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Friday, July 27, 2018

Scheduling of patients

In [1] a simple optimization model is presented for the scheduling of patients receiving cancer treatments. [2] tried to use this model. This was not so easy: small bugs in [1] can make life difficult when replicating things.

We use the data set in [2]:

  • There are T=40 time slots of 15 minutes
  • We have 23 chairs where patients receive their treatment
  • We have 8 different types of patients
  • Each patient type has a demand (number of actual patients) and a treatment length (expressed in 15 minute slots)
  • There is a lunch break during which no patients can start their treatment
  • We want at most 2 treatment sessions starting in each time slot. 

Patient Data

Main variables

A treatment session is encoded by two binary variables: startc,p,t={1if session for a patient of type p starts in time slot t in infusion chair c0otherwise nextc,p,t={1if session for a patient of type p continues in time slot t in infusion chair c0otherwise

Start and Next variables
Here the start variables are colored orange and the next variables are grey. Patient type 1 has a treatment session length of 1. This means a session has a start variable turned on, but no next variables.  Patient type 2 has a length of 4. So each session has one start variable and 3 next variables with values one.

Note that there are multiple patients of type 1 and 2.


A chair can be occupied by zero or one patients: p(startc,p,t+nextc,p,t)1c,t

When startc,p,t=1 we need that the next length(p)1 slots have nextc,p,t=1. Here the paper [1] makes a mistake. They propose to model this as: t+length(p)1t=t+1nextc,p,t=(length(p)1)startc,p,tc,p,t This is not correct: this version would imply that we have startc,p,t=0t+length(p)1t=t+1nextc,p,t=0 This would make a lot of slots just unavailable. (Your model will most likely be infeasible). The correct constraint is:t+length(p)1t=t+1nextc,p,t(length(p)1)startc,p,tc,p,t A dis-aggregated version is: nextc,p,tstartc,p,tc,p,t,t=t+1,t+length(p)1 This may perform a little bit better in practice (although some solvers can do such a dis-aggregation automatically).

It is noted with this formulation, we only do startc,p,t=1nextc,p,t=1 If startc,p,t=0, we leave nextc,p,t unrestricted. This mean we have some next variables just floating. They can be zero or one. Only the important cases are bound to be one. This again means that the final solution is just startc,p,t, and we need to reconstruct the next variables afterwards. This concept of having variables just floating in case they do not matter, can be encountered in other MIP models.

To meet demand we can do:c,tstartc,p,t=demandp

Finally, lunch is easily handled by fixing startc,p,t=0 when t is part of the lunch period.

There is one additional issue: we cannot start a session if there are not enough time slots left to finish the session. I.e. we have: startc,p,t=0if tTlength(p)+2

GAMS model

The data looks like:

'chair' /chair1*chair23/
'patient type' /patient1*patient8/
'time slots' /t1*t40/
'lunch time' /t19*t22/


table patient_data(p,*)
demand  length
patient1     24     1
patient2     10     4
patient3     13     8
patient4      9    12
patient5      7    16
patient6      6    20
patient7      2    24
patient8      1    28

scalar maxstart 'max starts in period' /2/ ;

demand(p) = patient_data(p,
length(p) = patient_data(p,

We create some sets to help us make the equations simpler. This is often a good idea: sets are easier to debug than constraints. Constraints can only be verified when the whole model is finished and we can solve it. Sets can be debugged in advance. In general, I prefer constraints to be as simple as possible.

'allowed slots for start'
'given start at (p,t), tt are further slots needed (tt = t+1..t+length-1)'

startok(p,t) =
startok(p,lunch) =
after(p,t,tt) = startok(p,t)
and (ord(tt)>=ord(t)+1) and (ord(tt)<=ord(t)+length(p)-1);

The set startok looks like

Set startok
Note that lunch time slots (periods 19-22) are not available.

