- We have n items (or orders) with a certain width.
- We need to combine these items in groups (called patterns) with rather tight limits on the total width. The total length of a pattern (the sum of the lengths of the items assigned to this pattern) must be between 335 and 340.
- As a result, we may not be able to assign all items. The remaining items cannot be formed into valid patterns.
- The objective is to try to place as many items as possible into patterns.
- An indication of the size of the problem: n≈500.
Instead of immediately working on a full-known n=500 problem, I generated a random data set with a very manageable n=50 items. The widths were drawn from a discrete uniform distribution between 30 and 300. The data looks like:
---- 15 PARAMETER w item widths order1 76.000, order2 258.000, order3 179.000, order4 111.000, order5 109.000, order6 90.000 order7 124.000, order8 262.000, order9 48.000, order10 165.000, order11 300.000, order12 186.000 order13 298.000, order14 236.000, order15 65.000, order16 203.000, order17 73.000, order18 97.000 order19 211.000, order20 147.000, order21 127.000, order22 125.000, order23 65.000, order24 70.000 order25 189.000, order26 255.000, order27 92.000, order28 210.000, order29 240.000, order30 112.000 order31 59.000, order32 166.000, order33 73.000, order34 266.000, order35 101.000, order36 107.000 order37 190.000, order38 225.000, order39 200.000, order40 155.000, order41 142.000, order42 61.000 order43 115.000, order44 42.000, order45 121.000, order46 79.000, order47 204.000, order48 181.000 order49 238.000, order50 110.000
I stick to the pattern limits L=335 and U=340.
We need some estimate of the number of patterns to use. We could just guess. But a better approach is the following. An upper bound for the number patterns can be established quite easily: maxj=⌊∑iwiL⌋ For our data set this number is:
---- 29 PARAMETER maxj = 22.000 max number of patterns we can fill
This means we can safely use this number as the number of bins (patterns).
MIP Formulations
In [1], the following MIP model is proposed:
MIP Model M1: original formulation |
max |
Here \color{darkred}x_{i,j}\in \{0,1\} indicates if order i is assigned to pattern j. The binary variable \color{darkred}p_j \in \{0,1\} tells us if pattern j is used or left empty. This model is correct, but I don't really like the duplication of expressions in the last two constraints.
In general, I would prefer a sparse version of this model:
MIP Model M2: sparse formulation |
\begin{align}\max&\sum_{i,j} \color{darkred}x_{i,j} \\ & \sum_j \color{darkred}x_{i,j} \le 1 &&\forall i \\ & \color{darkred}{pw}_j = \sum_i \color{darkblue}w_i \cdot \color{darkred}x_{i,j} &&\forall j \\ & \color{darkred}{pw}_j \ge \color{darkblue}L \cdot \color{darkred}p_j&&\forall j\\ &\color{darkred}{pw}_j \le \color{darkblue}U \cdot \color{darkred}p_j&&\forall j\\ & \color{darkred}x_{i,j} \in \{0,1\}\\ & \color{darkred}p_j \in \{0,1\} \\ & \color{darkred}{pw}_j \in [0,\color{darkblue}U]\end{align} |
This formulation will increase the number of constraints, and it adds a number of continuous variables. But in exchange, we have fewer non-zero elements in the matrix. I would hope that, as the problem is sparser, we can execute more Simplex iterations per unit of time and thus evaluate more branch & bound nodes (per unit of time).
Another formulation is using semi-continuous variables. This directly tells the solver that a variable can assume values: zero or between a lower- and upper-bound. This would eliminate the need for the binary variables \color{darkred}p_j in the previous model.
MIP Model M3: semi-continuous formulation |
\begin{align}\max&\sum_{i,j} \color{darkred}x_{i,j} \\ & \sum_j \color{darkred}x_{i,j} \le 1 &&\forall i \\ & \color{darkred}{psc}_j = \sum_i \color{darkblue}w_i \cdot \color{darkred}x_{i,j} && \forall j\\ & \color{darkred}x_{i,j} \in \{0,1\}\\ & \color{darkred}{psc}_j \in \{0\} \cup [\color{darkblue}L,\color{darkblue}U] \end{align} |
Further variations are:
- Adding a symmetry-breaking ordering constraint: \color{darkred}{psc}_j \ge \color{darkred}{psc}_{j+1} or depending on the formulation \color{darkred}{pw}_j \ge \color{darkred}{pw}_{j+1}This will reduce the size of the feasible region, but it also makes it more difficult to find integer feasible solutions. Sometimes, such a constraint is very beneficial (but not always). For our model, this seems to cause way more harm than good.
