When Gurobi returns:
Barrier performed 80 iterations in 18.11 seconds |
the GAMS link is confused:
QP status(13): unknown |
and does not return the solution:
**** MODEL STATUS 14 No Solution Returned |
This has been fixed for the next release.
I am a full-time consultant and provide services related to the design, implementation and deployment of mathematical programming, optimization and data-science applications. I also teach courses and workshops. Usually I cannot blog about projects I am doing, but there are many technical notes I'd like to share. Not in the least so I have an easy way to search and find them again myself. You can reach me at erwin@amsterdamoptimization.com.
When Gurobi returns:
Barrier performed 80 iterations in 18.11 seconds |
the GAMS link is confused:
QP status(13): unknown |
and does not return the solution:
**** MODEL STATUS 14 No Solution Returned |
This has been fixed for the next release.
With a brand new VirtualBox and a new Ubuntu desktop (as client on a Windows machine), I had troubles getting the folder sharing to work. The mount command failed with some rather obscure messages. The solution was to install:
In R there are obvious ways to store a rectangular grid of numbers: a matrix of a data frame. A data frame can handle different types in different columns, so it is richer than a matrix which has a single type. Internally a matrix is just a vector with a dimension atribute.
A dataframe can be accessed as if it is a matrix using the notation df[i,j]
When we want to access a large number of elements a[i,j]
(unvectorized), there is a difference in timing however.
Lets first create a 100x100 matrix.
# create a 100 x 100 matrix with random numbers
n <- 100
m <- 100
a <- matrix(runif(n*m,0,100),nrow=m,ncol=n)
## num [1:100, 1:100] 85.1 17.7 34.9 54.2 51 ...
Now copy the data into a data frame:
df <- as.data.frame(a)
## Observations: 100
## Variables: 10
## $ V1 <dbl> 85.065933, 17.728731, 34.860332, 54.248920, 50.977486, 99....
## $ V2 <dbl> 5.813586, 56.404924, 41.151549, 32.029510, 40.857083, 81.8...
## $ V3 <dbl> 4.452198, 34.878083, 34.398440, 90.276525, 26.451508, 48.9...
## $ V4 <dbl> 43.496058, 95.162642, 65.250058, 83.941005, 55.507790, 17....
## $ V5 <dbl> 58.70423852, 39.08486762, 73.75686767, 51.61834429, 72.739...
## $ V6 <dbl> 34.55152, 36.22242, 12.87432, 74.17734, 32.98368, 93.05312...
## $ V7 <dbl> 96.112254, 55.291468, 8.653270, 28.452267, 18.926653, 80.6...
## $ V8 <dbl> 45.4440507, 20.2528389, 98.3861469, 90.8775842, 14.8820597...
## $ V9 <dbl> 3.2462605, 10.2364068, 90.3974374, 5.3393112, 41.1585281, ...
## $ V10 <dbl> 39.686012, 74.177476, 67.095580, 96.879985, 16.446060, 97....
Here we compare the memory use. They are roughly the same.
## 80.2 kB
## 91 kB
Let’s create a function that randomly access one million elements. To be able to check that we do the same thing we sum these elements.
K <- 1e6
rowi <- sample(n,size=K,replace=T)
colj <- sample(m,size=K,replace=T)
f <- function(a) {
s <- 0
for(k in 1:K) {
s <- s + a[rowi[k],colj[k]]
# same result: we compute the same thing
## [1] 49894303
## [1] 49894303
The results of calling f(a)
and f(df)
are the same, but the data frame version takes much more time:
## user system elapsed
## 2.74 0.00 2.75
## user system elapsed
## 50.71 0.02 50.81
In R there are obvious ways to store a rectangular grid of numbers: a matrix of a data frame. A data frame can handle different types in different columns, so it is richer than a matrix which has a single type. Internally a matrix is just a vector with a dimension atribute.
A data frame can be accessed as if it is a matrix using the notation df[i,j].
When we want to access a large number of elements a[i,j] (unvectorized), there is a difference in timing however.
Let's first create a 100 x 100 matrix.