The set after is a bit more complicated:

set after
We see here for patient type 5, given what the start period is (the start period is on the left), when the next variable needs to be turned on. E.g. when patient type 5 starts a treatment session in period 1, the next variables need to be one for periods 2 through 16. At the bottom we see again the effect of the lunch period.

The optimization model can now be expressed as:

binary variables
'start: begin treatment'
'continue treatment'

variable z 'objective variable';

not startok(p,t)) = 0;

'dummy objective: find feasible solution only'
'start=1 => corresponding next = 0,1'
'disaggregated version'
'occupy once'
'demand equation'
'limit starts in each slot'

* dummy objective
obj..  z =e= 0;

* aggregated version
sum(after(p,t,tt), next(c,p,tt)) =g= (length(p)-1) * start(c,p,t);

* disaggregated version
   next(c,p,tt) =g= start(c,p,t);

* occupation of chair
sum(p, start(c,p,t) + next(c,p,t)) =l= 1;

* demand equation
sum((c,t),start(c,p,t)) =e= demand(p);

* limit starts
sum((c,p),start(c,p,t)) =l= maxstart;

model m1 /slots,chair,patient,starts,obj/;
model m2 /slots2,chair,patient,starts,obj/;

solve m1 minimizing z using mip;

display start.l;

I try to make the results more meaningful:

parameter results(*,t) 'reporting';
start.l(c,p,t) = round(start.l(c,p,t));
 results(c,t) =
 results(c,tt)$after(p,t,tt) = -
'starts',t) = sum((c,p),start.l(c,p,t));

We only use the start variables. We know that some of the next variables may have a value of one while not being part of the schedule. The results look like:


The colored cells with positive numbers correspond to a start of a session. The grey cells are patients occupying a chair for the remaining time after the start slot. We see that each period has two starts, except for lunch time, when no new patients are scheduled.

This model solves very quickly: about half a second.

Proper Next variables

In this model we only use the start variables for reporting. The next variables can show spurious values nextc,p,t=1 which are not binding. Can we change the model so we only have valid next variables?

There are two ways:

  1. Minimize the sum of next variables: minc,p,tnextc,p,t Surprisingly this made the model much more difficult to solve. 
  2. We know in advance how many next variables should be turned on. So we can add the constraint:c,p,tnextc,p,t=pdemandp(length(p)1) This will prevent these floating next variables.

A better formulation

We can remove the next variables altogether and use the start variables directly in the constraint that checks the occupation of chairs: ptt=tlengthp+1startc,p,t1c,t In GAMS we can model this as follows. We just need to change the set after a little bit: we let tt in after(p,t,tt) include t itself. Let's call this set cover:

'allowed slots for start'
'given start at (p,t), tt are all slots needed (tt = t..t+length-1)'

startok(p,t) =
startok(p,lunch) =
cover(p,t,tt) = startok(p,t)
and (ord(tt)>=ord(t)) and (ord(tt)<=ord(t)+length(p)-1);

Note again that the only difference with our earlier set after(p,t,tt) is that after has (ord(tt)>=ord(t)+1)  while cover(p,t,tt) has a condition: (ord(tt)>=ord(t)). One obvious difference between the sets after and cover is the handling of patient type 1. After did not have entries for this patient type, while cover shows:

Set cover has a diagonal structure for patient type 1 

With this new set cover we can easily form our updated constraint chair:

* occupation of chair
sum(cover(p,tt,t), start(c,p,tt)) =l= 1;

This will find all variables start(c,p,tt) that potentially cover the slot (c,t). Here we see how we can simplify equations a lot by using well-designed intermediate sets.

