In the Numberlink puzzle [1] we need to connect end-points by paths over a board with cells such that:
- Each cell is part of a path
- Paths do not cross
E.g. the puzzle on the left has a solution as depicted on the right [1]:
The picture on the left provides the end-points. The solution in the picture on the right can be interpreted as:
The main variable we use is:
xp,k={1 if cell p has value k0 otherwise |
The main thought behind solving this model as a math programming model is to look at the neighbors of a cell. The neighbors are the cells immediately on the left, on the right, below or above. If a cell is an end-point of a path then it has exactly one neighbor with the same value. If a cell is not an end-point it is on a path between end-points and has two neighboring cells with the same value.
This leads to the following high-level MIQCP (Mixed Integer Quadratically Constrained Model):
∑kxp,k=1∑q|N(p,q)∑kxp,k⋅xq,k={1if cell p is an end-point2otherwisexp,k=cp,kif cell p is an end-pointxp,k∈{0,1} |
Here N(p,q) is true if p and q are neighbors and cp,k indicates if cell p is an end-point with value k. The model has no objective: we are just looking for a feasible integer solution. Unfortunately, this is a non-convex model. The global solver Baron can solve this during its initial local search heuristic phase:
Doing local search Cleaning up *** Normal completion *** Wall clock time: 23.73 Total no. of BaR iterations: 1 All done |
Of course we can try to linearize this model so it becomes a MIP model (and thus convex). The product of two binary variables y=x1⋅x2 can be linearized by:
y≤x1y≤x2y≥x1+x2−1y∈{0,1} |
We can relax y to a continuous variable between 0 and 1. In our model we can exploit some symmetry. This reduces the number of variables and equations:
yp,q,k≤xp,k∀p<qyp,q,k≤xp,k∀p<qyp,q,k≥xp,k+xq,k−1∀p<qyp,q,k∈{0,1}∀p<q |
The non-linear counting equation can now be written as:
∑q|N(p,q)∑k(yp,q,k|p<q+yq,p,k|q<p)=bp |
Here bp is the right-hand side of the counting constraint. This solves very fast. Cplex shows:
Tried aggregator 2 times. Root node processing (before b&c): |
Cplex solves this in the root node.
Unique solution
A well-formed puzzle has exactly one solution. We can check this by adding a constraint that forbids the solution we just found. After adding this cut the model should be infeasible. Let αp,k=x∗p,k be our feasible solution. Then our cut can look like:
∑p,kαp,kxp,k≤|P|−1 |
where |P| is the number of cells. Indeed, when we add this constraint, the model becomes infeasible. So, we can conclude this is a proper puzzle.
Alternative formulation
In the comments Rob Pratt suggests a formulation that works a better in practice. The counting constraint is replaced by:
∑q|N(p,q)xq,k=1if cell p is an end-point with value k2xp,k≤∑q|N(p,q)xq,k≤2xp,k+Mp(1−xp,k)if cell p is not an end-point |
where Mp can be replaced by Mp=|N(p,q)|=∑q|N(p,q)1 (the number of neighbors of cell p). This is at most 4 so not really a big big-M.
This formulation seems to work better. We can solve with this something like:
This problem has also exactly one solution.
Historical note
In [3] an early version of this puzzle is mentioned, appearing in
Here the goal is to draw paths from each house to its gate without the paths overlapping [4].
Large problems
For larger problems MIP solvers are not the best tool. From notes in [2] it looks like SAT solvers are most suitable for this type problem. In a CP/SAT framework we could use directly an integer variable xp∈{1,…,K}, and write the counting constraints as something like:
∑q|N(p,q)1|(xp=xq)={1if cell p is an end-point2otherwise |
- Numberlink,
- Hakan Kjellerstrand, Numberlink puzzle in Picat, (shows a formulation in the Picat language)
- Aaron Adcock, Erik D. Demaine, Martin L. Demaine, Michael P. O'Brien, Felix Reidl, Fernando Sanchez Villaamil, and Blair D. Sullivan, Zig-Zag Numberlink is NP-Complete, 2014,
- Facsimiles of The Brooklyn Daily Eagle,,
- Neng-Fa Zhou, Masato Tsuru, Eitaku Nobuyama, A Comparison of CP, IP, and SAT Solvers through a common interface, 2012,