This is a follow-up on the post on the max sum submatrix problem [1]. There we looked at the problem of finding a contiguous submatrix that maximizes the sum of the values in this submatrix.
A little bit more complicated is the following continuous version of this problem.
Assume we have n points with an x- and y-coordinate and a value. Find the rectangle such that the sum of the values of all points inside is maximized.
Data set
I generated a random data set with n=100 points:
---- 10 PARAMETER p points
x y value
i1 17.175 5.141 8.655
i2 84.327 0.601 -3.025
i3 55.038 40.123 -9.834
i4 30.114 51.988 8.977
i5 29.221 62.888 1.438
i6 22.405 22.575 -3.327
i7 34.983 39.612 9.675
i8 85.627 27.601 5.329
i9 6.711 15.237 -7.798
i10 50.021 93.632 9.896
i11 99.812 42.266 1.606
i12 57.873 13.466 -6.672
i13 99.113 38.606 2.867
i14 76.225 37.463 -3.114
i15 13.069 26.848 8.247
i16 63.972 94.837 8.001
i17 15.952 18.894 -9.675
i18 25.008 29.751 -2.627
i19 66.893 7.455 3.288
i20 43.536 40.135 1.868
i21 35.970 10.169 -9.309
i22 35.144 38.389 6.836
i23 13.149 32.409 8.642
i24 15.010 19.213 0.159
i25 58.911 11.237 -4.008
i26 83.089 59.656 -0.068
i27 23.082 51.145 -9.101
i28 66.573 4.507 5.474
i29 77.586 78.310 0.659
i30 30.366 94.575 4.935
i31 11.049 59.646 4.401
i32 50.238 60.734 2.632
i33 16.017 36.251 -7.702
i34 87.246 59.407 9.423
i35 26.511 67.985 4.135
i36 28.581 50.659 9.725
i37 59.396 15.925 7.096
i38 72.272 65.689 2.429
i39 62.825 52.388 4.026
i40 46.380 12.440 4.018
i41 41.331 98.672 5.814
i42 11.770 22.812 2.204
i43 31.421 67.565 -8.914
i44 4.655 77.678 -0.296
i45 33.855 93.245 -8.949
i46 18.210 20.124 3.972
i47 64.573 29.714 -6.104
i48 56.075 19.723 -5.479
i49 76.996 24.635 6.273
i50 29.781 64.648 9.835
i51 66.111 73.497 5.013
i52 75.582 8.544 4.367
i53 62.745 15.035 -9.988
i54 28.386 43.419 -4.723
i55 8.642 18.694 6.476
i56 10.251 69.269 6.391
i57 64.125 76.297 7.208
i58 54.531 15.481 -5.746
i59 3.152 38.938 -0.864
i60 79.236 69.543 -9.233
i61 7.277 84.581 -3.540
i62 17.566 61.272 -1.202
i63 52.563 97.597 -3.693
i64 75.021 2.689 -7.305
i65 17.812 18.745 6.219
i66 3.414 8.712 -1.664
i67 58.513 54.040 -7.164
i68 62.123 12.686 -0.689
i69 38.936 73.400 -4.340
i70 35.871 11.323 7.914
i71 24.303 48.835 -8.712
i72 24.642 79.560 -1.708
i73 13.050 49.205 -3.168
i74 93.345 53.356 -0.634
i75 37.994 1.062 2.853
i76 78.340 54.387 2.872
i77 30.003 45.113 -3.248
i78 12.548 97.533 -7.984
i79 74.887 18.385 8.117
i80 6.923 16.353 -5.653
i81 20.202 2.463 8.377
i82 0.507 17.782 -0.965
i83 26.961 6.132 -8.201
i84 49.985 1.664 -2.516
i85 15.129 83.565 -1.700
i86 17.417 60.166 -1.916
i87 33.064 2.702 -7.767
i88 31.691 19.609 5.023
i89 32.209 95.071 6.068
i90 96.398 33.554 -9.527
i91 99.360 59.426 -0.382
i92 36.990 25.919 -4.428
i93 37.289 64.063 8.032
i94 77.198 15.525 -9.648
i95 39.668 46.002 3.621
i96 91.310 39.334 9.018
i97 11.958 80.546 8.004
i98 73.548 54.099 7.976
i99 5.542 39.072 7.489
i100 57.630 55.782 -2.180

High-level model
Let's denote our points by: pi,a, where a={x,y,value}. Our decision variables are the corner points of the rectangle: rc,q where c={x,y} and q={min,max}. These variables are continuous between L=0 and U=100.
