Here is a simple scheduling problem [1]:
- We have TT time periods (weeks)
- and NN jobs to be scheduled.
- Each job has a duration or processing time (again expressed in weeks), and a given resource (personnel) requirement during the execution of the job. This demand is expressed as: resourcej,tresourcej,t where jj indicates the job and tt indicates the week since the start of the job.
- Not in [1], but I added them to make things a bit more realistic: we have some release dates indicating that a job may not start before a given date. A reason can be that raw material is not available before that date.
- Similarly, I added due dates: a job must finish before a given date.
- The objective is to minimize the maximum amount of resources we need over the whole planning period. We can think of this as the capacity we need (e.g. number of personnel).