Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Employee Scheduling III: generating all shifts using the Cplex solution pool

In (1) and (2) all possible shifts for a small Employee Scheduling problem are calculated by programming. In (3) we generate new shifts one by one using MIP model as part of a Column Generation algorithm. Here I want to show a different approach to generate all possible feasible shifts with a MIP model using the Cplex solution pool. So this is a post about “modeling instead of programming”.

The model is very similar to the sub-problem in the Column Generation scheme:

binary variables
'work at time t'
'start of shift'
'select shift from employee e'
positive variables
'length of shift'
variable dummy;


'start of shift: w(t) goes from 0 to 1'
'exactly one start of shift'
'calculate length of shift'
'pick one employee'
'observe minimum shift length'
'observe maximum shift length'
'make sure shift is feasible'

startShift(t)..  start(t) =g= w(t) - w(t--1);
sum(t,start(t)) =e= 1;
calcLen..        shiftLen =e=
(t, w(t));
(e, emp(e)) =e= 1;
minLength..      shiftLen =g=
(e, minlen(e)*emp(e));
maxLength..      shiftLen =l=
(e, maxlen(e)*emp(e));
feasibleShift(t).. w(t) =l=
dummyObj..       dummy =e= 0;


$onecho > cplex.opt
SolnPoolAGap = 0.0

SolnPoolIntensity = 4
PopulateLim = 10000
SolnPoolPop = 2
solnpoolmerge solutions.gdx

model solpool /all/;
solpool using mip minimizing dummy;

Actually the model is quite simpler as in the CG sub-problem we needed a rather complicated objective. Here we use a dummy objective as we just need to find a feasible shift.

This model finds a shift encoded by the binary variable \(w_t\) and a corresponding employee denoted by \(emp_e \in \{0,1\}\) (the selected employee will have a value of one).

The start of a shift is easily found: we need to look for a pattern \(w_t,w_{t+1} = 0, 1\). Note that \(w_1\) for \(t=1\) is special: it may be a continuation of a shift with \(w_{24}=1\). This is the reason why in the GAMS model we use “start(t) =g= w(t) - w(t--1)” with a circular lag operator --. To make sure shifts are contiguous we only need to require that \(\sum_t start_t \le 1\) (note that \(\sum_t start_t = 0\) can not happen, so we can also write \(\sum_t start_t = 1\)).

We check if a shift is only using allowed time slots in equation feasibleShift. Here we use the set canwork(e,t) indicating which time periods are allowed or forbidden for a given employee (see (2)). We require here that if canwork=0 then the corresponding \(w_t=0\).

The Cplex solution pool (4) allows us to find all feasible integer solutions for a MIP very fast. This technology is used here to find all feasible shifts and indeed we find:


We see we find the same 1295 shifts, although in a different order (the order is not important for our purposes).

Now we have found this complete collection of feasible shifts, we can solve our scheduling model:

\[\begin{align}\min\>&\sum_s c_s x_s\\
       &\sum_{s|E(e,s)} x_s \le 1 \>\forall e\\
       &\sum_{s|S(s,t)} x_s \ge R_t \> \forall t\\
        &x_s \in\{0,1\}\end{align}\]

With this approach we just use one MIP solve to find all feasible shifts and a second MIP solve to find the optimal schedule.


  1. Loren Shure, Generating an Optimal Employee Work Schedule Using Integer Linear Programming, January 6, 2016, http://blogs.mathworks.com/loren/2016/01/06/generating-an-optimal-employee-work-schedule-using-integer-linear-programming/ describes the problem with a Matlab implementation.
  2. Employee Scheduling I : Matlab vs GAMS, http://yetanothermathprogrammingconsultant.blogspot.com/2017/01/employee-scheduling-i-matlab-vs-gams.html has a GAMS version of the model in (1).
  3. Employee Scheduling II : Column Generation, http://yetanothermathprogrammingconsultant.blogspot.com/2017/01/employee-scheduling-ii-column-generation.html
  4. IBM, What is the solution pool?, http://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/SSSA5P_12.7.0/ilog.odms.cplex.help/CPLEX/UsrMan/topics/discr_optim/soln_pool/02_soln_pool_defn.html
  5. Employee Scheduling IV: direct optimization, http://yetanothermathprogrammingconsultant.blogspot.com/2017/03/employee-scheduling-iv-direct.html

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