- Add some branching priorities so that we branch on large items first. This is approximately how we would approach things when doing it by hand: first place the big items and then worry about the smaller ones. Usually, I am not able to beat the solver by setting my own branching order, but in this case, it seems to help.
When looking at some results, using a time limit of 1000 seconds, we see:
---- 156 PARAMETER report performance statistics Original Sparse Sp+Prior SC+Prior Sp+Order Variables 1123 1145 1145 1123 1145 discrete 1122 1122 1122 1122 1122 Equations 95 117 117 73 138 Nonzeros 4445 3411 3411 3323 3453 Status IntFeas IntFeas Optimal IntFeas IntFeas Objective 44 44 44 44 35 Best bound 45 48 44 46 48 Time 1000 1003 70 1007 1004 Nodes 5534952 2711568 565030 3909796 775504 Iterations 214185798 232199570 14068906 195942501 46981242
This table indicates that the Sparse+Priorities formulation is a good candidate to work with. All methods, expect one, find the optimal solution, but only one is able to prove global optimality within 1,000 seconds.
Looking at the solution for the 'Sp+Prior' column, we see that 44 of the 50 items could be assigned. The number of patterns used in that solution was 18 (our bound for this number was 22).
A little bit of a haphazard picture:
The y-axis represents patterns and unassigned orders. The x-axis shows the widths. The first 6 lines are unassigned orders. Below are the patterns that fit. The picture illustrates how narrow the band is for the total lengths of patterns. Not much wiggle room there.
The big enchilada
Now let's circle back to the original question. We want to solve this with n=500 orders. Let's be brave and form a data set:
---- 16 PARAMETER w item widths order1 76.000, order2 258.000, order3 179.000, order4 111.000, order5 109.000, order6 90.000 order7 124.000, order8 262.000, order9 48.000, order10 165.000, order11 300.000, order12 186.000 order13 298.000, order14 236.000, order15 65.000, order16 203.000, order17 73.000, order18 97.000 order19 211.000, order20 147.000, order21 127.000, order22 125.000, order23 65.000, order24 70.000 order25 189.000, order26 255.000, order27 92.000, order28 210.000, order29 240.000, order30 112.000 order31 59.000, order32 166.000, order33 73.000, order34 266.000, order35 101.000, order36 107.000 order37 190.000, order38 225.000, order39 200.000, order40 155.000, order41 142.000, order42 61.000 order43 115.000, order44 42.000, order45 121.000, order46 79.000, order47 204.000, order48 181.000 order49 238.000, order50 110.000, order51 209.000, order52 234.000, order53 200.000, order54 106.000 order55 53.000, order56 57.000, order57 203.000, order58 177.000, order59 38.000, order60 244.000 order61 49.000, order62 77.000, order63 172.000, order64 233.000, order65 78.000, order66 39.000 order67 188.000, order68 198.000, order69 135.000, order70 127.000, order71 95.000, order72 96.000 order73 65.000, order74 282.000, order75 132.000, order76 242.000, order77 111.000, order78 64.000 order79 232.000, order80 48.000, order81 84.000, order82 31.000, order83 103.000, order84 165.000 order85 70.000, order86 77.000, order87 119.000, order88 115.000, order89 117.000, order90 291.000 order91 299.000, order92 130.000, order93 131.000, order94 239.000, order95 137.000, order96 277.000 order97 62.000, order98 229.000, order99 45.000, order100 186.000, order101 43.000, order102 31.000 order103 138.000, order104 170.000, order105 200.000, order106 91.000, order107 137.000, order108 104.000 order109 71.000, order110 283.000, order111 144.000, order112 66.000, order113 134.000, order114 131.000 order115 102.000, order116 287.000, order117 81.000, order118 110.000, order119 50.000, order120 138.000 order121 57.000, order122 134.000, order123 117.000, order124 82.000, order125 60.000, order126 191.000 order127 168.000, order128 42.000, order129 242.000, order130 286.000, order131 191.000, order132 194.000 order133 128.000, order134 190.000, order135 214.000, order136 167.000, order137 73.000, order138 208.000 order139 171.000, order140 63.000, order141 297.000, order142 91.000, order143 213.000, order144 240.000 order145 282.000, order146 84.000, order147 110.000, order148 83.000, order149 96.000, order150 205.000 order151 229.000, order152 53.000, order153 70.000, order154 147.000, order155 80.000, order156 217.000 order157 236.000, order158 71.000, order159 135.000, order160 218.000, order161 259.000, order162 196.000 order163 