Monday, January 20, 2020

A scheduling problem

I have a job scheduling problem with a twist- a minimization constraint. The task is- I have many jobs, each with various dependencies on other jobs, without cycles. These jobs have categories as well, and can be ran together in parallel for free if they belong to the same category. So, I want to order the jobs so that each job comes after its dependencies, but arranged in such a way that they are grouped by category (to run many in parallel) to minimize the number of serial jobs I run. That is, adjacent jobs of the same category count as a single serial job [1].
It is always difficult to form a model from an informal description. For me, it often helps to develop some example data. So here we go:

----     28 SET j  jobs

job1 ,    job2 ,    job3 ,    job4 ,    job5 ,    job6 ,    job7 ,    job8 ,    job9 ,    job10,    job11,    job12
job13,    job14,    job15,    job16,    job17,    job18,    job19,    job20,    job21,    job22,    job23,    job24
job25,    job26,    job27,    job28,    job29,    job30,    job31,    job32,    job33,    job34,    job35,    job36
job37,    job38,    job39,    job40,    job41,    job42,    job43,    job44,    job45,    job46,    job47,    job48
job49,    job50

----     28 SET c  category

cat1,    cat2,    cat3,    cat4,    cat5

----     28 SET jc  job-category mapping

             cat1        cat2        cat3        cat4        cat5

job1          YES
job2                                                          YES
job3                                  YES
job4                      YES
job5                      YES
job6                      YES
job7                      YES
job8                                                          YES
job9          YES
job10                                 YES
job11                                                         YES
job12                                 YES
job13                                                         YES
job14                                             YES
job15         YES
job16                                             YES
job17         YES
job18                     YES
job19                                             YES
job20                                 YES
job21                     YES
job22                     YES
job23         YES
job24         YES
job25                                 YES
job26                                                         YES
job27                     YES
job28                                             YES
job29                                             YES
job30                     YES
job31         YES
job32                                 YES
job33         YES
job34                                                         YES
job35                     YES
job36                     YES
job37                                 YES
job38                                             YES
job39                                             YES
job40                                 YES
job41                                 YES
job42         YES
job43                     YES
job44         YES
job45                     YES
job46         YES
job47                                             YES
job48                                 YES
job49                                             YES
job50                     YES

----     28 PARAMETER length  job duration

job1  11.611,    job2  12.558,    job3  11.274,    job4   7.839,    job5   5.864,    job6   6.025,    job7  11.413
job8  10.453,    job9   5.315,    job10 12.924,    job11  5.728,    job12  6.757,    job13 10.256,    job14 12.502
job15  6.781,    job16  5.341,    job17 10.851,    job18 11.212,    job19  8.894,    job20  8.587,    job21  7.430
job22  7.464,    job23  6.305,    job24 14.334,    job25  8.799,    job26 12.834,    job27  8.000,    job28  6.255
job29 12.489,    job30  5.692,    job31  7.020,    job32  5.051,    job33  7.696,    job34  9.999,    job35  6.513
job36  6.742,    job37  8.306,    job38  8.169,    job39  8.221,    job40 14.640,    job41 14.936,    job42  8.699
job43  8.729,    job44 12.720,    job45  8.967,    job46 14.131,    job47  6.196,    job48 12.355,    job49  5.554
job50 10.763

----     28 SET before  dependencies

             job3        job9       job13       job21       job23       job27       job32       job41       job42

job1          YES
job3                      YES
job4                                  YES
job8                                                                      YES
job9                                              YES         YES
job12                                                         YES
job14                                                                                             YES
job21                                                                     YES
job26                                                                                                         YES
job31                                                                                 YES

    +       job43       job46       job48

job10                     YES         YES
job11         YES

----     28 PARAMETER due  some jobs have a due date

job16 50.756,    job19 57.757,    job20 58.797,    job25 74.443,    job29 65.605,    job32 55.928,    job50 58.012

So we have 50 jobs and 5 categories. The set \(jc_{j,c}\) indicates if job \(j\) corresponds to category \(c\). Jobs have a duration or processing time, and some jobs have a precedence structure: the set \(\mathit{before}_{i,j}\) indicates that job \(i\) has to executed before job \(j\). Besides, some jobs have a due date.

