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Saturday, December 8, 2018

More queens problems

In [1] the famous n-queens problem was discussed: how many queens can we place on a chess-board such that non of them are attacked by others. Interestingly, we had some non-obvious problem with Cplex enumerating the different configurations (due to tolerance issues).

A different problem is the Minimum Dominating Set of Queens Problem:
Find the minimum number of queens needed such that they dominate each square.
Here dominate means: either a square is under attack by at least one queen, or it is occupied by a queen.

To develop a Mixed Integer Programming model, we introduce the familiar binary variables:

xi,j={1if square (i,j) is occupied by a queen0otherwise

A square (i,j) is dominated if:

  1. xi,j=1: a queen is located here. This case will be covered by the following other cases, so we don't have to worry about this.
  2. There is a queen in row i: jxi,j1
  3. There is a queen in column j:ixi,j1
  4. There is a queen in the same diagonal. The diagonal is described by (i,j) such that ij=ij. So we have: i,j|ij=ijxi,j1 If you prefer you can write this as i|1ii+jnxi,ii+j1 
  5. There is a queen in the same anti-diagonal. The anti-diagonal is described by (i,j) such that i+j=i+j. So we have: i,j|i+j=i+jxi,j1 This can also be written as i|1i+jinxi,i+ji1

We can write these conditions in one big constraint. So we can write:

Minimum Dominating Set of Queens Problem

For an 8×8 board, we need 5 queens. Here are two solutions:

You can verify that every unoccupied square is under attack.

Note that this formulation actually does a bit of double counting. E.g. when we look at the constraint for cell (2,3) we see:

e(2,3)..  x(1,2) + x(1,3) + x(1,4) + x(2,1) + x(2,2) + 4*x(2,3) + x(2,4)
      + x(2,5) + x(2,6) + x(2,7) + x(2,8) + x(3,2) + x(3,3) + x(3,4) + x(4,1)
      + x(4,3) + x(4,5) + x(5,3) + x(5,6) + x(6,3) + x(6,7) + x(7,3) + x(7,8)
      + x(8,3) =G= 1 ; (LHS = 0, INFES = 1 ****)

We see that x(2,3) has a coefficient 4. This is harmless. However it looks a bit unpolished. With a little bit more careful modeling we can get rid of this coefficient 4. A complicated way would be: jxi,j+i|iixi,j+i,j|ij=ij,ii,jjxi,j+i,j|i+j=i+j,ii,jjxi,j1i,j The first summation includes xi,j while the other three summations exclude explicitly an occurrence of xi,j. Simpler is just to subtract 3xi,j: jxi,j+ixi,j+i,j|ij=ijxi,j+i,j|i+j=i+jxi,j3xi,j1i,j Here we just compensate for the double counting.

Now we see:

e(2,3)..  x(1,2) + x(1,3) + x(1,4) + x(2,1) + x(2,2) + x(2,3) + x(2,4) + x(2,5)
      + x(2,6) + x(2,7) + x(2,8) + x(3,2) + x(3,3) + x(3,4) + x(4,1) + x(4,3)
      + x(4,5) + x(5,3) + x(5,6) + x(6,3) + x(6,7) + x(7,3) + x(7,8) + x(8,3)

      =G= 1 ; (LHS = 0, INFES = 1 ****)

When we ask: how many different solution are there?, we use again the Cplex solution pool. And again, we have our tolerance problem:

pool.absgapNumber of solutions

As the objective is integer valued, in some sense an absolute gap tolerance of 0.5 seems the safest. With this we find the correct number of solutions [2]. See [1] for a more in-depth discussion of this tolerance problem.


  1. Chess and solution pool,
  2. Weisstein, Eric W.,  Queens Problem,
  3. Henning Fernau, minimum dominating set of queens: A trivial programming exercise?, Discrete Applied Mathematics, Volume 158, Issue 4, 28 February 2010, Pages 308-318. This is about programming instead of modeling. The issues are very different.
  4. Saad Alharbi and, Ibrahim Venkat, A Genetic Algorithm Based Approach for Solving the Minimum Dominating Set of Queens Problem, Hindawi Journal of Optimization, Volume 2017. I am not sure why a meta-heuristic is a good choice for solving this problem: you will not find proven optimal solutions. 

1 comment:

  1. I just tried to do the same thing with 9 queens instead of 8 (on a 9x9 board), for which it is known that there are 352 solutions. After setting the pool intensity to 4, the pool capacity to the maximum possible value (2.1e9) , the integrality tolerance to 0, and the absolute gap for the pool to 0.01 I only got 348 solutions (i.e. 4 are missed); however, when I reduce the absolute gap even further, to 0.005, I get all 352 solutions. It seems that the issue is that the CPLEX pool stores all the solutions it encounters, because with a tolerance of 0.01 the status (in CLI) is displayed as "Populate - Populate solution limit exceeded, integer optimal", whereas with a tolerance of 0.005 it is displayed as "Populate - All reachable solutions enumerated, pool tolerance (1e+75/0.005), integer optimal".

    For comparison, when I tried this in Gurobi (with default settings, except the pool size was set to 1000) there didn't seem to be a problem, and it happily listed the 352 solutions with objective value 9 as well as 648 solutions with objective value 8 (if I understand correctly, Gurobi's pool size reflects only the retained solutions, not all enumerated ones).