High-level model |
max∑i|r(c,min)≤p(i,c)≤r(c,max)pi,valuerc,min≤rc,maxrc,q∈[L,U] |
This looks easy. Well, not so fast...
The first thing to do is to introduce binary variables that indicate if a point i is in between rc,min and rc,max for both c∈{x,y}. It is actually simpler to consider three cases:
The x-coordinate of a given point pi,x is in one of the three segments denoted by δi,x,k. Of course, similar for the y-coordinate. Note that this is a little bit different than usual. Normally we have a point which is a decision variable and the limits for the segments that are constants. Here we have a fixed data point, but the segment boundaries rx,min,rx,max are variable.
So, looking at the picture, we need to implement:
δi,x,1=1⇒L≤pi,x≤rx,minδi,x,2=1⇒rx,min≤pi,x≤rx,maxδi,x,3=1⇒rx,max≤pi,x≤U∑kδi,x,k=1 We can formulate the implications as the following inequalities:
Of course, we need to repeat this for the y direction. Once we have all variables δi,x,k and δi,y,k, we still need to combine them. A point i is inside the rectangle r if and only if δi,x,2⋅δi,y,2=1.
With this, our model can look like:
MIQP Model A |
max∑ipi,value⋅δi,x,2⋅δi,y,2rc,min≥pi,c⋅δi,c,1+L⋅(1−δi,c,1)∀i,crc,min≤pi,c⋅δi,c,2+U⋅(1−δi,c,2)∀i,crc,max≥pi,c⋅δi,c,2+L⋅(1−δi,c,2)∀i,crc,max≤pi,c⋅δi,c,3+U⋅(1−δi,c,3)∀i,c∑kδi,c,k=1∀i,crc,min≤rc,max∀cδi,c,k∈{0,1}rc,q∈[L,U] |
This model can easily be linearized using the techniques demonstrated in [1]. Here we will assume the solver is linearizing this automatically. This model solves very quickly, and the results are:
---- 62 VARIABLE z.L = 102.234 objective
---- 62 VARIABLE r.L rectangle
min max
x 7.277 93.345
y 15.525 97.533
The solver (Cplex in this case), linearized the problem for us and solved it as a linear MIP. It found and proved the global optimal solution in 0 nodes (i.e. all work was done during preprocessing) and 1,249 iterations. The solution time was 2 seconds.
Alternative approach
In the comments, Imre Polik suggested populating a (very) sparse matrix using the values and then apply a method from [1]. The sparse matrix has one element per row and column, and the points are sorted by their x- and y-coordinate. The following small example shows how this is done:
---- 17 PARAMETER pt points
x y value
i1 17.175 99.812 -2.806
i2 84.327 57.873 -2.971
i3 55.038 99.113 -7.370
i4 30.114 76.225 -6.998
i5 29.221 13.069 1.782
i6 22.405 63.972 6.618
i7 34.983 15.952 -5.384
i8 85.627 25.008 3.315
i9 6.711 66.893 5.517
i10 50.021 43.536 -3.927
---- 52 PARAMETER spMap sparse matrix mapper
x y value
i1 .i2 .i10 17.175 99.812 -2.806
i2 .i9 .i5 84.327 57.873 -2.971
i3 .i8 .i9 55.038 99.113 -7.370
i4 .i5 .i8 30.114 76.225 -6.998
i5 .i4 .i1 29.221 13.069 1.782
i6 .i3 .i6 22.405 63.972 6.618
i7 .i6 .i2 34.983 15.952 -5.384
i8 .i10.i3 85.627 25.008 3.315
i9 .i1 .i7 6.711 66.893 5.517
i10.i7 .i4 50.021 43.536 -3.927
---- 56 PARAMETER spA sparse matrix representation
i1 i2 i3 i4 i5 i6 i7 i8 i9 i10
i1 5.517
i2 -2.806
i3 6.618
i4 1.782
i5 -6.998
i6 -5.384
i7 -3.927
i8 -7.370
i9 -2.971
i10 3.315
The first parameter holds our points. The second parameter shows the mapping between the original record number (column one) and the location in the matrix
(i,j): the second and third index. The final parameter shows the matrix in a more standard representation. (Note: this is not so easy to do in GAMS. You could use
gdxrank. I used a little bit of Python code to do the sorting.) With this we can use the model from [1]:
MIQP model B |
max∑i,jai,j⋅xi⋅yjpi≥xi−xi−1qj≥yj−yi−1∑ipi≤1∑jqj≤1xi,yj,pi,qj∈{0,1} |
We assume
x0=y0=0. Of course, we can apply a standard linearization or let the solver linearize. Note that we only have
n quadratic terms (only for the nonzero elements). When we find the optimal solution for this model, we can retrieve the
x- and
y-coordinate of the first and last selected row and column to form our rectangle.
