When making many maps (http://yetanothermathprogrammingconsultant.blogspot.com/2014/01/maps-from-gams.html) it may make sense to try to exploit multiple cores. I have 4 on my laptop. It came with hyper-threading turned on so it looks like the machine has 8 cpus:
In R there is a nice parallel foreach construct (see: http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/doParallel/vignettes/gettingstartedParallel.pdf). As each map is independent of each other, this offers an obvious way of parallelizing the generation of many maps. The results are quite good:
Serial : Elapsed time: 271.74 seconds for 84 maps
2 threads: Elapsed time: 136.17 seconds for 84 maps
4 threads: Elapsed time: 86.63 seconds for 84 maps
8 threads: Elapsed time: 71.23 seconds for 84 maps
Now we are in R anyway, let’s make a quick plot:
Notice that even going from 4 to 8 threads helps (I did not expect that; conjecture: this may be related to being able to do other useful work while doing disk I/O). In the 8 thread case we have a bunch of Rscript.exe processes running:
We can keep all cores quite busy:
Implementation details
There are several ways to implement a thing like this. A serial approach could be:
GAMS loop(maps, extract data for single map execute_unload “singlemapdata.gdx”; execute “Rscript.exe singlemapscript.R” ); |
Instead I used:
GAMS execute_unload “allmapdata.gdx”; execute “Rscript.exe allmapscript.R” |
In general it is better to call expensive external programs once instead of inside a loop. Of course this moves some complexity from GAMS to the R script. Inside the R script we do the following:
allmapscript.R 1. read all data 2. read shape files for the maps 3. for(map in 1:nrow(maps)) { extract data for single map merge single map data with shape file plot single map } |
When implementing a parallel version I could have used a parallel construct in GAMS (see: http://yetanothermathprogrammingconsultant.blogspot.com/2012/04/parallel-gams-jobs.html). However it was just much easier to use the parallel foreach loop in R. This just required:
parallelallmapscript.R 1. read all data 2. read shape files for the maps 3. set up a cluster with workers 4. foreach(map = 1:nrow(maps)) %dopar% { extract data for single map merge single map data with shape file plot single map } 5. close down parallel cluster |
And where are the maps?
ReplyDeleteSorry I see the link is in the first sentence haha