Minimize number of chairs

We can tighten up the schedule a little bit. There is enough slack in the schedule that we actually don't need all chairs to accommodate all patients. To find the minimum number of chairs we make the following changes to the model: first we introduce a new binary variable usechair(c). Next we change the equations:

* objective
obj..  z =e=
sum(c, usechair(c));

* occupation of chair
sum(cover(p,tt,t), start(c,p,tt)) =l= usechair(c);

* chair ordering
order(c-1).. usechair(c) =l= usechair(c-1);

The last constraint says usechaircusechairc1 for c>1 (this last condition is implemented by indexing the constraint as order(c-1)). The purpose of this constraint is two-fold: (1) reduce symmetry in the model which hopefully will speed up things, and (2) make the solution better looking: all the unused chairs are at the end. With this, an optimal schedule looks like:

Minimize number of chairs

Multi-objective version

We can try to make the schedule more compact: try to get rid of empty chairs in the middle of the schedule. An example of such a "hole" is cell: (chair6, t12). We do this by essentially solving a bi-objective problem:
  1. Minimize number of chairs needed
  2. Minimize spread
Here the spread of a single chair is defined by last slot minus first slot the chair is used. The total spread is just the sum of these. We want to make the minimization of the number of chairs the first, most important objective. The bi-objective problem can be solved in two ways:
  • Solve a weighted sum objective w1z1+w2z2 with a large weight on z1 being the number of chairs used,
  • Solve in two steps: 
    1. Solve number of chairs problem
    2. Fix number of chairs to optimal value and then solve minimum spread model.
I used the second approach, and achieved a tighter schedule:

Bi-objective model results

Update: I added paragraphs about the suggested formulations in the comments.


  1. Anali Huggins, David Claudio, Eduardo Pérez,  Improving Resource Utilization in a Cancer Clinic: An Optimization Model, Proceedings of the 2014 Industrial and Systems Engineering Research Conference, Y. Guan and H. Liao, eds.,
  2. Python Mixed Integer Optimization,

Monday, July 23, 2018

Mathematical view of assignment problem

Example from [2]

I was reading some old (really old) papers on the assignment problem. The style is much more verbose than we see nowadays, and examples are very small (that is actually not a bad thing).

In [2] (and referred to by [1]) is a well-known statement about mathematicians:

There are, as has been indicated, a finite number of permutations in the assignment of men to jobs. When the classification problem as formulated above was presented to a mathematician, he pointed to this fact and said that from the point of view of the mathematician there was no problem. Since the number of permutations was finite, one had only to try them all and choose the best. He dismissed the problem at that point. This is rather cold comfort to the psychologist, however, when one considers that only ten men and ten jobs mean over three and a half million permutations. Trying out all the permutations may be a mathematical solution to the problem, it is not a practical solution. 

This is a little bit like "applied mathematics is bad mathematics"...


  1. Tjalling C. Koopmans and Martin Beckmann, Assignment Problems and the Location of Economic Activities, Econometrica Vol. 25, No. 1 (Jan., 1957), pp. 53-76
  2. Robert L. Thorndike, The Problem of Classification of Personnel, Psychometrika, Vol. 15, No. 3, September, 1950 

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Job announcement: USDA/Economic Research Service

Baseline Data Coordinator, Economic Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture
Grade: GS-13. (Subsequent promotion would involve a new job announcement and the standard competitive process.)
Opening and closing dates for announcement on July 18 to July 31
U.S. citizenship or naturalization would be required for employment.

Description (edited -- the official description is in the link above):

The incumbent will serve as an Agricultural Economist working in the area of data management, computer programming, and modeling analysis for the USDA Baseline and other scenarios. The incumbent will work directly with the Baseline Coordinators to assure effective delivery of timely, high quality products and analysis to the Office of the Secretary and other Departmental Officials. The incumbent will be responsible for providing authoritative technical analysis, and managing and manipulating large datasets covering agricultural data for multiple countries and commodities. The incumbent will be responsible for linking these datasets to models of the agricultural sectors for multiple countries to produce long-run projections for the farm sector that cover agricultural commodities, agricultural trade, and aggregate indicators for the sector. The incumbent will also be responsible for managing, updating, and writing sophisticated computer programs that are used to produce the projections.

Clarification: Although the description emphasizes data work, the actual work is considerably broader.

