The paper:
Dinkelbach’s Algorithm as an Efficient Method for Solving a Class of
MINLP Models for Large-Scale Cyclic Scheduling Problems [link]
by Prof. Grossmann e.a. investigates some mixed-integer linear fractional programming problems. It compares some standard MINLP codes against an implementation of Dinkelbach’s algorithm and concludes that this algorithm performs very good. The algorithm consists of a solving a series of MIP problems with each time a different weighted objective function. This method is so simple it can be coded in GAMS in just a few lines.
If the problem is something like:
![image image](
then we need to solve a series of MIP problems:
![image image](
for different values of λ.
I wanted to see if I could use this on a (very) large mixed-integer linear fractional programming problem. Of course first try it on some very small examples. The first test is a continuous problem:
Example 1: Linear fractional programming problem
$ontext References: Fengqi You, Pedro M. Castro, Ignacio E. Grossmann1 Dinkelbach’s Algorithm as an Efficient Method for Solving a Class of MINLP Models for Large-Scale Cyclic Scheduling Problems Said Tantawy AN ITERATIVE METHOD FOR SOLVING LINEAR FRACTION PROGRAMMING (LFP) PROBLEM WITH SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS $offtext set i 'products' /a1,a2/ ; parameters uprofit(i) 'unit profit' / a1 4 a2 2 / ucost(i) 'unit cost' / a1 1 a2 2 / fixedcost /5/ fixedprofit /10/ matuse(i) 'raw material usage' / a1 1 a2 3 / rawavail 'raw material available' /30/ ; variables x(i) 'production' profit cost z 'objective variable' ; positive variables x,profit,cost; equations eprofit 'calculate profit' ecost 'calculate cost' eraw 'raw material usage' eprodcon 'production constraint' eratio 'minlp objective' ; eprofit.. profit =e= fixedprofit + sum(i, uprofit(i)*x(i)); ecost.. cost =e= fixedcost + sum(i, ucost(i)*x(i)); eraw.. sum(i, matuse(i)*x(i)) =l= rawavail; eprodcon.. x('a1') + 5 =g= 2*x('a2'); eratio.. z =e= profit/cost; cost.lo = 1; *------------------------------------------------------------- * solve as nlp *------------------------------------------------------------- model m1 /all/; m1.solprint = 2; solve m1 maximizing z using nlp; display "------------------------------------", "NLP Solver", "------------------------------------", z.l,x.l; *------------------------------------------------------------- * Dinkelbach's algorithm *------------------------------------------------------------- scalars q 'optimal objective at end of algorithm' /0/ continue /1/ tol /0.1/ iterations ; equation linobj; linobj .. z =e= profit - q*cost; model m2 /eprofit,ecost,eraw,eprodcon,linobj/; m2.solprint = 2; set iter /iter1*iter5/; loop(iter$continue, solve m2 maximizing z using lp; if (z.l < tol, continue = 0; iterations = ord(iter); display "------------------------------------", "Dinkelbach algorithm", "------------------------------------", q,iterations,x.l; else q = profit.l/cost.l; ); );
This continuous problem is very easy:
---- 73 ------------------------------------ NLP Solver ------------------------------------ VARIABLE z.L = 3.714 objective variable ---- 73 VARIABLE x.L production a1 30.000 ---- 102 ------------------------------------ Dinkelbach algorithm ------------------------------------ PARAMETER q = 3.714 optimal objective at end of algorithm PARAMETER iterations = 2 ---- 102 VARIABLE x.L production a1 30.000 |
The next small example is an integer problem:
Example 2: an integer fractional programming problem
$ontext References: Fengqi You, Pedro M. Castro, Ignacio E. Grossmann1 Dinkelbach’s Algorithm as an Efficient Method for Solving a Class of MINLP Models for Large-Scale Cyclic Scheduling Problems Ildiko Zsigmond Mixed Integer linear Fractional Programming By A Branch-and-Bound Technique 1985 $offtext variables x1,x2 num 'numerator' denom 'denominator' z 'objective variable' ; integer variables x1,x2; x1.up = 5; x2.up = 4; equations enum 'numerator' edenom 'denominator' e1,e2,e3 eratio ; enum.. num =e= 2*x1+x2-2; edenom.. denom =e= x1-x2+1; e1.. -5*x1 + 4*x2 =l= 0; e2.. -x1+x2 =l= 0.5; e3.. 2*x1+x2 =l= 11; eratio.. z =e= num/denom; denom.lo = .1; option optcr=0; model m1 /enum,edenom,e1,e2,e3,eratio/; m1.solprint = 2; solve m1 maximizing z using minlp; display "------------------------------------", "MINLP Solver", "------------------------------------", z.l,x1.l,x2.l; *------------------------------------------------------------- * Dinkelbach's algorithm *------------------------------------------------------------- scalars q 'optimal objective at end of algorithm' /0/ continue /1/ tol /0.1/ iterations ; equation linobj; linobj .. z =e= num - q*denom; model m2 /enum,edenom,e1,e2,e3,linobj/; m2.solprint = 2; set iter /iter1*iter5/; display "------------------------------------"; loop(iter$continue, solve m2 maximizing z using mip; if (z.l < tol, continue = 0; iterations = ord(iter); display "------------------------------------", "Dinkelbach algorithm", "------------------------------------", q,iterations,x1.l,x2.l; else q = num.l/denom.l; ); ); |
The listing file shows:
---- 51 ------------------------------------ MINLP Solver ------------------------------------ VARIABLE z.L = 7.000 objective variable VARIABLE x1.L = 3.000 VARIABLE x2.L = 3.000 ---- 82 ------------------------------------ Dinkelbach algorithm ------------------------------------ PARAMETER q = 7.000 optimal objective at end of algorithm PARAMETER iterations = 4.000 VARIABLE x1.L = 3.000 VARIABLE x2.L = 3.000
For our very large problem (approx. 1 million rows) this method was even more successful. All NLP solvers I have access to had troubles with the sheer size of the problem, even though the NLP relaxations are linearly constrained. But the MIP problems generated inside Dinkelbach’s algorithm turned out to be large but easy to solve. In addition the algorithm converged in about 5 major iterations.
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