Saturday, February 15, 2025

Network models with node capacities

Min-cost flow network model

A standard min-cost flow network model, formulated as a linear programming model, can look like:

Model 1: standard min-cost flow network model
\[\begin{align}\min& \sum_{(i,j)\in A}\color{darkblue}c_{i,j}\cdot\color{darkred}f_{i,j}\\ & \sum_{j|(j,i)\in A}\color{darkred}f_{j,i} + \color{darkblue}{\mathit{supply}}_i = \sum_{j|(i,j)\in A}\color{darkred}f_{i,j} + \color{darkblue}{\mathit{demand}}_i && \forall i \\ & \color{darkred}f_{i,j} \in [0,\color{darkblue}{\mathit{capacity}}_{i,j}] \end{align}\]

Here, \(\color{darkred}f_{i,j}\) is the flow along arc \(i\rightarrow j\). The network can be sparse: arcs \((i,j)\in A\) are not present for all \((i,j)\). The supply and demand nodes have exogenous \(\color{darkblue}{\mathit{supply}}_i\) and \(\color{darkblue}{\mathit{demand}}_i\). These vectors are also sparse. Furthermore, the arcs have a capacity: \(\color{darkblue}{\mathit{capacity}}_{i,j}\). 

The network structure of this LP is obvious from the formulation. But, another way to establish this is a network is to consider the following properties:

  • Every variable (arc) appears in two constraints,
  • one with a coefficient \(+1\) and one with a coefficient \(-1\). 

When rewriting the constraint with the variables on the left and the constants on the right, we have: \[\sum_{j|(j,i)\in A}\color{darkred}f_{j,i} - \sum_{j|(i,j)\in A}\color{darkred}f_{i,j} = \color{darkblue}{\mathit{demand}}_i - \color{darkblue}{\mathit{supply}}_i \>\>\forall i\] So indeed, variable \(\color{darkred}f_{i,j}\) appears once in equation \(i\) with a coefficient \(-1\) and once in equation \(j\)  with a coefficient \(+1\). 

Capacities on the nodes

The above standard min-cost flow model contains arc capacities. I came across an old GAMS model that demonstrated how we can model a capacity on the nodes. It is worthwhile to replicate it. Node capacities are not directly supported by the standard min-cost flow model. An obvious way to handle node capacities is to introduce a side constraint. The first model that comes to mind is:

Model 2a: node capacities as network model with side constraints
\[\begin{align}\min& \sum_{(i,j)\in A}\color{darkblue}c_{i,j}\cdot\color{darkred}f_{i,j}\\ & \sum_{j|(j,i)\in A}\color{darkred}f_{j,i} + \color{darkblue}{\mathit{supply}}_i = \sum_{j|(i,j)\in A}\color{darkred}f_{i,j} + \color{darkblue}{\mathit{demand}}_i && \forall i\\ & \sum_{j|(j,i)\in A}\color{darkred}f_{j,i} + \color{darkblue}{\mathit{supply}}_i \le \color{darkblue}{\mathit{nodecapacity}}_{i} && \forall i \\ & \color{darkred}f_{i,j} \in [0,\color{darkblue}{\mathit{capacity}}_{i,j}] \end{align}\]

Note that the side-constraint could also be implemented as: \[\sum_{j|(i,j)\in A}\color{darkred}f_{i,j} + \color{darkblue}{\mathit{demand}}_i \le \color{darkblue}{\mathit{nodecapacity}}_{i}\] (We could even use both versions simultaneously).  In any case, this is no longer a pure network model but rather a network model with (linear) side constraints. Most commercial LP solvers have facilities to extract the network part, solve that, and then solve the complete model as an LP. Whether this is faster than solving directly as an LP depends on the model.