294.000, order164 37.000, order165 80.000, order166 53.000, order167 176.000, order168 64.000 order169 228.000, order170 60.000, order171 162.000, order172 245.000, order173 163.000, order174 174.000 order175 32.000, order176 177.000, order177 152.000, order178 294.000, order179 79.000, order180 74.000 order181 36.000, order182 78.000, order183 46.000, order184 34.000, order185 256.000, order186 193.000 order187 37.000, order188 83.000, order189 287.000, order190 120.000, order191 191.000, order192 100.000 order193 203.000, order194 72.000, order195 154.000, order196 136.000, order197 248.000, order198 176.000 order199 135.000, order200 181.000, order201 282.000, order202 124.000, order203 32.000, order204 287.000 order205 184.000, order206 120.000, order207 296.000, order208 237.000, order209 59.000, order210 299.000 order211 187.000, order212 75.000, order213 204.000, order214 123.000, order215 277.000, order216 273.000 order217 34.000, order218 129.000, order219 210.000, order220 190.000, order221 39.000, order222 258.000 order223 282.000, order224 167.000, order225 111.000, order226 164.000, order227 42.000, order228 239.000 order229 174.000, order230 232.000, order231 225.000, order232 201.000, order233 61.000, order234 293.000 order235 221.000, order236 297.000, order237 261.000, order238 198.000, order239 220.000, order240 219.000 order241 244.000, order242 195.000, order243 44.000, order244 161.000, order245 44.000, order246 219.000 order247 82.000, order248 91.000, order249 250.000, order250 298.000, order251 233.000, order252 224.000 order253 30.000, order254 101.000, order255 253.000, order256 252.000, order257 263.000, order258 87.000 order259 153.000, order260 40.000, order261 117.000, order262 149.000, order263 115.000, order264 66.000 order265 249.000, order266 142.000, order267 68.000, order268 156.000, order269 106.000, order270 272.000 order271 47.000, order272 142.000, order273 122.000, order274 156.000, order275 204.000, order276 204.000 order277 121.000, order278 57.000, order279 275.000, order280 88.000, order281 279.000, order282 152.000 order283 54.000, order284 131.000, order285 142.000, order286 139.000, order287 60.000, order288 233.000 order289 247.000, order290 36.000, order291 160.000, order292 105.000, order293 274.000, order294 34.000 order295 214.000, order296 287.000, order297 273.000, order298 273.000, order299 266.000, order300 135.000 order301 166.000, order302 255.000, order303 193.000, order304 52.000, order305 186.000, order306 190.000 order307 215.000, order308 73.000, order309 119.000, order310 115.000, order311 170.000, order312 128.000 order313 75.000, order314 215.000, order315 166.000, order316 186.000, order317 225.000, order318 215.000 order319 35.000, order320 257.000, order321 222.000, order322 72.000, order323 195.000, order324 209.000 order325 82.000, order326 128.000, order327 199.000, order328 228.000, order329 142.000, order330 72.000 order331 33.000, order332 32.000, order333 288.000, order334 294.000, order335 291.000, order336 262.000 order337 68.000, order338 43.000, order339 179.000, order340 79.000, order341 299.000, order342 249.000 order343 112.000, order344 53.000, order345 146.000, order346 124.000, order347 61.000, order348 188.000 order349 150.000, order350 141.000, order351 277.000, order352 87.000, order353 90.000, order354 176.000 order355 201.000, order356 118.000, order357 70.000, order358 281.000, order359 98.000, order360 46.000 order361 114.000, order362 40.000, order363 252.000, order364 92.000, order365 141.000, order366 111.000 order367 150.000, order368 224.000, order369 190.000, order370 65.000, order371 73.000, order372 115.000 order373 185.000, order374 102.000, order375 39.000, order376 216.000, order377 212.000, order378 120.000 order379 235.000, order380 77.000, order381 214.000, order382 212.000, order383 255.000, order384 169.000 order385 106.000, order386 180.000, order387 142.000, order388 49.000, order389 248.000, order390 120.000 order391 52.000, order392 185.000, order393 35.000, order394 231.000, order395 275.000, order396 181.000 order397 158.000, order398 224.000, order399 169.000, order400 270.000, order401 239.000, order402 67.000 order403 101.000, order404 214.000, order405 151.000, order406 291.000, order407 289.000, order408 273.000 order409 118.000, order410 153.000, order411 191.000, order412 268.000, order413 76.000, order414 201.000 order415 239.000, order416 184.000, order417 