USDA has some good agricultural production and trade data available at Here we try to read the CSV file psd_alldata.csv and convert it to a usable GAMS GDX file.
$ontext |
The final GDX file looks like:
This file can be read as:
$ontext |
- We use the tool csv2gdx to read the csv and produce a raw gdx file (the gdx file will be overwritten with the final version after adding the supporting sets).
- The projection option is used to extract the sets from the parameter alldata. This is non-intuitive (i.e. ugly) syntax but it is fast.
- The set year is explicitly declared to make sure the years are ordered. In the csv file the (marketing) years are not ordered. Refinement: in order to make sure the superset of years is not chosen too small, we probably should have used a $loaddc alldata instead of $load alldata.
- The declaration of the sets look a bit funny in the gdx viewer:
This is due to the way we had to declare the sets for use with the projection option.