# create a 100 x 100 matrix with random numbers
m <- 100
n <- 100
a <- matrix(runif(m*n,0,100),nrow=m,ncol=n)
## num [1:100, 1:100] 16.6 43.1 86.7 44.4 11.1 ...
Now copy the data into a data frame using as.data.frame(a). I could have used data.frame(a) instead (that would yield different column names X1,X2,...).
df <- as.data.frame(a)
## V1 V2 V3 V4 V5
## 1 16.63825 37.27615 91.70009 31.16568013 60.35773
## 2 43.07365 26.23530 45.98191 27.83072027 94.46351
## 3 86.72209 14.70443 55.62293 51.58801596 83.38001
## 4 44.37759 93.33136 41.71945 0.06141574 75.64287
## 5 11.13246 14.10785 75.97597 51.34233858 54.39535
Here we compare the memory use. They are roughly the same.
## 80.2 kB
## 91 kB
Let's create a function that randomly accesses one million elements. To be able to check that we do the same thing we sum these elements.
K <- 1e6
rowi <- sample(m,size=K,replace=T)
colj <- sample(n,size=K,replace=T)
f <- function(a) {
s <- 0
for(k in 1:K) {
s <- s + a[rowi[k],colj[k]]
# same result: we compute the same thing
## [1] 49990017
## [1] 49990017
The results of calling f(a) and f(df) are the same, but the data frame version takes much more time:
## user system elapsed
## 3.18 0.00 3.20
## user system elapsed
## 58.39 0.07 59.31
Note: don't try this function on a Data Table. The behavior and rules of indexing on a Data Table are slightly different. Although we can use:
dt <- data.table(df)
## V2
## 1: 37.27615
the indexing as used in function f() is not identical to what we are used to when working with data frames and matrices.
In a recent post (1) a nice introduction into Microsoft Solver Foundation is provided. Unfortunately Solver Foundation has been discontinued a while ago; the last version was 3.1 in 2012.
The author is from Ukraine. I think there was a fellow countryman who was once very active in the Optimization arena with his Python tools. Dmitrey Kroshko had a fairly active website (openopt.org). I have no idea what happened to Dmitrey or OpenOpt.
Power Query (or Get and Transform as it is called now) has some interesting tools to import a bunch of CSV files. Here are some notes.
Here is a small set of CSV files:
When we load this with New Query|From File|From Folder and Edit we see:
Pressing the button with the arrows in the Content column leads to:
The reason for this behavior is: the last line of each CSV file does not have a proper line ending. Most CSV readers are forgiving in this respect, Excel (in this case) is not.
The auto-generated script (shown above) is combining the content of the CSV files using the Binary.Combine function. I don’t know an easy way to fix this in the generated import script so instead I fixed the CSV files themselves, so we can concentrate on the handling of headers.
If we have headers in the CSV files, as in:
we can promote the first record of the combined data to form our column names. Unfortunately, there will be remaining headers in the records:
These header records can be filtered out explicitly. After applying the row filter and fixing up the column types, we have:
I changed the types of column ID, Population and Year to “whole number”. Note: it is not always clear if an ID should be a numeric value. There are good reasons to keep it text so we cannot apply numeric operations on this column.
The generated script looks like:
let |
In this case we also want to the country name as extra column in the final table. This name can be deduced from the file name. This type of operation is not unusual when working with CSV files. The following script will do the job:
let |
Basically the algorithm is:
This results in:
With this script we actually no longer need to worry about line endings of the last record in each file: the Csv.Document function (inside the “Added Column 2” step) will take care of that.
If the directory contains other files than *.csv files we can apply a row filter on the source table we get from the Folder.Files function. Let’s also make sure we handle both *.csv and *.CSV files:
let |
or if we don’t want to introduce an extra step:
let |
Note that it is not allowed to use something like: Folder.Files("D:\tmp\citypopulation\*.csv").
To work with the scripts it is useful to know a little bit about the M language, see (3) and (4). Microsoft is very good in creating texts with a somewhat high PR level. The next sentences are from (4):
The Power Query Formula Language is a powerful query language optimized for building queries that mashup data. It's a functional, case sensitive language similar to F#, which can be used with Power Query in Excel, Get & Transform in Excel 2016, and Power BI Desktop.