Graph drawing in RStudio

RStudio can plot nice networks and graphs. By graph, I mean here the mathematical artifact: G=(V,E). I.e. a collection of nodes and arcs.

DiagrammeR is an R package that includes graphviz. RStudio has some support for graphviz input files (editing, drawing). Basically we need to specify nodes and arcs, and let the tool do its work.

Graphviz file in RStudio (picture from [1])

Network model used in [3]

I like it.


  1. DiagrammeR Docs, graphviz,
  2. Graphviz, Node, Edge and Graph attributes,
  3. Choosing boxes: set covering vs network models vs dynamic programming,

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Choosing boxes: set covering vs network models vs dynamic programming

row, building, shelf, business, rack, storage

From [1]:

I have the following problem:

  1. I have N square paper documents with side lengths between 150mm and 860mm. I know each document side's length.
  2. I need to create 3−4 differently sized boxes to fit all the documents, e.g. Three box types: Box 1 side L1=300mm, Box 2 side L2=600mm, Box 3: L3=860mm.
  3. There are as many boxes as documents, i.e. each document goes into its own separate box (of the smallest possible size so as to minimize waste of cardboard).
  4. What is the best way to decide on the size of the boxes, so as to minimize the total amount of (surface area) of cardboard used?

The data looks like:

Original Data (partial view)

We have 1166 records. We see there are items with the same length. These duplicates will always go in the same box type. So we don't have to distinguish them in the optimization model. As a result, we can reorganize the data into unique values and their count:

---    392 PARAMETER data  

            size       count

i1       156.000       1.000
i2       162.000       1.000
i3       168.000       1.000
i4       178.000       2.000
i5       180.000       1.000
i6       185.000       2.000
i379     806.000       1.000
i380     820.000       1.000
i381     823.000       1.000
i382     827.000       2.000
i383     855.000       2.000
i384     864.000       1.000

This table has 384 records. A big improvement over 1166 items! This will make our optimization models much smaller. Note that we make sure things are ordered by size (increasing). We will exploit this in one of the models below.

Small data example

For small data sets we can easily enumerate all possible ways to use T different box sizes. Here we have n=6 unique item sizes and T=3 boxes:

Small data set with n=6, T=3

We see that the best configuration is to have boxes of size 2, 6 and 9 with areas 4. 36 and 81.

We assume throughout that each box is used for at least one item. This makes sense: when adding a new box size, it is never a good idea not to use it. Remember: box sizes are variable: we determine the size of a box (it is not given).

Some more observations:

  • The larges box size is the size of the largest item.
  • It will never make sense to choose a box size that is not equal to one of the item sizes. In this example: a box size of 3 will never be optimal. 

For large problems, of course, complete enumeration is out of the question. We will need to do something more cleverly.

Assignment formulation

It is tempting to start with an assignment variable such as: xi,j={1if item i is assigned to box type j=1,T0otherwise Here T is the number of differently sized boxes. Furthermore let aj=area of box j This can lead to a model like: mini,jcountiajxi,jjxi,j=1i(assignment)xi,j=1ajsize2i(fit)xi,j{0,1}aj0(area of box type j) This is problematic: we have a non-convex quadratic objective. This model can be linearized with some effort. First we introduce a variable yi,j=ajxi,j. As we are minimizing, we can get away with just yi,jajM(1xi,j). The linearized model can look like  mini,jcountiyi,jajsize2ixi,jyi,jajAmax(1xi,j)a1=Amaxaj+1aj1 where Amax=8642. The last two constraints should help the solver a little bit: we reduce symmetry.

This model is very difficult to solve. After 20 minutes it still had a gap of 30%.

Covering formulation

This model is organized around the variable xi,j={1if items i through j are put in the same size box (with size j)0otherwise This is somewhat unusual, but we'll see this will make a rather nice MIP model. Here we also see why the ordering of items by size is a useful concept: if xi,j=1 then all items i,i+1,,j1,j are placed in the same size box.

