Here is the problem:
- There are 4 integer variables from within a limited set = [1, 10, 20, 40, 100, 200].
- When all 4 is concatenated (say 1 || 1 || 10 || 20 = 111020) the result can be divisible by 13.
I tried Python's pyomo library but can not find a solution as there is no modulus operation to decide if the number can be divisible by 13.
There is no objective in this problem, so let's invent a simple one: find the smallest concatenated number that is divisible by 13.
There are two issues here:
- Requiring a number is divisible by 13. This is easy. Just use an integer variable mul13∈{0,1,2,3,…} and impose the constraint x=13⋅mul13 This will assure that x is a multiple of 13.
- Concatenate numbers as if they are strings. This is not so easy. MIP solvers do not know anything about strings. So we have to find a work-around.
Let's work from the back. 10 || 20 can be interpreted as: 20+10numDigits⋅10 where numDigits is the number of digits of 20 (i.e., numDigits=2). So, the 10 is actually worth 1000. With this idea, we can setup the recursion. Let's call each substring a "piece", indexed by p. So, we have: cumDigitsp={cumDigitsp+1+numDigitspp∈{1,2,3,4}0p>4cumValuep={cumValuep+1+10cumDigitsp+1⋅pieceValuepp∈{1,2,3,4}0p>4 where numDigitspnumber of digits in p-th piececumDigitspcumulative number of digits in pieces p,p+1,…pieceValuepvalue of piece pcumValuepcumulative value of pieces p,p+1,…
The values of numDigitsp and valuep depend on what value we have chosen for piece p.
Obviously, this is quite convoluted. Furthermore, recursion for the cumulative value calculation is non-linear. Let's see if we can put this together in an MINLP model.
---- 14 SET p pieces piece1, piece2, piece3, piece4 ---- 14 SET s selection from values select1, select2, select3, select4, select5, select6 ---- 14 PARAMETER value selectable values select1 1, select2 10, select3 20, select4 40, select5 100, select6 200 ---- 14 PARAMETER digit number of digits select1 1, select2 2, select3 2, select4 2, select5 3, select6 3
The number of digits for each value is calculated as: digitp=⌊1+log10valuep⌋ where the funny brackets indicate the floor function.
Mathematical Model
A complete model can look like:
MINLP Model |
minz∑sselectp,s=1∀pselect exactly one value for each piece p(linear)pieceValuep=∑svalues⋅selectp,s∀pselected value(linear)numDigitsp=∑sdigits⋅selectp,s∀passociated number of digits(linear)cumDigitsp=cumDigitsp+1+numDigitsp∀pcumulative number of digits(linear)cumValuep=cumValuep+1+10cumDigitsp+1⋅pieceValuep∀pcumulative value(non-linear)z=cumValuepiece1objective variable(linear)z=13⋅mul13must be multiple of 13(linear)selectp,s∈{0,1}pieceValuep∈{0,1,2,…}numDigitsp∈{0,1,2,…}cumDigitsp∈{0,1,2,…}cumValuep∈{0,1,2,…}mul13∈{0,1,2,…} |
In the above, we assume that cumValuep+1 and cumDigitsp+1 have a value of zero when we go beyond the last element. This is automatic in GAMS, so we can follow the above model quite straightforwardly.
Lo and behold, Baron can solve the model very quickly. The only things I added are reasonable upper bounds on the integer variables and a setting OPTCR=0 in order to search for proven global solutions. The results look like:
---- 61 VARIABLE select.L selection of value select1 select2 piece1 1 piece2 1 piece3 1 piece4 1 ---- 61 VARIABLE pieceValue.L value of single piece piece1 1, piece2 10, piece3 1, piece4 1 ---- 61 VARIABLE numDigits.L number of digits of single piece piece1 1, piece2 2, piece3 1, piece4 1 ---- 61 VARIABLE cumValue.L cumulative value piece1 11011, piece2 1011, piece3 11, piece4 1 ---- 61 VARIABLE cumDigits.L cumulative number of digits piece1 5, piece2 4, piece3 2, piece4 1 ---- 61 VARIABLE Mul13.L = 847 multiple of 13 VARIABLE z.L = 11011 objective
Complete enumeration
To verify the solution we can use a complete enumeration approach. The total number of cases is 64=1296. This is not too large. Below is a table that illustrates the enumeration. Only the first 50 records are shown. The column div13 has a one where the concatenated number is a multiple of 13. The column smallest marks the best row.
---- 66 PARAMETER data complete enumeration piece1 piece2 piece3 piece4 concat div13 smallest k1 1 1 1 1 1111 k2 1 1 1 10 11110 k3 1 1 1 20 11120 k4 1 1 1 40 11140 k5 1 1 1 100 111100 k6 1 1 1 200 111200 k7 1 1 10 1 11101 k8 1 1 10 10 111010 k9 1 1 10 20 111020 1 k10 1 1 10 40 111040 k11 1 1 10 100 1110100 k12 1 1 10 200 1110200 1 k13 1 1 20 1 11201 k14 1 1 20 10 112010 k15 1 1 20 20 112020 k16 1 1 20 40 112040 k17 1 1 20 100 1120100 k18 1 1 20 200 1120200 k19 1 1 40 1 11401 1 k20 1 1 40 10 114010 1 k21 1 1 40 20 114020 k22 1 1 40 40 114040 k23 1 1 40 100 1140100 1 k24 1 1 40 200 1140200 k25 1 1 100 1 111001 k26 1 1 100 10 1110010 k27 1 1 100 20 1110020 k28 1 1 100 40 1110040 k29 1 1 100 100 11100100 k30 1 1 100 200 11100200 k31 1 1 200 1 112001 k32 1 1 200 10 1120010 k33 1 1 200 20 1120020 k34 1 1 200 40 1120040 k35 1 1 200 100 11200100 k36 1 1 200 200 11200200 k37 1 10 1 1 11011 1 1 k38 1 10 1 10 110110 1 k39 1 10 1 20 110120 k40 1 10 1 40 110140 k41 1 10 1 100 1101100 1 k42 1 10 1 200 1101200 k43 1 10 10 1 110101 k44 1 10 10 10 1101010 k45 1 10 10 20 1101020 k46 1 10 10 40 1101040 k47 1 10 10 100 11010100 k48 1 10 10 200 11010200 k49 1 10 20 1 110201 1 k50 1 10 20 10 1102010 1
This confirms the solution we found using Baron.
The "string concatenation" problem in the original problem statement is not very easy to model in an MINLP model. We made a heroic effort, and it seems to work for this example. Baron was able to find the optimal solution. However, due to the large numbers involved, I doubt this approach can be used for larger problems. MINLP and MIP algorithms are not very suited for large integer variables.
- Could this problem be solved using mixed integer non-linear programming or any other optimization technique?,
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