In GAMS set elements (used for indexing) are strings. This means it is not necessary to use non-descriptive numbers as in:
set i /1*50/;
Actually, even with numbered elements, it is good practice to prefix such elements, as in:
set i /i1*i50/;
This will help when inspecting large, multi-dimensional data-structures.
As an example consider the code fragment:
i /1*8/
j /1*4/
k /1*6/
parameter p(i,j,k);
p(i,j,k) = uniform(0,1);
I see these type of numbered sets quite often. Here is why this may be a bad idea: especially after pivoting a bit, it is really difficult to see what is going on:
If we prefix the set elements with a name, we achieve much more clarity:
When I receive a model with numbered set elements the first thing I try to do is to prefix the labels.
Of course, in practical models, we often can use meaningful names, but sometimes we just have numbers as IDs. I have also seen cases where the ID is a number or a very long description. In that case, the number can be a better candidate for set element.
Exporting set elements
In GAMS a parameter is really a sparse (multi-dimensional) matrix. This corresponds quite nicely to a table in a RDBMS (relational database) or to a dataframe in R or Python. A matrix in R or Python is dense, so those data structures do not work as well for large, sparse parameters, although R has nice facilities to use matrices with row and column names.
Let’s generate some data in GAMS and export to an SQLite database:
i 'observations' /i1*i50/
s 'scenarios' /scen1*scen3/
parameter results(s,i);
results('scen1',i) = normal(0,1);
results('scen2',i) = normal(-1+4*ord(i)/card(i),0.4);
results('scen3',i) = uniform(4,5);
execute_unload "results.gdx",results;
execute "gdx2sqlite -i results.gdx -o results.db";
We can try to plot this data in R as follows:
library("RSQLite") library("ggplot2") # connect to the sqlite file sqlite = dbDriver("SQLite") db = dbConnect(sqlite, "results.db") # retrieve data df = dbGetQuery(db,"select * from results") head(df) ggplot(data=df,aes(x=i,y=value,color=s)) + geom_line() dbDisconnect(db)
The output of head(df) indicates we read the data correctly:
## head(df)
s i value
1 scen1 i1 -0.3133429
2 scen1 i2 0.3276748
3 scen1 i3 0.4635588
4 scen1 i4 -1.8299478
5 scen1 i5 -0.7316124
6 scen1 i6 -0.9715983
Unfortunately, things don’t work exactly as expected. We see an error message:
geom_path: Each group consists of only one observation. Do you need to adjust
the group aesthetic?
And the plot does not look correct:
The reason is the variable df$i.If we convert this back to integers we are ok. To do this conversion we actually have to do two things:
- Drop the first character ‘i’ from df$i.
- Convert df$i from string to numeric (type casting).
Interestingly we can fix this in several stages:
Partial GAMS solution
We can not really rename set elements in GAMS. However we can create a new parameter, a mapping set and use a sum statement to map between sets:
i 'observations' /i1*i50/
s 'scenarios' /scen1*scen3/
i2 'observations as number' /1*50/
map(i2,i) '1-1 mapping set'
map(i2,i)$(ord(i2)=ord(i)) = yes;
parameter results(s,i);
results('scen1',i) = normal(0,1);
results('scen2',i) = normal(-1+4*ord(i)/card(i),0.4);
results('scen3',i) = uniform(4,5);
parameter results2(s,i2);
results2(s,i2) = sum(map(i2,i),results(s,i));
Now we can export the parameter results2 instead of results. Note that index i2 will still be a string when it arrives in R. The type casting to a numeric type has to be done in R or in SQL (see next sections how this can be done).
Conversion in R
The conversion to a numeric type can be done in R in just one line
df$i <- as.numeric(substring(df$i,2))
Conversion in SQL
We can also perform the conversion in SQL while reading the data from the SQLite database file:
select s,
cast(substr(i,2) as numeric) as i,
from results
cast(substr(i,2) as numeric) as i,
from results
This whole thing can be easily scripted in GAMS.
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