The problem discussed here (1) involves a network of factories, warehouses and sales outlets. We need to find the least expensive flow of products from factories to warehouses to stores. One particularity is that each store gets its products from one warehouse.
Mathematical Model
We use the following indices:
- p: products
- f: factories
- w: warehouses
- s: stores
We introduce the following variables:
- xp,f,w≥0: shipments of product p from factory f to warehouse w,
- ys,w∈{0,1}: links each store s to a single warehouse w.
The data associated with the model is:
- pcostf,p: unit production cost
- tcostp: unit transportation cost
- distf,w,dists,w: distances
- pcapf,p: factory production capacities
- wcapw: warehouse capacity
- ds,p: demand for product p at store s
- turnp: product turnover rate
The optimization model looks like:
min∑p,f,w(pcostf,p+tcostp⋅distf,w)⋅xp,f,w+∑s,w,pds,p⋅tcostp⋅dists,w⋅ys,w∑wxp,f,w≤pcapf,p∀f,p(production capacity)∑fxp,f,w=∑sds,p⋅ys,w∀p,w(demand)∑p,sds,pturnpys,w≤wcapw∀w(warehouse capacity)∑wys,w=1∀s(one warehouse for a store)xp,f,w≥0ys,w∈{0,1} |
Matlab vs GAMS Implementation
Here we compare the Matlab implementation from (1) to a GAMS transcription of the model.
Matlab code | GAMS code | ||
rng(1) % for reproducibility N = 20; % N from 10 to 30 seems to work. Choose large values with caution. N2 = N*N; f = 0.05; % density of factories w = 0.05; % density of warehouses s = 0.1; % density of sales outlets
F = floor(f*N2); % number of factories W = floor(w*N2); % number of warehouses S = floor(s*N2); % number of sales outlets | |||
sets | |||
xyloc = randperm(N2,F+W+S); % unique locations of facilities [xloc,yloc] = ind2sub([N N],xyloc); | Pick unique locations on a grid | ||
Not 100% the same: just random locations. No guarantee of uniqueness. | parameters xloc(k),yloc(k); | ||
P = 20; % 20 products
% Production costs between 20 and 100 pcost = 80*rand(F,P) + 20;
% Production capacity between 500 and 1500 for each product/factory pcap = 1000*rand(F,P) + 500;
% Warehouse capacity between P*400 and P*800 for each product/warehouse wcap = P*400*rand(W,1) + P*400;
% Product turnover rate between 1 and 3 for each product turn = 2*rand(1,P) + 1;
% Product transport cost per distance between 5 and 10 for each product tcost = 5*rand(1,P) + 5;
% Product demand by sales outlet between 200 and 500 for each % product/outlet d = 300*rand(S,P) + 200; | |||
set p 'products' /product1*product20/; | |||
distfw = zeros(F,W); % Allocate matrix for factory-warehouse distances for ii = 1:F for jj = 1:W distfw(ii,jj) = abs(xloc(ii) - xloc(F + jj)) + abs(yloc(ii) - yloc(F + jj)); end end
distsw = zeros(S,W); % Allocate matrix for sales outlet-warehouse distances for ii = 1:S for jj = 1:W distsw(ii,jj) = abs(xloc(F + W + ii) - xloc(F + jj)) + abs(yloc(F + W + ii) - yloc(F + jj)); end end | |||
The indexing is cleaner thanks to f,s,w being subsets of k. | parameters | ||
obj1 = zeros(P,F,W); % Allocate arrays obj2 = zeros(S,W); % Generate the entries of obj1 and obj2. for ii = 1:P for jj = 1:F for kk = 1:W obj1(ii,jj,kk) = pcost(jj,ii) + tcost(ii)*distfw(jj,kk); end end end
for ii = 1:S for jj = 1:W obj2(ii,jj) = distsw(ii,jj)*sum(d(ii,:).*tcost); end end % Combine the entries into one vector. obj = [obj1(:);obj2(:)]; % obj is the objective function vector | |||
positive variable x(p,f,w) 'flow factory to warehouse'; binary variable y(s,w) 'assign warehouse to store'; variable z 'objective variable'; equation obj 'objective'; obj.. z =e= sum((p,f,w), (pcost(f,p)+tcost(p)*distfw(f,w))*x(p,f,w)) + sum((s,w,p), d(s,p)*tcost(p)*distsw(s,w)*y(s,w)); | |||
matwid = length(obj);
Aineq = spalloc(P*F + W,matwid,P*F*W + S*W); % Allocate sparse Aeq bineq = zeros(P*F + W,1); % Allocate bineq as full
% Zero matrices of convenient sizes: clearer1 = zeros(size(obj1)); clearer12 = clearer1(:); clearer2 = zeros(size(obj2)); clearer22 = clearer2(:);
% First the production capacity constraints counter = 1; for ii = 1:F for jj = 1:P xtemp = clearer1; xtemp(jj,ii,:) = 1; % Sum over warehouses for each product and factory xtemp = sparse([xtemp(:);clearer22]); % Convert to sparse Aineq(counter,:) = xtemp'; % Fill in the row bineq(counter) = pcap(ii,jj); counter = counter + 1; end end | Matrix Aineq holding the coefficients for the inequality constraints is large and sparse, so use a sparse matrix instead of a dense one. | ||
equation prodcap(f,p) 'production capacity'; | |||
% Now the warehouse capacity constraints vj = zeros(S,1); % The multipliers for jj = 1:S vj(jj) = sum(d(jj,:)./turn); % A sum of P elements end
for ii = 1:W xtemp = clearer2; xtemp(:,ii) = vj; xtemp = sparse([clearer12;xtemp(:)]); % Convert to sparse Aineq(counter,:) = xtemp'; % Fill in the row bineq(counter) = wcap(ii); counter = counter + 1; end | |||
equation whcap(w) 'warehouse capacity'; | |||
Aeq = spalloc(P*W + S,matwid,P*W*(F+S) + S*W); % Allocate as sparse beq = zeros(P*W + S,1); % Allocate vectors as full
counter = 1; % Demand is satisfied: for ii = 1:P for jj = 1:W xtemp = clearer1; xtemp(ii,:,jj) = 1; xtemp2 = clearer2; xtemp2(:,jj) = -d(:,ii); xtemp = sparse([xtemp(:);xtemp2(:)]'); % Change to sparse row Aeq(counter,:) = xtemp; % Fill in row counter = counter + 1; end end | Matrix Aeq is for the coefficients of the equality constraints. Also stored as a sparse matrix | ||
equation demand(p,w); | |||
% Only one warehouse for each sales outlet: for ii = 1:S xtemp = clearer2; xtemp(ii,:) = 1; xtemp = sparse([clearer12;xtemp(:)]'); % Change to sparse row Aeq(counter,:) = xtemp; % Fill in row beq(counter) = 1; counter = counter + 1; end | |||
equation assign(s) 'assign wh to store'; | |||
intcon = P*F*W+1:length(obj); lb = zeros(length(obj),1); ub = Inf(length(obj),1); ub(P*F*W+1:end) = 1; [solution,fval,exitflag,output] = intlinprog(obj,intcon,Aineq,bineq,Aeq,beq,lb,ub); | |||
model m /all/; |
The conclusion is that when we compare an equation based modeling system compared to a matrix based system, the equation based formulation is really more compact and readable when the model equations become more complex.
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