The basic idea is to cover each item exactly once by a variable xi,j. In addition we want exactly T variables that have a value of one. Here is how we organize our variables xi,j:

Variables x(i,j)

A feasible solution has two properties:

  • Each item (column) selects exactly one variable (row),
  • The total number of selected variables is T
A feasible solution can look like:

Feasible solution for T=3

The feasible solution has exactly T=3 variables selected, and all items are covered exactly once.

The complete model is surprisingly simple: minijci,jxi,jikjxi,j=1kijxi,j=Txi,j{0,1} The constraint ikjxi,j=1k is typically a long summation. In the picture above, for k=2, we have to add up the variables x1,2, x1,3, x1,4, x1,5, x1,6, x2,2, x2,3, x2,4, x2,5, and x2,6. The cost coefficients can be calculated as: ci,j=jk=icountksize2jij or if you prefer ci,j=size2jikjcountk ij This is like a set covering or better set partitioning problem (we want to cover exactly once: this is a set partitioning construct).

This leads to a large, but easy to solve MIP model: for T=4, I see:


BLOCKS OF EQUATIONS           3     SINGLE EQUATIONS          386
BLOCKS OF VARIABLES           2     SINGLE VARIABLES       73,921
NON ZERO ELEMENTS     9,658,881     DISCRETE VARIABLES     73,920

This looks scary, but actually solves very fast:

Root relaxation solution time = 6.73 sec. (3375.50 ticks)

        Nodes                                         Cuts/
   Node  Left     Objective  IInf  Best Integer    Best Bound    ItCnt     Gap

*     0+    0                       7.96958e+08        0.0000           100.00%
Found incumbent of value 7.9695838e+08 after 102.45 sec. (46615.58 ticks)
*     0     0      integral     0   3.29199e+08   3.29199e+08     2111    0.00%
Elapsed time = 102.56 sec. (46669.97 ticks, tree = 0.00 MB, solutions = 2)
Found incumbent of value 3.2919912e+08 after 102.56 sec. (46669.97 ticks)

The results look like:

----    447 PARAMETER results  

                 count     minsize     maxsize        area    sum area

i1   .i155     549.000     156.000     388.000  150544.000 8.264866E+7
i156 .i268     377.000     389.000     550.000  302500.000 1.140425E+8
i269 .i351     187.000     552.000     705.000  497025.000 9.294368E+7
i352 .i384      53.000     710.000     864.000  746496.000 3.956429E+7
total.        1166.000                                     3.291991E+8

This means we put items 1 through 155 in the smallest box with size 388 (area = 3882), etc.

When we run the model with T=3 we see:

----    447 PARAMETER results  

                 count     minsize     maxsize        area    sum area

i1   .i155     549.000     156.000     388.000  150544.000 8.264866E+7
i156 .i284     423.000     389.000     574.000  329476.000 1.393683E+8
i285 .i384     194.000     576.000     864.000  746496.000 1.448202E+8
total.        1166.000                                     3.668372E+8

Indeed the total cost (area) goes up. Interestingly the smallest box size stays the same.

GAMS implementation

set i /i1*i384/;

'allowed i,j combinations: i<=j'
'allowed i,j,k combinations: i<=k<=j'
ij(i,j) =
ijk(ij(i,j),k) =
ord(k)>=ord(i) and ord(k)<=ord(j);

table data(i,*)
size      count
i1          156        1
i2          162        1
i3          168        1
i4          178        2
. . .

i381        823        1
i382        827        2
i383        855        2
i384        864        1

parameter count(i), size(i);
count(i) = data(i,
size(i) = data(i,

scalar T 'number of different box sizes' /4/;

binary variables x(i,j)  'items i-j in a single box type';
variable totalarea;

parameter c(i,j) 'cost when items i-j are in box with size size(j)';
c(ij(i,j)) =
sum(ijk(ij,k), count(k)*sqr(size(j)));

