Wednesday, March 17, 2021

MST + few Steiner points: convex quadratic model

In [1], I discussed a model for the Euclidean Streiner Tree problem. A non-convex integer programming model from the literature was reformulated into a MISOCP (not a version of a Japanese dish, but a Mixed-Integer Second-Order Cone Program). Together with a symmetry-breaking constraint and some high-performance solvers, this can lead to being able to solve larger models. 

One of the disadvantages of the model in [1] is that it only works with the full number of Steiner points n2n2 where nn is the number of given (original) points. Here I want to discuss how we can use Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) models [2], as a building block for a model where we can add just a few Steiner points. One reason this is interesting: the first few Steiner points have the most impact on the objective.

We can just pick any model from [2]. Let's use the single-commodity flow model:

MST: Single-commodity flow formulation

To add some Steiner points to this model, we split the set of arcs A into A1 (only given points) and A2 (at least one Steiner point for each arc). This means the lengths of arcs in A1 are constant but in A2 are varying depending on where the Steiner points will be placed. Using a similar SOCP formulation as in [2], we can write:

minz=(i,j)A1ci,jxi,j+(i,j)A2di,jdi,jΔi,jM1(1xi,j)(i,j)A2Δ2i,jcδ2i,j,c(i,j)A2δi,j,c=pi,cpj,c(i,j)A2,c{x,y}j|(i,j)Afi,j=j|(j,i)Afj,i+biiM2xi,jfi,j(i,j)Api,c=p0i,cfor given pointspi,c[L,U]for Steiner pointspi,xpi+1,xfor Steiner pointsdi,j,Δi,j0xi,j{0,1}fi,j{0,1,2,,n1}

The first three constraints can be combined into di,jc(pi,cpj,c)2M(1xi,j) Splitting it in three components can help the solver recognize this as a convex quadratic constraint. Note that the variables pi,c,c{x,y}, indicating the position of point i, are constant for the original points and are unknown for the Steiner points. The Steiner points must lie in the convex hull of the given points, so we can deduce lower- and upper-bounds for them. The lowerbound is the smallest x/y coordinate of the given points, and the upperbound is the largest. We order the Steiner points by x coordinate.

When we run this model for a random problem with 6 given points, allowing for 0,1,2,3, and 4 Steiner points we see:

The iteration label indicates how many Steiner points were allowed. Iter0 is without Steiner points, so that corresponds to the original MST model.

The first Steiner point is really helpful. After that, they do contribute little if anything. We see that Steiner points start to overlap previous points.

We can see this also in the reporting:

----    198 PARAMETER Objs  

iter0 157.441,    iter1 151.967,    iter2 151.426,    iter3 151.426,    iter4 151.426

----    198 PARAMETER Points  

INDEX 1 = iter0

                   x           y

p1.given      85.283      26.044
p2.given      97.182      32.402
p3.given      21.663      33.972
p4.given      86.101      68.526
p5.given      44.485      71.240
p6.given      59.008      26.009

INDEX 1 = iter1

                     x           y

p1.given        85.283      26.044
p2.given        97.182      32.402
p3.given        21.663      33.972
p4.given        86.101      68.526
p5.given        44.485      71.240
p6.given        59.008      26.009
s1.steiner      39.971      41.171

INDEX 1 = iter2

                     x           y

p1.given        85.283      26.044
p2.given        97.182      32.402
p3.given        21.663      33.972
p4.given        86.101      68.526
p5.given        44.485      71.240
p6.given        59.008      26.009
s1.steiner      39.972      41.171
s2.steiner      93.599      33.559

INDEX 1 = iter3

                     x           y

p1.given        85.283      26.044
p2.given        97.182      32.402
p3.given        21.663      33.972
p4.given        86.101      68.526
p5.given        44.485      71.240
p6.given        59.008      26.009
s1.steiner      39.971      41.171
s2.steiner      39.971      41.171
s3.steiner      93.599      33.559

INDEX 1 = iter4

                     x           y

p1.given        85.283      26.044
p2.given        97.182      32.402
p3.given        21.663      33.972
p4.given        86.101      68.526
p5.given        44.485      71.240
p6.given        59.008      26.009
s1.steiner      21.663      33.972
s2.steiner      39.971      41.171
s3.steiner      93.599      33.559
s4.steiner      93.599      33.559

This would mean that we don't really need to solve problems with a large number of Steiner points. Just enough, until the objective does not improve anymore. This is a bit like the statistical techniques for clustering data. There also: we typically start with a small number of clusters, and stop once, by some measure, the situation does not sufficiently improve anymore. 

Note: The Steiner points are never fixed. So in principle, they can be moved around from one iteration to the next. We see that does not happen here. A good Steiner point stays put (the ordering constraint may give it a different label). This behavior is likely problem dependent. 


We can augment an MST (Minimum Spanning Tree) model to allow for Steiner points. As it seems that the value of adding additional Steiner points diminishes quickly, we can get good improvements by just adding a few Steiner points.

I think this was an interesting experiment.


  1. Euclidean Steiner tree problems as MISOCP,
  2. Minimum Spanning Trees in Math Programming models,

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