I am allergic to duplicate expressions in an optimization model. So, a more appealing approach would be:

Model 2b: Node capacities with sparse reformulation
\[\begin{align}\min& \sum_{(i,j)\in A}\color{darkblue}c_{i,j}\cdot\color{darkred}f_{i,j}\\ &\color{darkred}{\mathit{nf}}_i = \sum_{j|(j,i)\in A}\color{darkred}f_{j,i} + \color{darkblue}{\mathit{supply}}_i  && \forall i\\ &\color{darkred}{\mathit{nf}}_i= \sum_{j|(i,j)\in A}\color{darkred}f_{i,j} + \color{darkblue}{\mathit{demand}}_i && \forall i\\ & \color{darkred}f_{i,j} \in [0,\color{darkblue}{\mathit{capacity}}_{i,j}] \\ &\color{darkred}{\mathit{nf}}_i \in [0,\color{darkblue}{\mathit{nodecapacity}}_i]\end{align}\]

This model is sparser: it has fewer nonzero elements than the previous attempt. But that is not the only advantage. This is now almost a network model. If we multiply one of the constraints by \(-1\), we have a network structure: 2 nonzeros per arc, one with coefficient \(-1\) and one with \(+1\). Solvers like Cplex, Gurobi, and Xpress are capable of detecting this and can use a network solver to solve this model very efficiently.

We also can approach this from a very different angle. A node in the standard min-cost flow model has incoming arcs from other nodes, possibly exogenous supply, outgoing arcs to other nodes, and possibly exogenous demand. If we want to put a limit on the flow going through a node, we can duplicate the node as follows:

Now we apply the node capacity constraint on the link \(j\rightarrow j'\). When we do this transformation carefully, we can reuse the standard min-cost flow network model (model 1). It is noted that there is some bookkeeping to be taken care of: besides changing the set of arcs \(A\), we also need to update the costs, the demand, and the arc capacities. 

Taking a step back, this approach is exactly the same as the formulation in model 2b. It looks very different, but it is identical. The variable \(\color{darkred}{\mathit{nf}}_i \) in model 2b corresponds to arc \((j,j')\) in the picture. We arrived at the same model in two different ways.

Related question

A related question is: "How would you model the presence of (linear) costs of the flow through a node with a unit cost \(\color{darkblue}{\mathit{nodecost}}_i\)?" The standard min-cost flow model only has costs on the arcs, not on the nodes.

Appendix: GAMS model



   Model 1: basic min cost flow model with arc capacities and costs

   Model 2a: formulate node capacities as side constraints

   Model 2b: id, but remove duplicate expressions

   Model 3: handle node capacities within network by

            duplicating the nodes




option lp=cplex;



* network topology

* both a small and medium sized data set



* small data set. set to 0 or 1.

$set small 1   


$ifthen %small%==1


   i0 'superset of nodes' /node1*node6, nodedup1*nodedup6/

   i(i0) 'current nodes' /node1*node6/

   a(i0,i0) 'current arcs'

   sup(i0) 'supply nodes' /node1/

   dem(i0) 'demand nodes' /node6/



   supdem 'supply and demand quantities' /100/

   density 'fraction of arcs generated' /0.6/




   i0 'superset of nodes' /node1*node50, nodedup1*nodedup50/

   i(i0) 'current nodes' /node1*node50/

   a(i0,i0) 'current arcs'

   sup(i0) 'supply nodes' /node1*node5/

   dem(i0) 'demand nodes' /node6*node10/



   supdem 'supply and demand quantities' /100/

   density 'fraction of arcs generated' /0.15/




alias (i0,j0), (i,j);



* capacity, cost data




   cap(i0,j0) 'arc capacity'

   cost(i0,j0) 'arc cost'

   supply(i0) 'supply at supply nodes'

   demand(i0) 'demand at demand nodes'

   nodecap(i0) 'node capacity'




* random data



scalar printFlag 'if nonzero we display things';

printFlag = card(i)<=50;


* sparse network: not all a(i,j) exist

* no self loops

a(i,j)$(not sameas(i,j)) = uniform(0,1)<density;


cap(a) = uniform(10,80);

cost(a) = uniform(0,10);


supply(sup) = supdem;

demand(dem) = supdem;