With our 100 point data set, we find the optimal solution in 0 nodes and 759 iterations. This took less than a second.
Genetic algorithm
Here we try to solve the problem using R's GA package. The fitness function is basically the same as our objective in the high-level model. The code (and output) can look like:
> library(GA)
> # data is stored in data frame
> str(df)
'data.frame': 100 obs. of 4 variables:
$ point: chr "i1" "i2" "i3" "i4" ...
$ x : num 17.2 84.3 55 30.1 29.2 ...
$ y : num 5.141 0.601 40.123 51.988 62.888 ...
$ value: num 8.66 -3.02 -9.83 8.98 1.44 ...
> # fitness function
> f <- function(x) {
+ xmin <- min(x[1],x[2])
+ xmax <- max(x[1],x[2])
+ ymin <- min(x[3],x[4])
+ ymax <- max(x[3],x[4])
+ ok <- (df$x <= xmax) & (df$x >= xmin) & (df$y <= ymax) & (df$y >= ymin)
+ sum(ok * df$value)
+ }
> # call the ga solver
> system.time(result <- ga(type = "real-valued",
+ fitness = f,
+ lower = rep(0,4), upper = rep(100,4),
+ popSize = 100, maxiter = 500, monitor = T,
+ seed = 12345))
GA | iter = 1 | Mean = 8.058819 | Best = 48.175182
GA | iter = 2 | Mean = 6.413503 | Best = 48.175182
GA | iter = 3 | Mean = 8.234065 | Best = 48.175182
GA | iter = 4 | Mean = 5.209888 | Best = 48.175182
GA | iter = 5 | Mean = 7.171262 | Best = 48.175182
GA | iter = 6 | Mean = 9.767468 | Best = 48.175182
GA | iter = 7 | Mean = 11.41823 | Best = 48.17518
GA | iter = 8 | Mean = 9.89723 | Best = 48.20186
GA | iter = 9 | Mean = 14.19131 | Best = 53.02362
GA | iter = 10 | Mean = 20.83307 | Best = 53.61161
. . .
GA | iter = 490 | Mean = 87.13611 | Best = 102.23405
GA | iter = 491 | Mean = 83.61628 | Best = 102.23405
GA | iter = 492 | Mean = 87.16728 | Best = 102.23405
GA | iter = 493 | Mean = 86.52578 | Best = 102.23405
GA | iter = 494 | Mean = 83.02602 | Best = 102.23405
GA | iter = 495 | Mean = 86.58533 | Best = 102.23405
GA | iter = 496 | Mean = 89.53308 | Best = 102.23405
GA | iter = 497 | Mean = 89.4938 | Best = 102.2341
GA | iter = 498 | Mean = 88.29249 | Best = 102.23405
GA | iter = 499 | Mean = 88.39676 | Best = 102.23405
GA | iter = 500 | Mean = 85.33931 | Best = 102.23405
user system elapsed
6.78 0.27 7.32
Note that I did not specify the constraints xmin≤xmax and ymin≤ymax. Instead, when the fitness function receives the vector x it just sorts the values. This is somewhat of a trick. But it helps in allowing us to use an unconstrained optimization problem. Additionally, we have good bounds on the four decision variables. These properties are usually a big win for heuristic solvers like this.
Because we know the optimal solution, we can indeed verify that this heuristic also finds the optimal solution.