For computer language theorists: Power Query is a mostly pure, higher-order, dynamically typed, partially lazy, functional language. You can create a variety of data mashup queries from simple to advanced. As with any programming language, you will need some intermediate programming experience for more advanced scenarios.
min∑tw2twt=∑ir′i,txi∑iμixi≥R∑ixi=1xi≥0 |
minxTQx=∑i,jqi,jxixj∑iμixi≥R∑ixi=1xi≥0 |
qi,j=1T∑t(ri,t−μi)(rj,t−μj) |
∑i,jqi,jxixj=1T∑i,j∑t(ri,t−μi)(rj,t−μj)xixj=1T∑t(∑ir′i,txi)(∑jr′j,txj)=1T∑tw2t |
From (1) (see references below):
I have 4 stores (1,2,3,4) and I can apply 3 treatments (A,B,C) to each of the 4 stores. Each treatment has its own cost and profit.
The matrix is as follows:
Store Treatment Cost Profit
1 A 50 100
1 B 100 200
1 C 75 50
2 A 25 25
2 B 150 0
2 C 50 25
3 A 100 300
3 B 125 250
3 C 75 275
4 A 25 25
4 B 50 75
4 C 75 125
How can I maximize the profit having a constraint on maximum cost in R? In reality, I have a large number of stores and hence cannot be done manually. Each store can get only 1 treatment.
Thanks in advance.
Loading the data into a data frame is easy with read.table
Store Treatment Cost Profit
1 A 50 100
1 B 100 200
1 C 75 50
2 A 25 25
2 B 150 0
2 C 50 25
3 A 100 300
3 B 125 250
3 C 75 275
4 A 25 25
4 B 50 75
4 C 75 125
## Store Treatment Cost Profit
## 1 1 A 50 100
## 2 1 B 100 200
## 3 1 C 75 50
## 4 2 A 25 25
## 5 2 B 150 0
## 6 2 C 50 25
## 7 3 A 100 300
## 8 3 B 125 250
## 9 3 C 75 275
## 10 4 A 25 25
## 11 4 B 50 75
## 12 4 C 75 125
I am going to try to model this problem with OMPR (2) and solve it with the Symphony MIP solver (3).
First we need a bunch of packages:
OMPR is using numbers as indices so it makes sense to extract the cost and profit data as matrices. We do this as follows:
# extract some basic data
## [1] 1 2 3 4
treatments <- levels(df$Treatment)
## [1] "A" "B" "C"
num_treatments <- length(treatments)
# cost matrix
cost <- as.matrix(spread(subset(df,select=c(Store,Treatment,Cost)),Treatment,Cost)[,-1])
## A B C
## 1 50 100 75
## 2 25 150 50
## 3 100 125 75
## 4 25 50 75
# profit matrix
profit <- as.matrix(spread(subset(df,select=c(Store,Treatment,Profit)),Treatment,Profit)[,-1])
## A B C
## 1 100 200 50
## 2 25 0 25
## 3 300 250 275
## 4 25 75 125
# maximum cost allowed
max_cost <- 300
The OMPR package allows us to specify linear equations algebraically. Most LP/MIP solvers in R use a matrix notation, which often is more difficult to use. Here we go:
m <- MIPModel() %>%
add_variable(x[i,j], i=stores, j=1:num_treatments, type="binary") %>%
add_constraint(sum_expr(x[i,j], j=1:num_treatments)<=1, i=stores) %>%
add_constraint(sum_expr(cost[i,j]*x[i,j], i=stores, j=1:num_treatments) <= max_cost) %>%
set_objective(sum_expr(profit[i,j]*x[i,j], i=stores, j=1:num_treatments),"max") %>%
solve_model(with_ROI(solver = "symphony",verbosity=1))