The way I generated the due dates and the processing times suggests a continuous time model. The main variables are: \[\begin{cases} \mathit{start}_j  \ge 0& \text{start of job $j$}\\ \mathit{end}_j \ge 0& \text{end of job $j$}\\  \delta_{i,j} \in \{0,1\} & \text{binary variable used to model no-overlap constraints}\end{cases}\]

As the objective function, I use: minimize the total makespan. The idea is that this will automatically try to use as much as possible parallel jobs of the same category. We have the following constraints:

  1. A job finishes at start time plus job length.
  2. For some jobs, we have a due date. This becomes an upper bound on the end variable in the model. In practical models, you may want to allow a job to finish later than the due but at a cost. This would make it easier to generate meaningful results if not all due dates can be met.
  3. The precedence constraints are simple: job \(j\) can not start before job \(i\) has finished.
  4. No-overlap constraints require some thought. We use a binary variable to indicate that job \(i\) is executed before or after job \(j\). This has to hold for a subset of \((i,j)\) combinations: (a) only if \(i\lt j\): we don't want to check a pair twice, (b) only if there is no precedence constraint already in effect, and (c) only if jobs are of a different category. We can store the results of these three conditions in a set \(\mathit{NoOverlap}_{i,j}\) which indicates which elements \((i,j)\) need the no-overlap constraints. This set will be used in the model below.
With this in mind, we can formalize this as:

Mixed Integer Programming Model
\[\begin{align} \min\> & \color{darkred}{\mathit{makespan}}\\ & \color{darkred}{\mathit{makespan}} \ge \color{darkred}{\mathit{end}}_j && \forall j\\ & \color{darkred}{\mathit{end}}_j = \color{darkred}{\mathit{start}}_j + \color{darkblue}{\mathit{length}}_j&& \forall j \\ & \color{darkred}{\mathit{end}}_j \le \color{darkblue}{\mathit{due}}_j && \forall j | \color{darkblue}{\mathit{due}}_j \text{ exists}\\ & \color{darkred}{\mathit{end}}_i \le \color{darkred}{\mathit{start}}_j && \forall i,j|\color{darkblue}{\mathit{Precedence}}_{i,j} \text{ exists}\\ & \color{darkred}{\mathit{end}}_i \le \color{darkred}{\mathit{start}}_j +\color{darkblue} M \color{darkred}\delta_{i,j} && \forall i,j|\color{darkblue}{\mathit{NoOverlap}}_{i,j} \\ &\color{darkred}{\mathit{end}}_j \le \color{darkred}{\mathit{start}}_i +\color{darkblue} M (1-\color{darkred}\delta_{i,j}) && \forall i,j|\color{darkblue}{\mathit{NoOverlap}}_{i,j} \\ & \color{darkred}{\mathit{start}}_j, \color{darkred}{\mathit{end}}_j \ge 0 \\ & \color{darkred}\delta_{i,j} \in \{0,1\}\end{align} \]

Here \(M\) is a large enough constant, e.g., the planning window. There are many variations on this model (Constraint Programming formulations, alternative modeling to prevent the big-M constructs, such as SOS1 variables or indicator constraints). Still, as the first line of attack, this is not too bad. This formulation is similar to the classic job-shop formulation by Alan Manne [1]. The main issue with this model is that some thought has gone into developing the set \(\mathit{NoOverlap}_{i,j}\), which indicates which combinations of jobs \((i,j)\) we need to protect against being executed at the same time.

We can substitute out \(\mathit{start}_j\) or \(\mathit{end}_j\). I would prefer to keep them both in the model to improve readability.