'cover each item k exactly once'
'T different box sizes'
'minimize total area'

sum(ijk(ij,k),x(ij)) =e= 1;
sum(ij,x(ij)) =e= T;
objective.. totalarea =e=
sum(ij, c(ij)*x(ij));

model m /all/;
option optcr=0;
solve m minimizing totalarea using mip;

set xij(i,j) 'selected x(i,j)';
xij(i,j) = x.l(i,j) > 0.5;

parameter results(*,*,*);
'minsize') = size(i);
'maxsize') = size(j);
'area') = sqr(size(j));
'count') = sum(ijk(xij,k),count(k));
'sum area') = c(xij);
'total','','sum area') = totalarea.l;
'total','','count') = sum(ijk(xij,k),count(k));
display results;


  • Intermediate sets are used to simplify things. I use this approach a lot. Sets are easier to debug than equations.
  • Reporting is important. I try to collect meaningful information in the 3d parameter results. Hopefully the results can be interpreted even when not knowing the model or even when not knowing GAMS.
  • The set xij(i,j) will indicate where we have x.l(i,j)=1. In practice, values for a binary variable can be 0.99999 or 1.00001. So I don't test against 1.0 exactly.
  • I left out the data step where I combine duplicate item sizes. That was done in a separate piece of GAMS code.

Network model I

This problem can also be modeled as a network problem. See [2] for more details.

The network is not very simple. Consider again the 6 item, T=3 example. We drew a picture of a feasible covering earlier. The same feasible solution for the network of this problem looks like:

Feasible solution for T=3

Selecting a link from item i to item j means: put items i,i+1,,j1 into a box with size j1. Similarly, a link from item i to the sink node means: put items i,i+1,,n into a box with size n (where n is the largest item or box).

The cost coefficients are defined by: ci,j=size2j1j1k=icountkijci,sink=size2nnk=icountki

We want to solve a shortest path problem from item 1 to the sink node with a side constraint: the number of "blue" nodes we visit should be exactly T. The side constraint makes this a cardinality constrained or hop constrained shortest path problem. We can solve this as an MIP problem: min(i,j)Aci,jxi,j(j,i)Axj,i+bi=yii(flow balance)yi=(i,j)Axi,ji(outflow node i)isinkyi=T(cardinality)xi,j,yi0 Here bi is the net exogenous supply of node i. I.e. bi={1if i=11if i=sink0otherwise

This model solves very fast (the relaxed LP gives an integer solution for this data set). The solution for our real data with T=4 looks like:

----    470 VARIABLE cost.L                =  3.291991E+8  

----    470 VARIABLE x.L  arcs

            i156        i269        i352        sink

i1         1.000
i156                   1.000
i269                               1.000
i352                                           1.000

This means our optimal grouping is i1i155, i156i268, i269i351, i352i384. This is the same solution as for our set partitioning model.


The GAMS code for this model can look like:


Select Boxes

Cardinality constrained shortest path


'orig nodes + sink' /i1*i384,sink/
'orig nodes w/o sink' /i1*i384/

table data(i,*)
size      count
i1          156        1
i2          162        1
i3          168        1
i4          178        2
. . .
i381        823        1

i382        827        2
i383        855        2
i384        864        1

parameter count(i), size(i);
count(i) = data(i,
size(i) = data(i,

scalar T 'number of different box sizes' /4/;


'allowed i,j combinations: i<=j'
'allowed i,j,k combinations: i<=k<=j'
singleton set lastj(j)     'last element of j';
ij(i,j) =
ijk(ij(i,j),k) =
ord(k)>=ord(i) and ord(k)<=ord(j);
lastj(j) =

* network topology
set a(iext,iext) 'arcs';
a(ij) =
'sink') = yes;

parameter c(iext,iext) 'cost coefficients';
c(a(i,j)) = sqr(size(j-1)) *
'sink') = sqr(size(lastj)) * sum(ijk(i,lastj,k),count(k));

parameter pinflow(iext)  'source/sink' /
sink -1
i1    1

binary variables
'outflow of node'

variables cost;

