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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Filling rectangles with polyominos

I know about dominos, but polyominos [1] are new for me. In [2] a problem is posted: fill a rectangle (or square) with a number of different polyominos. No overlap or rotation allowed. I assume there is no limitation in the supply of polyominos.

For example, consider a 11×11 grid, and choose from the following building blocks:

Five different polyominos

We can try to fill our grid, but we will not always succeed:

Fail to cover complete grid

I solved this as a MIP as follows. My decision variables are:

xi,j,k={1if we place polyomino k at location (i,j)0otherwise

I used as rule that the left-upper corner of each polynomino is its anchor. I.e. in the picture above we have x1,1,4=1, x2,1,2=1, x1,3,5=1 etc.

To formulate a non-overlap constraint I populated a set coveri,j,k,i,j, with elements that exist  if cell (i,j) is covered when we place polyomino k in cell (i,j). To require each cell (i,j) is covered we can say:


This constraint is infeasible if we cannot cover each cell (i,j) exactly once. In order to make sure we can show a meaningful solution when we cannot cover each cell, we formulate the following optimization model:


Here yi,j=1 indicates cell (i,j) is covered exactly once, and yi,j=0 says the cell is not covered.

With a little bit of effort we can produce the following:

61 x 61 board with 9 different polyominos
A SAT solver may be better suited for this [2], but MIP works for all but very large instances.


  1. Polyomino,
  2. 2D bin packing on a grid,

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