Saturday, October 26, 2024

PuLP surprises

Formulating optimization models inside traditional programming languages such as Python is very popular. The main tool the developers use to make this possible is operator overloading. There are cases, where we can write code that looks somewhat reasonable, is accepted and processed without any warning or error messages, but is total nonsense. It is rather difficult with this approach to make things airtight. Especially error handling. In [1], we see a good example. I have created a small fragment here that illustrates the problem.

import pulp 

# data
n_orders = 2
m_rows = 2  
cases = [1]*n_orders

# Define the model
model = pulp.LpProblem("Minimize_Total_Hours", pulp.LpMinimize)

# Decision variables: binary variables for assigning each order to a row
x = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("x", [(i, j) for i in range(n_orders) for j in range(m_rows)], 0, 1, pulp.LpBinary)

# Additional variable: number of orders assigned to each row
y = pulp.LpVariable.dicts("y", [j for j in range(m_rows)], 0, n_orders, pulp.LpInteger)

# CPH based on the number of orders in a row
def get_cph(num_orders):
    if num_orders == 1:
        return 152
    elif num_orders == 2:
        return 139
    elif num_orders == 3:
        return 128
    elif num_orders == 4:
        return 119
    elif num_orders == 5:
        return 112
    elif num_orders == 6:
        return 107
        return 104

# Objective function: Minimize total hours across all rows
model += pulp.lpSum(
    (pulp.lpSum(cases[i] * x[i, j] for i in range(n_orders)) / get_cph(y[j])) for j in range(m_rows)


# Solve the model

# print solve status

This code looks superficially like something that is reasonable. If you are a Python programmer but new to PuLP, this is code one could write. But actually, it is 100% total nonsense. 

There are many, many issues here. 

  • PuLP is for linear problems only. So, division by a variable quantity is not allowed.
  • We can't use if statements like this. LP and MIP models don't do if statements. They look at the world through a system of linear equations. These if statements need to be rewritten, usually with the help of binary variables. In this case, it looks a bit like a piecewise linear function.
  • In PuLP, functions are not callbacks but are called at model generation time. I.e., the solver does not call your functions. The function get_cph is only called once for each j, before the solver starts. I.e., before y[j] has a value. For PuLP, y[j] only has a value after the solve. The use of functions has lots of benefits in programming tasks. However, in PuLP, they can give the illusion that they are called during the solve. Unfortunately, this is a rather common mistake.
  • The == inside the function is not a standard comparison operator but an operator hijacked by PuLP. It always returns true in this context (that is a Python thing). So, the first if-condition is always true, independent of the right-hand side. We could have used:
             if num_orders == 3.14:
    with the same results. You can also verify this by entering: print(bool(y[0]==3.14)).
  • An expression like y[j]==1 is interpreted as a PuLP constraint. You can see this by entering: print(type(y[0]==1)).
So what does PuLP say about all these problems? Absolutely nothing. Amazingly, this absurdly wrong approach does not give us a hint of a warning message. Nothing to help guide the user to an approach that PuLP support, and nothing to steer the user away from the current approach.

When running this, we see:

0.006578947368421052*x_(0,_0) + 0.006578947368421052*x_(0,_1) + 0.006578947368421052*x_(1,_0) + 0.006578947368421052*x_(1,_1) + 0.0
0 <= x_(0,_0) <= 1 Integer
0 <= x_(0,_1) <= 1 Integer
0 <= x_(1,_0) <= 1 Integer
0 <= x_(1,_1) <= 1 Integer



The values 0.006578947368421052 are 1/152. That's not at all what the author expected.

A good rule in well-designed tools is: "anything that is not forbidden, is allowed". I would like to see alarms going off for input like this. 

Other PuLP surprises are in [2,3].

How to confuse PuLP even more

If we replace
if num_orders == 1:


if num_orders == "crazy":

you will see things like:

RecursionError: maximum recursion depth exceeded in comparison

Obviously, this is crazy. 


There is no general cure for this: modeling in Python allows much freedom, including doing things that make no sense. But we can address individual cases. These particular problems are not too difficult to address in PuLP. 
  1. The confusion caused by returning true when evaluating a constraint can be solved by implementing the special __bool__ function and doing something like raising an exception with a proper message (maybe something like "this is PuLP constraint and cannot be converted to a boolean"). By default, Python will consider any object to be true. I don't know what the idea is behind this. But, here, it creates a lot of confusion. At least, my suggestion would be to alert the user that something strange is happening with this code. That is much better than just saying nothing. Good code not only works flawlessly for perfect input, but also gives good feedback when the input does not make sense.
  2. The infinite recursion is just a PuLP bug. That should never happen. Luckily it is easily debugged by inspecting the stack trace. The culprit is function addInPlace of class LpAffineExpression. There is an obvious problem there when strings are involved. We can blame this on sloppy programming.


Computing is still in the Stone Age.

We have troubles with things like correctly functioning operator overloading, good error messaging, and even properly working recursion. Operator overloading and good error messages seem not very compatible. PuLP often does not know that a piece of code is nonsense. 

But I think that we can do better than what PuLP is doing right now. It leaves the user in the dark about his/her code. Note that this behavior is not unique to PuLP. Other Python-based modeling tools have similar issues.

The documentation of PuLP (and Python-based modeling tools more general), is often not clear about the "architecture." It would be useful to explicitly document that the approach chosen by this user is not supported.

Often users of Python and PuLP are not expert programmers or LP/MIP modelers. We need to provide much better feedback and documentation to make them successful in implementing LP and MIP models. This example is a good demonstration of this.


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