A nice feature is to plot the results:
It finds 5 solutions with the best objective:
> result@solution
x1 x2 x3 x4
[1,] 8.058577 91.76226 15.88715 95.49885
[2,] 8.072476 91.76382 15.87492 95.50330
[3,] 8.086532 91.76143 15.91187 95.52999
[4,] 8.071193 91.76518 15.88455 95.50384
[5,] 7.978493 92.05050 15.92354 95.49153
These are essentially the same.
Larger data set
When using a larger random data set with n=1,000 points, we end up with a large MIQP Model A. It has 10k rows and 6k columns. After Cplex reformulates this into a linear model, we have 11.5k rows and 7k columns. This solves to optimality in 2,000 seconds with a proven optimal objective of 209.426.
---- 63 VARIABLE z.L = 209.426 objective
---- 63 VARIABLE r.L rectangle
min max
x 7.045 97.298
y 2.812 58.167
MIQP Model B is smaller. Before linearization, we have 2k rows and 4k columns. This translates to 3,495 rows, 4,982 columns after (automatic) linearization and presolving. The model solves in about 100 seconds and finds and proves the global optimum of 209.426.
---- 88 VARIABLE z.L = 209.426 objective
---- 98 PARAMETER results model B results
x y
min 7.098 2.812
max 97.215 57.956
When I feed this into the GA solver, with a limit of 5,000 iterations, we see:
-- Genetic Algorithm -------------------
GA settings:
Type = real-valued
Population size = 10
Number of generations = 5000
Elitism = 1
Crossover probability = 0.8
Mutation probability = 0.1
Search domain =
x1 x2 x3 x4
lower 0 0 0 0
upper 100 100 100 100
GA results:
Iterations = 5000
Fitness function value = 205.203
Solutions =
x1 x2 x3 x4
[1,] 80.91125 7.089162 58.0342 11.90685
[2,] 80.91125 7.089162 58.0342 11.90685
[3,] 80.91125 7.089162 58.0342 11.90685
[4,] 80.91125 7.089162 58.0342 11.90685
Note that in this case, x1,x2,x3,x4 corresponds to xmax,xmin,ymax,ymin.
We see that the x part of the rectangle is close, but ymin=11.9 is a bit off compared to the optimal MIQP solution. Indeed the objective 205.203 is a little bit worse than 209.426 which we found earlier. On the other hand, GA just needed about 10 seconds to find this solution (depending on the population size).
- Formulating this problem as a non-convex MIQP model requires some thought (and some work).
- But it can provide proven optimal solutions (or good solutions if optimality is too costly).
- The sparse matrix formulation (model B) works better than the rectangle formulation (model A).
- Using a Genetic Algorithm based heuristic makes the modeling quite easy. There is one trick involved so we have an unconstrained problem. After that, the GA solver finds the optimal solution fairly quickly. Of course, it does not prove optimality. We only know this because we also have a mathematical programming model that was solved before.
- The GA model and the MIQP model have very little in common. It is almost always a bad idea to reuse a MIP model and feed it directly to a meta-heuristic.
- When developing heuristics for a large and difficult problem, I also like to implement a mathematical programming model. This allows us to compare solutions. First, this is a good debugging aid. But also this can give us some feedback on the quality of the solutions found with the heuristic, even if only for smaller data sets.
n points with (x,y) coordinates and a value
can be positive or negative).
Find a
rectangle such that the sum of the values of the
inside is maximized.
formulation works directly on the points. Each point
is in
one of three regions for each coordinate:
L -------- min -------- max --------- U
region: k1 k2 k3
* data
i 'number of points' /i1*i100/
a 'attributes' /x,y,value/
c(a) 'coordinates' /x,y/
k 'segment' /k1 'before'
k2 'in
k3 'after'/
q 'limit' /min,max/
* select (x,y) coordinates from [L,U]x[L,U]
L /0/
U /100/
parameter p(*,*) 'points';
p(i,'x') = uniform(L,U);
p(i,'y') = uniform(L,U);
p(i,'value') =
display p;
* model
z 'objective'
r(c,q) 'rectangle'
r.lo(c,q) = L;
r.up(c,q) = U;
binary variable delta(c,i,k) 'region of point i';
obj 'objective'
e1(c,i) 'region k1'
e2(c,i) 'region k2'
e3(c,i) 'region k2'
e4(c,i) 'region k3'
one(c,i) 'point is in one region'
minmax(c) 'min <= max'
obj.. z=e= sum(i, p(i,'value')*delta('x',i,'k2')*delta('y',i,'k2'));
e1(c,i).. r(c,'min') =g= p(i,c)*delta(c,i,'k1')+L*(1-delta(c,i,'k1'));
e2(c,i).. r(c,'min') =l= p(i,c)*delta(c,i,'k2')+U*(1-delta(c,i,'k2'));
e3(c,i).. r(c,'max') =g= p(i,c)*delta(c,i,'k2')+L*(1-delta(c,i,'k2'));
e4(c,i).. r(c,'max') =l= p(i,c)*delta(c,i,'k3')+U*(1-delta(c,i,'k3'));
one(c,i).. sum(k,delta(c,i,k)) =e= 1;
minmax(c).. r(c,'min') =l= r(c,'max');
model mod /all/;
solve mod
maximizing z using miqcp;
display z.l,r.l;
Appendix B: GAMS formulation B
n points with (x,y) coordinates and a value
can be positive or negative).