37.000, order418 249.000, order419 105.000, order420 147.000 order421 121.000, order422 189.000, order423 185.000, order424 177.000, order425 186.000, order426 294.000 order427 117.000, order428 236.000, order429 290.000, order430 287.000, order431 99.000, order432 118.000 order433 88.000, order434 77.000, order435 228.000, order436 103.000, order437 235.000, order438 197.000 order439 108.000, order440 230.000, order441 32.000, order442 264.000, order443 34.000, order444 146.000 order445 127.000, order446 221.000, order447 142.000, order448 178.000, order449 123.000, order450 219.000 order451 282.000, order452 157.000, order453 87.000, order454 168.000, order455 129.000, order456 283.000 order457 48.000, order458 166.000, order459 136.000, order460 85.000, order461 173.000, order462 189.000 order463 123.000, order464 98.000, order465 178.000, order466 178.000, order467 45.000, order468 132.000 order469 293.000, order470 132.000, order471 72.000, order472 157.000, order473 137.000, order474 85.000 order475 200.000, order476 30.000, order477 166.000, order478 30.000, order479 171.000, order480 256.000 order481 49.000, order482 236.000, order483 108.000, order484 96.000, order485 148.000, order486 129.000 order487 179.000, order488 50.000, order489 276.000, order490 43.000, order491 252.000, order492 244.000 order493 208.000, order494 136.000, order495 141.000, order496 264.000, order497 294.000, order498 185.000 order499 115.000, order500 153.000 ---- 30 PARAMETER maxj = 233.000 max number of patterns we can fill
This leads to a very big model:
But, low and behold, we can solve this model! The model can assign all 500 orders. The number of patterns used is 231: two unused patterns from our estimate. The time to solve this was about an hour (actually my time limit was 3600 seconds).
Obligatory picture:
Another data set
Here is a strange result with another data set:
---- 160 PARAMETER report performance statistics Original Sparse Sp+Prior SC+Prior Sp+Order Variables 2223 2245 2245 2223 2245 discrete 2222 2222 2222 2222 2222 Equations 145 167 167 123 188 Nonzeros 8845 6711 6711 6623 6753 Status Optimal Optimal Optimal Optimal IntFeas Objective 99 99 98 99 98 Best bound 99 99 98 99 99 Time 5 15 19 20 1006 Nodes 30279 110096 62538 67546 2198318 Iterations 394979 1127380 903107 1129896 15112872 Maxj 22 22 22 22 22 Patterns 22 22 22 22 22
We see that the original formulation is the fastest here. But more worrisome, the solver Cplex delivers wrong results for the Sparse + Branching Priorities run. Again we see how good the maxj estimate is.
This problem of assigning orders with a given width to patterns with a short range for allowed total width is a combinatorial difficult problem, related to bin-packing. But, we actually can find optimal solutions for the large n=500 problem using a standard formulation (and about an hour of time).
- MILP optimizer in Python Pyomo/PuLP not finding a feasible solution with open-source solvers, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/77492342/milp-optimizer-in-python-pyomo-pulp-not-finding-a-feasible-solution-with-open-so
This is a really interesting problem, especially since it seems so simple at a first glance. I focused on seeing how HIGHS would solve this problem, and its not very good. I only used a problem size of 50 and after 1000 seconds the MIP gap is still around 17%. Sadly, HIGHS doesnt support branching priorities so I wasnt able to test how that would impact the solution time.
ReplyDeleteIf I find the time I may approach building some clique constraints and see how that helps (or hurts) performance.
Adding a constraint to prevent pairwise grouping helps somewhat. Going beyond pairwise slows the solver down dramatically.
DeleteI tried solving this model using HIGHs and the results werent so great. HIGHs doesnt support using branch priorities, and only using the sparse formulation results in a gap of about 16% after 1000 seconds for the case of n=50.
ReplyDeleteWhen I find the time id like to see how adding clique inequalities helps (or hurts) performance.
I was able to improve the solution for n=50 with HIGHs. Since they dont have priority branching implemented, I changed the objective to sum(w_i * x_ij) with the hope that these weights would act as pseudo branch priorities to return a good heuristic solution. This method returned the best feasible solution I could find. Very difficult problem to solve if branch priority isnt available!