The model solves quickly (30 seconds on my laptop). It is not very large for modern solvers:


BLOCKS OF EQUATIONS           5     SINGLE EQUATIONS        2,058
BLOCKS OF VARIABLES           4     SINGLE VARIABLES        1,073
NON ZERO ELEMENTS         6,060     DISCRETE VARIABLES        972

When we solve this, we get the following results:

----     67 VARIABLE start.L  start of job

job1  36.099,    job2  23.541,    job3  61.714,    job4   2.924,    job7  87.323,    job8  25.646,    job9  72.989
job10 47.710,    job11 23.265,    job12 47.710,    job13 23.265,    job14 10.763,    job15 36.099,    job16 10.763
job17 36.859,    job18 87.323,    job19 10.763,    job20 47.710,    job21 87.323,    job22 87.323,    job23 78.304
job24 72.989,    job25 47.710,    job26 23.265,    job27 94.753,    job28 10.763,    job29 10.776,    job31 36.099
job32 47.710,    job33 36.099,    job34 23.265,    job37 47.710,    job38 10.763,    job39 10.763,    job40 47.710
job41 47.710,    job42 36.099,    job43 87.323,    job44 72.989,    job46 73.192,    job47 10.763,    job48 60.634
job49 10.763

----     67 VARIABLE end.L  end of job

job1   47.710,    job2   36.099,    job3   72.989,    job4   10.763,    job5    5.864,    job6    6.025
job7   98.736,    job8   36.099,    job9   78.304,    job10  60.634,    job11  28.993,    job12  54.467
job13  33.521,    job14  23.265,    job15  42.880,    job16  16.104,    job17  47.710,    job18  98.535
job19  19.657,    job20  56.297,    job21  94.753,    job22  94.787,    job23  84.609,    job24  87.323
job25  56.510,    job26  36.099,    job27 102.754,    job28  17.018,    job29  23.265,    job30   5.692
job31  43.119,    job32  52.761,    job33  43.795,    job34  33.264,    job35   6.513,    job36   6.742
job37  56.017,    job38  18.932,    job39  18.984,    job40  62.350,    job41  62.646,    job42  44.798
job43  96.052,    job44  85.708,    job45   8.967,    job46  87.323,    job47  16.959,    job48  72.989
job49  16.317,    job50  10.763

(Some jobs have a start time of zero. They are not printed here.)

For scheduling models, this type of output is difficult to interpret by humans. Better is something like a Gantt chart:

Results for example data set

Indeed, we see that many jobs of the same category are executed in parallel. We have two category 1 and 2 periods. This is due to due dates and precedence constraints. (If we did not have due dates or precedence constraints, we would see just a single region for each category.) Also, we understand that some jobs have a little bit of freedom to float within a window. For instance, job 4 could have started a bit earlier. We can fix this in post-processing or tell the model to move jobs to the left when possible (this would mean an additional term in the objective).

Note that commercial solvers have no problems with this model and data set.  For instance Cplex shows:

Root node processing (before b&c):
  Real time             =    3.16 sec. (583.75 ticks)
Parallel b&c, 8 threads:
  Real time             =   33.03 sec. (16153.92 ticks)
  Sync time (average)   =    4.97 sec.
  Wait time (average)   =    0.01 sec.
Total (root+branch&cut) =   36.19 sec. (16737.66 ticks)
MIP status(101): integer optimal solution
Cplex Time: 36.20sec (det. 16737.67 ticks)

However, I see more problems with open source and academic code. E.g., SCIP on NEOS shows:

SCIP Status        : problem is solved [optimal solution found]
Solving Time (sec) : 13010.25
Solving Nodes      : 5602808
Primal Bound       : +1.02753723219890e+02 (78 solutions)
Dual Bound         : +1.02753723219890e+02
Gap                : 0.00 %

This is quite a dramatic difference.


  1. Job scheduling with minimization by parallel grouping,
  2. Alan Manne, On the Job-Shop Scheduling Problem, Operations Research, 1960, vol. 8, issue, pp. 219-223. 

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