Find a
rectangle such that the sum of the values of the
inside is maximized.
formulation sorts the points by x and y coordinates
to form
a (very) sparse matrix (one element per row and column).
* data
i 'number of points' /i1*i100/
a 'attributes' /x,y,value/
c(a) 'coordinates' /x,y/
* select (x,y) coordinates from [L,U]x[L,U]
L /0/
U /100/
parameter pt(i,a) 'points';
pt(i,'x') = uniform(L,U);
pt(i,'y') = uniform(L,U);
pt(i,'value') =
display pt;
* create a sparse matrix representation
spMap(i,j,k,a) 'sparse
matrix mapper';
EmbeddedCode Python:
# copy pt to Python
p = gams.get("pt")
# index i
indx = [t[0][0] for t in p if t[0][1]=="x"]
n = len(indx)
# get x,y,value
x = [t[1] for t in p if t[0][1]=="x"]
y = [t[1] for t in p if t[0][1]=="y"]
v = [t[1] for t in p if t[0][1]=="value"]
# get rank of x,y
xrank = [sorted(x).index(i) for i in x]
yrank = [sorted(y).index(i) for i in y]
# create a parameter q that has x and y sorted
q = []
for k in range(n):
i0 = indx[k]
i = indx[xrank[k]]
j = indx[yrank[k]]
endEmbeddedCode spmap
option spmap:3:3:1;
display$(card(spmap)<=500) spmap;
parameter spA(i,j) 'sparse matrix
spA(i,j) = sum(k,spmap(k,i,j,'value'));
display$(card(spA)<=100) spA;
* model
binary variable
x(i) 'selected rows'
y(j) 'selected columns'
p(i) 'start of submatrix'
q(j) 'start of submatrix'
variable z 'objective';
obj 'objective'
pbound 'x(i-1)=0,x(i)=1 => p(i)=1'
qbound 'y(i-1)=0,y(i)=1 => q(i)=1'
plim 'sum(p) <= 1'
qlim 'sum(q) <= 1'
* objective is linearized automatically by Cplex
obj.. z =e= sum((i,j),spA(i,j)*x(i)*y(j));
pbound(i).. p(i) =g= x(i)-x(i-1);
qbound(j).. q(j) =g= y(j)-y(j-1);
plim.. sum(i,p(i)) =l= 1;
qlim.. sum(j,q(j)) =l= 1;
model m /all/;
solve m maximizing
z using miqcp;
display z.l;
parameter results(*,*)
'model B results';
results('min','x') = smin(i$(x.l(i)>0.5),sum((k,j),spmap(k,i,j,'x')));
results('max','x') = smax(i$(x.l(i)>0.5),sum((k,j),spmap(k,i,j,'x')));
results('min','y') = smin(j$(y.l(j)>0.5),sum((k,i),spmap(k,i,j,'y')));
results('max','y') = smax(j$(y.l(j)>0.5),sum((k,i),spmap(k,i,j,'y')));
display results;
Can you please share the larger data?
DeleteThanks for sharing the data. My colleague Imre Polik suggested treating the points as elements of a sparse matrix and using your formulation from This yielded a 20x speedup in solution time for us. For n points, the model has 4n variables and 2n+2 constraints. After linearizing the n products (not n^2), the model has 5n variables and 5n+2 constraints.
DeleteThat is a great observation. I get a similar performance with Cplex.