'node balance'
'calc y'
'we need an active node for box'

obj.. cost =e=

calcoutflow(iext).. y(iext) =e=

sum(a(jext,iext), x(a)) + pinflow(iext) =e= y(iext);

sum(i,y(i)) =e= T;

model m /all/;
* for this data set we can solve as LP (to be safe solve as MIP)
solve m minimizing cost using rmip;
display cost.l, x.l;
* check if close to integer solution
"non-integer solution: solve as MIP";

* reporting
set xij(i,jext) 'items i..j to into same box';
xij(i,jext) = x.l(i,jext+1) > 0.5;

parameter results(*,*,*);
'minsize') = size(i);
'maxsize') = size(j);
'area') = sqr(size(j));
'count') = sum(ijk(i,j,k),count(k));
'sum area') = sqr(size(j)) * sum(ijk(i,j,k),count(k));
'total','','sum area') = cost.l;
'total','','count') = sum(ijk(xij(i,j),k),count(k));
display results;

Network Model II

The previous model was a network model with a side constraint. We can create a pure network by augmenting the network. Basically we keep track of the number of different boxes by indexing the nodes by item number and layer number. This means we have a larger number of nodes. The network can look like:
Layered network

Here we see all paths contain T=3 blue nodes. Each node is labeled by (item,layer). Be aware that an arc ij represents putting items i,,j1 in the same sized box. As nodes have 2 indices, arcs have four!

The results for the original data set with T=4 looks like:

----    467 VARIABLE cost.L                =  3.291991E+8  

----    467 VARIABLE x.L  arcs

            i156.layer2 i269.layer3 i352.layer4  sink.Lsink

i1  .layer1        1.00
i156.layer2                    1.00
i269.layer3                                1.00
i352.layer4                                            1.00

Note again that this must be interpreted as follows: group items  i1i155, i156i268, i269i351, i352i384 in box sizes large enough to hold i155i268i351i384 . This is the same solution as for our earlier models.

GAMS Model


Select Boxes

Shortest path in layered network


'orig nodes + sink' /i1*i384,sink/
'orig nodes w/o sink' /i1*i384/
'orig layers + sink' /layer1*layer4,Lsink/
'lyaers w/o sink' /layer1*layer4/

table data(i,*)
size      count
i1          156        1
i2          162        1
i3          168        1
i4          178        2
. . .

i381        823        1
i382        827        2
i383        855        2
i384        864        1

parameter count(i), size(i);
count(i) = data(i,
size(i) = data(i,

scalar T 'number of different box sizes';
T =


'allowed i,j combinations: i<=j'
'allowed i,j,k combinations: i<=k<=j'
singleton sets
'last element of j'
'last element of L'
ij(i,j) =
ijk(ij(i,j),k) =
ord(k)>=ord(i) and ord(k)<=ord(j);
lastj(j) =
lastL(L) =

* network topology
set a(iext,L1ext,jext,L2ext) 'arcs';
a(i,L1,j,L1+1) =
'sink','Lsink') = yes;

parameter c(iext,L1ext,jext,L2ext) 'cost coefficients';
c(a(i,L1,j,L2)) = sqr(size(j-1)) *
'sink','Lsink') = sqr(size(lastj)) * sum(ijk(i,lastj,k),count(k));

parameter pinflow(iext,Lext)  'source/sink' /
sink.Lsink   -1
i1.layer1     1

binary variables

variables cost;

'node balance'

obj.. cost =e=

sum(a(jext,L2ext,iext,L1ext), x(a)) + pinflow(iext,L1ext) =e= sum(a(iext,L1ext,jext,L2ext), x(a));

model m /all/;
* this is a pure network: we can solve as an LP
solve m minimizing cost using rmip;
option x:2:2:2;
display cost.l, x.l;

