I am a full-time consultant and provide services related to the design, implementation and deployment of mathematical programming, optimization and data-science applications. I also teach courses and workshops. Usually I cannot blog about projects I am doing, but there are many technical notes I'd like to share. Not in the least so I have an easy way to search and find them again myself. You can reach me at erwin@amsterdamoptimization.com.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Example MSFCli.exe
C:\projects\test>"c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Solver Foundation\\Bin\MSFCli.exe" +type mps +verbose +log indus89.mps
===== Processing .\indus89.mps =====
Algorithm: Primal
CostingExact: SteepestEdge
CostingDouble: SteepestEdge
Variables: 6570 -> 6366 + 2363
Rows: 2727 -> 2564
NonZeros: 39490
Eliminated Slack Variables: 201
Phase 1 double Pivots: 4639
Phase 2 double Pivots: 1864
double Factorings: 138
Rational Factorings: 1
Degenerate pivots: 1367 (21.02 %)
x1 -> 114873.65553186,
x2 -> 1522.85610775999,
x3 -> 3460.00034188404,
x4 -> 479.152767198711,
x5 -> 22532.3511432455,
x6 -> 2490.55460455224,
x6530 -> 1,
x6550 -> 1,
x6570 -> 1
Zero variables: 3949
Positive variables: 2621
Negative variables: 0
Objective value: 'obj' Min Optimal -114873.65553186
===== Finished .\indus89.mps: 00:00:05.8776890 Optimal =====
The solver seems to feature some kind of rational arithmetic.
Not sure if this is related, but the Microsoft solver finds a correct solution to the Neumaier model http://www.gams.com/modlib/libhtml/badmip.htm.
Microsoft Solver Foundation
- Simplex solver (LP,MIP)
- Interior Point solver (LP,QP)
- Constraint solver (CSP)
- Unconstrained non-linear solver (NLP)
Can be used as library via any .NET language, or input can be specified as MPS and a simple equation oriented format called OML. In addition, Excel bindings are available.
After downloading, documentation and samples are available in My Documents\Microsoft Solver Foundation.
Monday, September 29, 2008
GBD feasibility cut
>I am trying to do a comparison between the performance
>of GBD and OA in the case of convex and nonconvex minlp
>I am using the GBD-code from the script for MINLP methods
>that you have written and posted on your page, and comparing
>it with DICOPT-OA. My application is on transportation
>network design problem. The theory as highlighted in Floudas
>1995 about the difference between the two methods seems to
>match for the most part in my problem. However, I am facing
>infeasibilities in the sub-problem.
>Your GBD code on the portfolio optimization generates support
>functions only from the feasible primal. Can you give me an
>idea (if that is not much of a hassle for you) how a
>feasibility primal subproblem can be implemented in your
>GBD code to generate additional supports (from the infeasible
>subproblems), or if you have provided an example of such a
>case somewhere else I’d be grateful if you can direct me to that?
>I do find your webpage and the relevant files very useful when
>testing theoretical concepts through implementation in GAMS.
>Many thanks in advance for your time!
You can add feasibility cuts by forming a feasibility subproblem.
I do something like that for the dual subproblem in http://amsterdamoptimization.com/pdf/benders.pdf
A straightforward discussion can be found in Ullmann's Modeling and Simulation By Fritz Ullmann page 113, and 116.
Of course it may be possibly to bypass the problem by formulating an elastic version such that the subproblems are always feasible.
Conditional generation
> Did you have time to look at my "corrected" constraints? I'm really sorry for
> having written an error ...
> The correct conditions are now written:
> if s=1 then t > b
> if s=-1 then t < -b
> if s=0 then -b <= t <= b
> where:
> variables: t real in [-1,1] b real in [0,1]
> parameter: s integer in {-1,0,1}
> ------------------------------------------
>I just can't see how to write these conditions as linear constraints in AMPL ...
>Thanx again for your help or any advice which could guide me towards the solution ...
param s = 1;
var t >= -1, <= 1;
var b >= 0, <= 1;
minimize obj: b; subject to
e1{1..1:s=1}: t >= b;
e2{1..1:s=-1}: t <= -b;
e3{1..1:s=0}: -b <= t;
e4{1..1:s=0}: t <= b;
Conditional generation of equations is an important feature in formulating real-world models. You may want to consider hiring a consultant with experience in AMPL modeling. That would speed up the implementation considerably.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
GAMS Command Prompt
Thursday, September 18, 2008
$load x=x.l not allowed (GAMS bug)
execute_load 'merged.gdx',x=x.l;
$gdxin merged.gdx
$load x=x.l
GDXIN C:\projects\china\input\merged.gdx
5925 $load x=x.l
**** $490
**** LINE 19 INPUT C:\projects\china\input\report.gms
**** 490 Cannot load/unload this suffix
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
On solving a large system of nonlinear equation
Monday, September 15, 2008
sub models
However this does not work well with the IDE. For instance the log of a submodel if called by
$call =gams submodel.gms
will be invisible and lost. There are few thing we can do to improve the situation. The settings I use are as follows:
* flags to run submodels better under the IDE
$setglobal ide "ide=%gams.ide% lo=%gams.lo% errorlog=%gams.errorlog% errmsg=1"
$call =gams submodel.gms %ide%
$if errorlevel 1 $abort submodel.gms has issues
This will solve most problems of calling gams via $call when using the IDE, and also works good when not running under the IDE.
The one remaining and somewhat annoying problem (bug) is that clicking on black lines of the submodel log, will cause the IDE to go to listing file of the main model. I.e. the wrong listing file is loaded. Clicking on the red lines work fine: the IDE will go the correct source file.