## Starting Preprocessing...
## Preprocessing finished...
## with no modifications...
## Problem has
## 5 constraints
## 12 variables
## 24 nonzero coefficients
## Total Presolve Time: 0.000000...
## Solving...
## granularity set at 25.000000
## solving root lp relaxation
## The LP value is: -650.000 [0,5]
## ****** Found Better Feasible Solution !
## ****** Cost: -650.000000
## ****************************************************
## * Optimal Solution Found *
## * Now displaying stats and best solution found... *
## ****************************************************
## ====================== Misc Timing =========================
## Problem IO 0.000
## ======================= CP Timing ===========================
## Cut Pool 0.000
## ====================== LP/CG Timing =========================
## LP Solution Time 0.000
## LP Setup Time 0.000
## Variable Fixing 0.000
## Pricing 0.000
## Strong Branching 0.000
## Separation 0.000
## Primal Heuristics 0.000
## Communication 0.000
## Total User Time 0.000
## Total Wallclock Time 0.000
## ====================== Statistics =========================
## Number of created nodes : 1
## Number of analyzed nodes: 1
## Depth of tree: 0
## Size of the tree: 1
## Number of solutions found: 1
## Number of solutions in pool: 1
## Number of Chains: 1
## Number of Diving Halts: 0
## Number of cuts in cut pool: 0
## Lower Bound in Root: -650.000
## ======================= LP Solver =========================
## Number of times LP solver called: 1
## Number of calls from feasibility pump: 0
## Number of calls from strong branching: 0
## Number of solutions found by LP solve: 1
## Number of bounds changed by strong branching: 0
## Number of nodes pruned by strong branching: 0
## Number of bounds changed by branching presolver: 0
## Number of nodes pruned by branching presolver: 0
## ==================== Primal Heuristics ====================
## Time #Called #Solutions
## Rounding I 0.00
## Rounding II 0.00
## Diving 0.00
## Feasibility Pump 0.00
## Local Search 0.00 1 0
## Restricted Search 0.00
## Rins Search 0.00
## Local Branching 0.00
## =========================== Cuts ==========================
## Accepted: 0
## Added to LPs: 0
## Deleted from LPs: 0
## Removed because of bad coeffs: 0
## Removed because of duplicacy: 0
## Insufficiently violated: 0
## In root: 0
## Time in cut generation: 0.00
## Time in checking quality and adding: 0.00
## Time #Called In Root Total
## Gomory 0.00
## Knapsack 0.00
## Clique 0.00
## Probing 0.00
## Flowcover 0.00
## Twomir 0.00
## Oddhole 0.00
## Mir 0.00
## Rounding 0.00
## LandP-I 0.00
## LandP-II 0.00
## Redsplit 0.00
## ===========================================================
## Solution Found: Node 0, Level 0
## Solution Cost: -650.0000000000
## +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
## User indices and values of nonzeros in the solution
## +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
## 1 1.0000000000
## 2 1.0000000000
## 4 1.0000000000
## 11 1.0000000000
A “raw" solution can be generated using:
get_solution(m,x[i, j]) %>%
filter(value > 0)
## variable i j value
## 1 x 2 1 1
## 2 x 3 1 1
## 3 x 1 2 1
## 4 x 4 3 1
We want to clean this up a bit:
get_solution(m,x[i, j]) %>%
filter(value > 0) %>%
mutate(Treatment = treatments[j],Store = i) %>%
## Status: optimal
## Objective: 650
## Store Treatment
## 1 2 A
## 2 3 A
## 3 1 B
## 4 4 C
In (1) I described a simple linearization scheme for a QP model we we can solve it as a straight LP. For a simple (convex) quadratic function f(x), instead of solving:
minf(x)=x2 |
we solve
minzz≥aix+bi |
In this post I do things slightly different: instead of adding the linear inequalities ahead of time, we add them one at the time based on the previously found optimal point. This approach is called a cutting plane technique (2).
We consider again the simple portfolio model:
min∑tw2twt=∑ir′i,txi∑iμixi≥R∑ixi=1xi≥0 |
The model is linearized as an LP model:
min∑tztzt≥at,kwt+bt,kAdded K×T cutswt=∑ir′i,txi∑iμixi≥R∑ixi=1xi,zt≥0 |
Initially we start without cuts. Later on, during the Cutting Plane algorithm, we will add linear cuts in each iteration. The algorithm would look like:
Here we stop simply when a certain number of iterations MAXIT has been exceeded. That can be refined by stopping when the objective does not seem to change much anymore. Another optimization could be to only add cuts that are different from the ones added before (for some t we may converge quicker than for others).
The algorithm converges very fast:
---- 118 PARAMETER report2 obj(LP) w'w iter1 1.02907546 |
Note that the optimal QP solution has an objective: 0.41202816.
This is pretty good performance especially because the dataset is not very small (it has 717 time periods and 83 stocks).
Here is a picture of the cuts introduced for the first element z1=w21:
We can even combine the two methods:
This yields even faster convergence:
---- 142 PARAMETER report3 obj(LP) w'w iter1 0.32921509 0.41401219 |