* reporting
set xij(i,jext) 'items i..j to into same box';
xij(i,jext) =
sum((L1ext,L2ext),x.l(i,L1ext,jext+1,L2ext)) > 0.5;

parameter results(*,*,*);
'minsize') = size(i);
'maxsize') = size(j);
'area') = sqr(size(j));
'count') = sum(ijk(i,j,k),count(k));
'sum area') = sqr(size(j)) * sum(ijk(i,j,k),count(k));
'total','','sum area') = cost.l;
'total','','count') = sum(ijk(xij(i,j),k),count(k));
display results;

As this is a pure network, we can ask Cplex to use the network simplex method to solve this. We see:

---   1,537 rows  220,993 columns  662,977 non-zeroes
---   220,992 discrete-columns
--- Executing CPLEX: elapsed 0:01:15.411


Tried aggregator 1 time.
LP Presolve eliminated 393 rows and 219470 columns.
Aggregator did 764 substitutions.
Reduced LP has 380 rows, 759 columns, and 1138 nonzeros.
Presolve time = 2.25 sec. (568.28 ticks)
Extracted network with 381 nodes and 759 arcs.
Extraction time = 0.00 sec. (0.11 ticks)

Iteration log . . .
Iteration:     0   Infeasibility     =             1.000000 (24337)
Iteration:   100   Infeasibility     =             1.000000 (24337)
Iteration:   200   Infeasibility     =             1.000000 (24337)

Network - Optimal:  Objective =    3.2919911900e+08
Network time = 0.00 sec. (0.07 ticks)  Iterations = 261 (261)
LP status(1): optimal
Cplex Time: 2.39sec (det. 588.24 ticks)

We see the presolver takes most of the time, but is also highly effective. The presolved model takes zero seconds to solve.

Dynamic Programming

A dynamic programming algorithm is an alternative for this problem. If we define fi,b=minimum total area when we pack items 1,,i (ordered and with unique size) in b box sizes then we can write down the recursion:fi,b=mink=b1,,i1{fk,b1+size2iij=k+1countj}

When we code this up in R we could see something like:

data <- c(

count <- as.vector(t)
size <- as.numeric(rownames(t))

cumulative <- cumsum(count)

# number of box sizes, number of item sizes
NB <- 4
NI <- length(size)

# allocate matrix NI rows, NB columns (initialize with NAs)
# f[ni,nb] = cost when we have ni items and nb blocks
F <- matrix(NA,NI,NB)
S <- matrix("",NI,NB)

# initialize for nb=1
F[1:NI,1] <- cumulative * size[1:NI]^2
S[1:NI,1] <- paste("(",1,"-",1:NI,")",sep="")

# dyn programming loop
for (nb in 2:NB) {
  for (ni in nb:NI) {
     k <- (nb-1):(ni-1)
     v <- F[k,nb-1] + (cumulative[ni]-cumulative[k])*size[ni]^2
     F[ni,nb] <- min(v)
     # create path (string)
     mink <- which.min(v) + nb - 2
     s <- paste("(",mink+1,"-",ni,")",sep="")
     S[ni,nb] <- paste(S[mink,nb-1],s,sep=",")

for (nb in 1:NB) {
   cat(sprintf("%s boxes: %s, total area = %g\n",nb,S[NI,nb],F[NI,nb]))

Note that the inner k loop is vectorized. The results look like:

1 boxes: (1-384), total area = 8.70414e+08
2 boxes: (1-268),(269-384), total area = 4.59274e+08
3 boxes: (1-155),(156-284),(285-384), total area = 3.66837e+08
4 boxes: (1-155),(156-268),(269-351),(352-384), total area = 3.29199e+08

The results for 1,2 and 3 boxes we get for free.


The data set used here is shown below:



  1. Need to create 3−4 different box sizes and to minimize material waste for a set of n objects that need to fit into these boxes,
  2. On the scheduling of reading book chapters,