I think it would be an improvement if GAMS has better built-in support for executing submodels (compile time and execution time) where we don't have to worry about all these parameters and with better interaction with the IDE.
Friday, September 12, 2008
> structure though, let's say it has 1000 constraints. The objective
> function and the first 999 constraints are identical among all
> instances of the problems in this class. So everytime that user wants
> to solve a new problem it is only different from other problems in the
> 1000th constraint.
> I was wondering if this feature can be exploited to improve the speed
> of solving problems in this class. Is it possible that something be
> pre-computed and stored about the problem from the fixed part
> (objective and 999 constraints) and then everytime that user inserts
> the 1000'th constraint, that knowledge be used efficiently?
Absolutely. 1000 constraints is very small, but in general simplex based LP solvers have excellent restart facilities using the concept of a basis. Using the GAMS modeling language this even completely automated. I.e. the fragment:
set scenario /s1*s5/;
parameter growthq_s(scenario) /
s1 2
s2 2.2
s3 2.3
s4 2.5
s5 2.7
parameter report(scenario,*);
growthq = growthq_s(scenario);
solve wsisn maximizing cps using lp;
report(scenario,'time') = wsisn.resusd;
report(scenario,'iterations') = wsisn.iterusd;
display report;
solves a series of related LP's: one coefficient in the model
changes here. Iteration count and cpu time are recorded and
they are displayed as:
---- 3642 PARAMETER report
time iterations
s1 0.630 3704.000
s2 0.108 76.000
s3 0.070 76.000
s4 0.066 76.000
s5 0.069 76.000
so indeed the first solve is the most expensive one.
Bug in gams
1 SET NUM /1*2/;
3 X.L(NUM) = ORD(NUM);
5 X.FX('2') $(X.LO('2') EQ X.UP('2')) = 234;
COMPILATION TIME = 0.000 SECONDS 3 Mb WEX228-228 Jul 26, 2008
---- 6 VARIABLE X.Lo
2 234.000
1 1.000, 2 234.000
---- 6 VARIABLE X.Up
2 234.000
GAMS/Xpress documentation bug
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Smooth approximations
- ifthen(x1>x2, y, z) = z + (y-z)*0.5*(1+tanh(k*(x1-x2)))
- ifthen(x1<x2, y, z) = y + (z-y)*0.5*(1+tanh(k*(x1-x2)))
- max(x,y) = ifthen(x>y,x,y) = y + (x-y)*0.5*(1+tanh(k*(x-y)))
- min(x,y) = ifthen(x<y,x,y) = x + (y-x)*0.5*(1+tanh(k*(x-y)))

Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Bug in ifthen (GAMS)
1 variable x;
2 equation e1,e2;
4 scalar s /1/;
6 e1.. x$(s>0) =e= 0;
7 e2.. ifthen(s>0,x,0) =e= 0;
9 model m1 /e1/;
10 solve m1 using cns;
12 model m2 /e2/;
13 solve m2 using cns;
The models are the same. The ifthen is exogenous but GAMS does not recognize this. As a result the fist model solves fine and the second model leads to numeric problems:
** Error in Square System: Pivot too small.
Turns out the gradients are not correct for ifthen:
---- e2 =E=
e2.. (0)*x =E= 0 ; (LHS = 0)
Advice: don't use ifthen in equations as the derivatives of this function are wrong. If possible use $ conditions (exogenous if) or a smooth approximation (endogenous if). Smooth approximations for ifthen are discussed in this blog.
Arithmetic on indices
>"obj.. PROFIT =e= sum((l,m,dig) $(ord(l) le p and ord(m) le p and ord(dig) le digmax ), x('(1+p*(ord(l)-1))','(1+p*(ord(m)-1))',dig)*ord(dig)); "
>if I only want to add particular x's to my objective function (indexed as 1+p*(ord(l)-1) and 1+p*(ord(m)-1) where p is a constant )?
>In this case, gams gives me domain violation error for first and second index and i couldn't find a way to solve it
>(the domain is not violated mathematically for example for p=3 and digmax= 9).
>Is there a way to do arithmetic operations in indexes?
Indices are always strings in GAMS. But you can do what you want as follows:
alias (l,i), (m,j);
obj.. PROFIT =e=
sum((l,m,dig,i,j) $(ord(l) le p and ord(m) le p and ord(dig) le digmax and ord(i)=(1+p*(ord(l)-1)) and ord(j)=(1+p*(ord(m)-1))),
This is somewhat messy, but we can do this better. You can simplify this by introducing extra sets:
alias (l,i), (m,j);
set l2(l); l2(l)$(ord(l)<=p) = yes;
set m2(m); m2(m)$(ord(m)<=p) = yes;
set dig2(dig); dig2(dig)$(ord(dig)<=digmax) = yes;
set mapl(l,i); mapl(l2(l),i)$(ord(i)=(1+p*(ord(l)-1))) = yes;
set mapm(m,j); mapm(m2(m),j)$(ord(j)=(1+p*(ord(m)-1))) = yes;
display mapl,mapm;
equation obj;
obj.. PROFIT =e= sum((mapl(l,i),mapm(m,j),dig2(dig)) , x(i,j,dig)*ord(dig));
This way you can display the intermediate sets and debug the model more easily. The equation becomes much simpler.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Privacy.pdf not found
> 403 Forbidden. Please help!!!!
Sorry. GAMS moved their web pages and this caused problems here and there. I'll email a copy.
Monday, September 1, 2008
GAMS bug in redeclaration
set i;
set i /1,2/;
set i(*);
The GAMS compiler gets confused if i is used as domain:
1 set i;
2 parameter p(i);
3 set i /1,2/;
4 set i(*);
**** $184
**** 184 Domain list redefined
Work-around: make sure line 1 and 4 use both i or i(*).