Monday, December 7, 2020

Directed vs undirected networks in math programming models

Many practical optimization models contain some network structures. In virtually all cases, these networks are modeled as directed graphs. I.e., between nodes \(i\) and \(j\), we consider arcs \(i \rightarrow j\) and \(j \rightarrow i\). In graph theory, it is very customary to talk about undirected graphs. In this case, there is just one link between nodes \(i\) and \(j\). Why am I using directed graphs, with two uni-directional arcs for each pair of nodes? I will try to answer this in this post.

As an example, let's consider the shortest path problem. This is really the same as a min-cost problem. I took the following data (from [1]):

For the undirected case, we can use the ordering of the nodes to identify an arc. I.e. there is a link \(1-2\) but not \(2-1\). The directed case, of course, has both. The data can look like:

----     36 SET i  nodes

node0,    node1,    node2,    node3,    node4,    node5,    node6,    node7,    node8

----     36 SET u  undirected arcs

            node1       node2       node3       node4       node5       node6       node7       node8

node0         YES                                                                     YES
node1                     YES                                                         YES
node2                                 YES                     YES                                 YES
node3                                             YES         YES
node4                                                         YES
node5                                                                     YES
node6                                                                                 YES         YES
node7                                                                                             YES

----     36 PARAMETER ucost  undirected cost

            node1       node2       node3       node4       node5       node6       node7       node8

node0       4.000                                                                   8.000
node1                   8.000                                                      11.000
node2                               7.000                   4.000                               2.000
node3                                           9.000      14.000
node4                                                      10.000
node5                                                                   2.000
node6                                                                               1.000       6.000
node7                                                                                           7.000

----     36 SET a  directed arcs

            node0       node1       node2       node3       node4       node5       node6       node7       node8

node0                     YES                                                                     YES
node1         YES                     YES                                                         YES
node2                     YES                     YES                     YES                                 YES
node3                                 YES                     YES         YES
node4                                             YES                     YES
node5                                 YES         YES         YES                     YES
node6                                                                     YES                     YES         YES
node7         YES         YES                                                         YES                     YES
node8                                 YES                                             YES         YES

----     36 PARAMETER acost  directed cost

            node0       node1       node2       node3       node4       node5       node6       node7       node8

node0                   4.000                                                                   8.000
node1       4.000                   8.000                                                      11.000
node2                   8.000                   7.000                   4.000                               2.000
node3                               7.000                   9.000      14.000
node4                                           9.000                  10.000
node5                               4.000      14.000      10.000                   2.000
node6                                                                   2.000                   1.000       6.000
node7       8.000      11.000                                                       1.000                   7.000
node8                               2.000                                           6.000       7.000

From this, it looks like that the undirected version is preferable: half of the arcs and half of the data. As verification:

----     91 PARAMETER count  number of arcs

undirected 14.000,    directed   28.000

In addition, we need to know the source node, and the sink node. Here we model this as a sparse vector, with an exogenous supply of 1 (for the source node) and demand of 1 (for the sink node).  

----     43 PARAMETER ex  exogenous supply/demand

node0  1.000,    node4 -1.000

With this, a standard shortest path model with directed arcs can be formulated as:

Shortest Path Model: Directed Arcs
\[\begin{align}\min\>&\sum_{(i,j)\in \color{darkblue}A} \mathit{\color{darkblue}{acost}}_{i,j} \cdot \color{darkred}f_{i,j}\\ & \sum_{(i,k)\in \color{darkblue}A} \color{darkred}f_{i,k} + \mathit{\color{darkblue}{ex}}_{k} = \sum_{(k,j)\in \color{darkblue}A} \color{darkred}f_{k,j} && \forall k\\ &\color{darkred}f_{i,j} \in [0,1] \end{align}\]

The constraint says: the inflow for node \(k\) is equal to the outflow. The flows are positive, and we have an arc capacity of 1 (no need to ship more around). The results are: 

----     62 VARIABLE f.L  flow

            node4       node5       node6       node7

node0                                           1.000
node5       1.000
node6                   1.000
node7                               1.000

----     62 VARIABLE z.L                   =       21.000  total cost (objective)

As expected, we see integer flows, even though we solved the problem as an LP. Pure networks yield integer solutions automatically.

So the question is how do we handle this with an undirected network. The first thing is that we need to allow for negative flows. E.g. a unit flow from node 5 to 4, will be seen as \(\color{darkred}f_{4,5}=-1\). I.e.  our capacity restriction for all links with \((i,j)\in \color{darkblue}U\) becomes \(|\color{darkred}f_{i,j}| \le 1\) or \(\color{darkred}f_{i,j} \in [-1,1]\).

The flow conservation constraint does not change much, although the interpretation is a bit different. On the left-hand side, we no longer have pure inflow. We may see a negative flow \(\color{darkred}f_{i,k} \lt 0\). We could call it net inflow from nodes \(i\) with \((i,k)\in \color{darkblue}U\). The right-hand side has net-outflow to nodes \(j\) with \((k,j)\in \color{darkblue}U\) (again, we may see negative terms \(\color{darkred}f_{k,j} \lt 0\)). 

The objective is more problematic. We can expect flows to be \(-1\), \(0\) or \(+1\). This means the objective becomes \[\min\sum_{(i,j)\in \color{darkblue}U}  \mathit{\color{darkblue}{ucost}}_{i,j} \cdot |\color{darkred}f_{i,j}|\] This can be linearized, which leads to:

Shortest Path Model: Undirected Arcs
\[\begin{align}\min\>&\sum_{(i,j)\in \color{darkblue}U} \mathit{\color{darkblue}{ucost}}_{i,j} \cdot \mathit{\color{darkred}{fabs}}_{i,j}  \\ & \color{darkred}f_{i,j} \le \mathit{\color{darkred}{fabs}}_{i,j} && \forall (i,j) \in \color{darkblue}U\\ &\color{darkred}f_{i,j} \ge  -\mathit{\color{darkred}{fabs}}_{i,j} && \forall (i,j) \in \color{darkblue}U \\ & \sum_{(i,k)\in \color{darkblue}U} \color{darkred}f_{i,k} + \mathit{\color{darkblue}{ex}}_{k} = \sum_{(k,j)\in \color{darkblue}U} \color{darkred}f_{k,j} && \forall k\\ &\color{darkred}f_{i,j} \in [-1,1] \\ &\mathit{\color{darkred}{fabs}}_{i,j} \in [0,1] \end{align}\]

The results look like:

----     85 VARIABLE f.L  flow

            node5       node6       node7

node0                               1.000
node4      -1.000
node5                  -1.000
node6                              -1.000

----     85 VARIABLE z.L                   =       21.000  total cost (objective)

Clearly, in this model, we have lost the advantage of the undirected graph being smaller. The linearization of the absolute values makes this a rather unattractive approach.


There is a good reason why I often use directed arcs in my math programming models: they make things easier. The savings you might expect from using undirected arcs may prove to be illusory.



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