the effort writing a Basic interpreter in TeX [1]. This is probably just as useful.


  1. Andrew Marc Greene, BASIX -An Interpreter Written in TeX.  TUGboat, Volume 11 (1990), No. 3-Proceedings of the 1990 Annual Meeting.


Revised Simplex in GAMS



    Revised Simplex Method in GAMS


    basic version




       positive variables x>=0

       <= constraints

       x=0 is feasible






scalar LP



positive variables x1,x2,x3,x4;

variable z;








obj..  z =e= 3*x1+2*x2-x3+x4;

e1..   2*x1+x2 =l= 20;

e2..   x1+x2-x3-x4 =l= 12;

e3..   x4 =l= 2;


model m /all/;

solve m maximizing z using lp;



example of Singleton Set

this concept is used later on


in case of multiple assignment, pick first

option strictSingleton=0;

set s /a,b,c,d/;

alias (s,ss);

parameter vs(s) /a 1, b 2, c 3, d 1/;

singleton set minvs(s);

implementation of arg min

minvs(s) = smin(ss,vs(ss)) = vs(s);

display "singleton set",minvs;




simplex method (simplified)


problem setup




  'columns (including slacks)' /x1*x4,r1*r3/

  i(k) 'rows' /r1*r3/

  j(k) 'columns' /x1*x4/



specify problem in matrix format

add slacks (forming EQ constraints)

convert to minimization

we assume all variables (including slacks are >= 0)

Table problem(*,*) 'includes cost (c) and rhs (b)'

*     ---structural----   --slacks--    

      x1   x2   x3   x4   r1  r2  r3    rhs

c     -3   -2    1   -1  

r1     1    0.5            1            10

r2     2    1   -1   -1        1        12 

r3                    1            1     2



extract data from problem


  c(k) 'cost coefficients'

  rhs(i'right-hand side'

  A(i,k'LP matrix'


c(k) = problem('c',k);

rhs(i) = problem(i,'rhs');

A(i,k) = problem(i,k);

display c,rhs,A;




initial basis



alias (i,ii);



   dummy     'for ordering of display output' /init/

   iter      'max number of iterations' /iter1*iter10/

   basis(k)  'number of elements = number of rows'

   nonbasic(k) 'non-basic variables'

   basmap(i,k'basis mapping i-th basis var = k-th problem var'




   x(k)     'all levels'

   B(i,ii)  'Basis matrix'

   invB(i,ii'basis inverse'

   xb(i)    'values of basic variables'

   cb(i)    'mapped cost'




feasible starting basis

basis(i) = yes;

nonbasic(k) = not basis(k);



* structural variables  = 0

slacks are equal to rhs

x(i) = rhs(i);


initial : unit or all-slack basis

B(i,i) = 1;


initially the unit matrix

invB(i,i) = 1;



basmap(i,i) = yes;


xb(i) = sum(basmap(i,k),x(k));

cb(i) = sum(basmap(i,k),c(k))


parameter trace(*,*);










   itno     'iteration number'

   sigma(k) 'reduced cost'

   minsigma 'min reduced cost of nonbasics'

   opttol   'optimality tolerance' /1e-7/

   transf(i'transformed column invB*A(entering)'

   step(i)   'steps in ratio test'

   minstep   'most limiting step'

   objval    'objective value'



singleton Sets

   enter(k) 'entering variable (non-basic -> basic)'

   leave(i'leaving variable (basic -> non-basic)'






calculate the reduced cost

for basic variables: 0

for nonbasics j: c(j) - cb*invB*A_j

   sigma(basis) = 0;

   sigma(nonbasic) = c(nonbasic)-sum(i,sum(ii,cb(ii)*invB(ii,i))*A(i,nonbasic));



find most negative reduced cost

   minsigma = smin(nonbasic,sigma(nonbasic));

   if(minsigma >= -opttol,

      display trace,"optimal";




entering Variable

* note that enter() is a singleton set,

so we find one single entering variable

   enter(nonbasic) = sigma(nonbasic) = minsigma;


leaving variable

   transf(i) = sum(ii, invB(i,ii)*A(ii,enter));


      display trace,"unbounded";



   step(i) = (xb(i)/transf(i))$(transf(i)>0);

   minstep = smin(i$(transf(i)>0),step(i));

   leave(i) = step(i) = minstep;



basis change bookkeeping

   basis(enter) = yes;

   nonbasic(enter) = no;


      basis(k) = no;

      nonbasic(k) = yes;


   basmap(leave,k) = no;

   basmap(leave,enter) = yes;



      B(i,ii) = A(i,k);



invert from scratch (real simplex solvers are smarter)


   executeTool.checkErrorLevel 'linalg.invert i B invB';


   cb(i) = sum(basmap(i,k),c(k));

   xb(i) = sum(ii,invB(i,ii)*rhs(ii));

   x(k) = sum(basmap(i,k),xb(i));


   objval = sum(icb(i)*xb(i));







The trace log illustrates nicely that we always have m=3 basics:


----    171 PARAMETER trace  

               x1          x2          x3          x4          r1          r2          r3         obj

init                                                       10.000      12.000       2.000
iter1       6.000                                           4.000                   2.000     -18.000
iter2       7.000                               2.000       3.000                             -23.000
iter3                  14.000                   2.000       3.000                             -30.000
iter4                  20.000       6.000       2.000                                         -36.000

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