In a MIP formulation was presented to enumerate all optimal LP bases. A loop construct was used to find new basic feasible solutions. To top things off a cutting plane technique was implemented to prevent rediscovering solutions we already knew about.
Here we show a GAMS model that uses the Cplex solution pool. This is a somewhat esoteric option in Cplex. For a discussion of this option see: Using this technique will simplify the process as we now only have a single solve. The solution looks very similar. The only thing that is different is the order of the solutions.
Solutions found with Cplex solution pool technology |
The table has the same layout as the one in the earlier post. The first part shows the values. First we have the values for the decision variables xi,j followed by the slacks si and sj. The last row is the objective z. The second part reports the basis status. This table has first the decision variables xi,j followed by the slacks si and sj. Remember that a 1 indicates ‘basic’.
GAMS Model
Enumerate all optimal LP bases Use Cplex solution pool
Sets k /seattle, san-diego, new-york, chicago, topeka/ i(k) canning plants / seattle, san-diego / j(k) markets / new-york, chicago, topeka / ;
a(i) capacity of plant i in cases / seattle 350 san-diego 600 /
b(j) demand at market j in cases / new-york 325 chicago 300 topeka 275 / ;
Table d(i,j) distance in thousands of miles new-york chicago topeka seattle 2.5 1.7 1.8 san-diego 2.5 1.8 1.4 ;
Scalar f freight in dollars per case per thousand miles /90/ ;
Parameter c(i,j) transport cost in thousands of dollars per case ;
c(i,j) = f * d(i,j) / 1000 ; Scalars nb 'number of basic variables' nnb 'number of non-basic variables' ; nb = card(i)+card(j); nnb = card(i)*card(j);
parameter Mx(i,j), Mk(k); Mx(i,j) = min(a(i),b(j)); Mk(i) = a(i); Mk(j) = b(j);
set bs(*,*); bs(i,j)=yes; bs('-',k) = yes;
Variables x(i,j) shipment quantities in cases z total transportation costs in thousands of dollars s(k) 'slacks' beta(*,*) 'basis' ;
Positive Variable x,s; Binary Variable beta;
Equations cost define objective function supply(i) observe supply limit at plant i demand(j) satisfy demand at market j basisx(i,j) 'x=nb => x=0' basiss(k) 's=nb => s=0' basis 'basis accounting' ;
cost .. z =e= sum((i,j), c(i,j)*x(i,j)) ; supply(i) .. sum(j, x(i,j)) + s(i) =e= a(i) ; demand(j) .. sum(i, x(i,j)) - s(j) =e= b(j) ;
basis.. sum(bs,beta(bs)) =e= nb; basisx(i,j).. x(i,j) =l= Mx(i,j)*beta(i,j); basiss(k).. s(k) =l= Mk(k)*beta('-',k);
Model transport /all/ ;
option optcr=0; option mip=cplex;
$onecho > cplex.opt SolnPoolAGap = 0.0 SolnPoolIntensity = 4 PopulateLim = 10000 SolnPoolPop = 2 solnpoolmerge solutions.gdx $offecho
transport.optfile=1; Solve transport using mip minimizing z ; |
Note: the solutions will be written to the GDX file solutions.gdx.
The Cplex solution pool shows some amazing performance. To test this we duplicate the above model tenfold by adding an index to all variables and equations. Essentially we create a staircase model:

In our version we have 10 of those blocks and they are all identical. This gives us a model with many, many optimal bases. We set a limit of 10k solutions (PopulateLim). To find all these 10x models takes just 23 seconds (total turnaround time of the whole GAMS job).
Emilie Danna, Mary Fenelon, Zonghao Gu, Roland Wunderling, “Generating Multiple Solutions for Mixed Integer Programming Problems," Proceedings IPCO '07 Proceedings of the 12th international conference on Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization, Pages 280 - 294, Springer, 2007
Hi, by any chance, would you know why I am getting the following error?
ReplyDelete*** Error line 5: Unknown option "solnpoolmerge"
I am using CPLEX 12.2 and GAMS 23.5.1
That GAMS version is 10 years old.
Deletethanks for the response. Yeah, unfortunately, this the only license available at my university. I'll try running it on NEOS server.
Dear Mr. Kalvelagen,
ReplyDeleteI am sorry but I do not understand the need of modifying the original problem in order to use the cplex solution pool. Isn't it possible to leave the model as it originally was? The problem I am dealing with has more variables and constraints that the one from your example and I wouldn't even know were to start...
I have a production production problem with an objective function that consists in different summations (regarding setup, inventory, standby and energy costs) and because for a certain purpose I am disregarding the last one, there are different optimal solutions when optimizing considering only the three first costs but with diferent total costs if we later add the ones related to the energy ones (of course the variables and constraints related to energy are included in the model). What I would like is to storage a low number of different optimal solutions but I do not know how to adapt your code to my specific problem. I have read the solution pool documentation and I still do not get it and do not understand why you modified the original problem.
I hope I explained my self properly and that you could give me some insights about my problem.
Best regards,
The solution pool is only for MIP models, not for LPs. We are discussing here all optimal bases for an LP.
DeleteThanks for your answer, Mr. Kalvelagen. So if my model is already an MIP I do not need to do any of this?
DeleteProbably. The solution pool looks only at the discrete variables. Hence my "probably".
Deletehi Erik do you know how could be this implemented with gurobi pool parameters? thanks in advance
ReplyDeleteMost options can be translated directly. However there is no GAMS/Gurobi equivalent for solnpoolmerge. A workaround is to call GDXMERGE to combine the GDX files (one GDX file for each solution).