Friday, March 21, 2025

Wolf, goat and cabbage problem: MIP and network model

The Wolf, goat, and cabbage problem can be stated as [1]:

A farmer with a wolf, a goat, and a cabbage must cross a river by boat. The boat can carry only the farmer and a single item. If left unattended together, the wolf would eat the goat, or the goat would eat the cabbage. How can they cross the river without anything being eaten?

A long transcontinental flight was a good opportunity to try to attack this problem. Here are some approaches to model this. Not at all a very useful or practical model, but still interesting, I think (although I may be in a small minority here). 

Inventory model

In this model, we keep track of the inventory of items (wolf, goat, cabbage). We assume the starting inventory is: all items are on the left bank of the river. The final inventory should be: all items are on the right bank. In this model, I assume the following numbering scheme:

----     31 SET trip  trips

trip1 ,    trip2 ,    trip3 ,    trip4 ,    trip5 ,    trip6 ,    trip7 ,    trip8 ,    trip9 ,    trip10

----     31 SET dir  direction of trip

L->R,    R->L

----     31 SET tripDir  trip direction combos

              L->R        R->L

trip1          YES
trip2                      YES
trip3          YES
trip4                      YES
trip5          YES
trip6                      YES
trip7          YES
trip8                      YES
trip9          YES
trip10                     YES