* assume balanced supply and demand

abort$(sum(i,supply(i))<>sum(i,demand(i))) "total supply does not equal total demand";


* node cap should be >= supply or demand for supply and demand nodes

* otherwise the model would be infeasible

nodecap(i) = 20;

nodecap(sup) = supdem;

nodecap(dem) = supdem;


* for small networks print things

* for larger cases use the gdx viewer

* optional option for better, more compact display

$if %small%==0 option a:0:0:6, cap:3:0:5, cost:3:0:5;

display$printFlag i,a,sup,dem,cap,cost,supply,demand;



* Model 1:

* LP formulation of min cost flow network with

* arc capacities only



variable totalcost;

positive variable f(i0,j0) 'flow';



    obj        'objective' 

    nodbal(i0)  'node balance'



obj.. totalcost =e= sum(a,cost(a)*f(a));


nodbal(i).. sum(a(j,i), f(a))+supply(i) =e= sum(a(i,j), f(a))+demand(i);


f.up(a) = cap(a);


model model1 /all/;


solve model1 using lp minimizing totalcost;

$if %small%==0 option f:3:0:5;

display totalcost.l,f.l;



* reporting


parameter results(*,*);

results('model1: no node cap','obj') = totalcost.l;

display results;


parameter nodeflow(i0,*) 'flow through nodes';

nodeflow(i,'inflow') = sum(a(j,i), f.l(a))+supply(i);

nodeflow(i,'outflow') = sum(a(i,j), f.l(a))+demand(i);

display nodeflow;



* Model 2a:

* add node capacity as constraints

* no longer a network model: will do LP iterations

* after network solve



equation node_inflow_lim(i0);

node_inflow_lim(i).. sum(a(j,i), f(a))+supply(i) =l= nodecap(i);


model model2a /model1+node_inflow_lim/;


solve model2a using lp minimizing totalcost;

display totalcost.l,f.l;


results('model2a: side constraint','obj') = totalcost.l;

display results;



* Model 2b:

* add node capacity as constraints, but remove duplicate

* expressions

* this is so close to a network problem that solvers can

* use the network solver exclusively to find the optimal

* solution.



positive variables

  nf(i0)  'inflow/outflow of node i'








def_inflow(i).. nf(i) =e= sum(a(j,i), f(a))+supply(i);

def_outflow(i).. nf(i) =e= sum(a(i,j), f(a))+demand(i);


nf.up(i) = nodecap(i);


model model2b /obj,def_inflow,def_outflow/;


solve model2b using lp minimizing totalcost;

$if %small%==0 option nf:3:0:6;

display totalcost.l,f.l,nf.l;


results('model2b: sparse reformulation','obj') = totalcost.l;

display results;



* Model 3:

* add node capacities by duplicating all nodes



* pairs of original and duplicate nodes

* i.e. node1.nodedup1, node2.nodedup2, ...

set pairs(i0,i0) 'node pairs';

pairs(i0,i0+card(i)) = yes;




* copy out links from nodeX to nodedupX

    a(j0,j) = a(i,j);

* remove old outlinks from nodeX

    a(i,j) = no;

* add the link nodeX -> nodedupX

    a(i,j0) = yes;

* move cost, cap and demand

* supply does not need to be moved

    cost(j0,j) = cost(i,j);

    cost(i,j) = 0;

    cap(j0,j) = cap(i,j);

    cap(i,j) = 0;

    cap(i,j0) = nodecap(i);

    demand(j0) = demand(i);

    demand(i) = 0;



* the set i should now contain all nodes

i(i0) = yes;


display$printFlag i,a,cost,cap,supply,demand;


* redo the bounds as cap has changed

f.up(a) = cap(a);


* get rid of older values so displays are clean

f.l(i0,j0) = 0;


solve model1 using lp minimizing totalcost;

display totalcost.l,f.l;

results('model1: duplicated nodes','obj') = totalcost.l;

display results;


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