Wednesday, January 30, 2013

GAMS/VBScript Tool to view DBF table structure

When receiving DBF files I usually look at the structure by loading it into Excel. In this case I received DBF files that were much too large to be handled by Excel. Before writing queries it is useful to be able to look at the column names and types. That is what this GAMS job does:


Describe database tables

Gives description of DBF files in project directory


$set dir  %system.fp%
$set connection "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=%dir%;Extended Properties=dBASE IV;"

$onecho > db.vbs

WScript.Echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"

Const adSchemaTables = 20
Const adSchemaColumns = 4

Set objConnection = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
WScript.Echo "ADO Version:",objConnection.Version
objConnection.ConnectionString = "%connection%"
WScript.Echo "ADO Connection:",objConnection.ConnectionString
Set rs1 = objConnection.OpenSchema(adSchemaTables)
if (rs1.Eof) then
WScript.Echo "No tables found"
end if
Do Until rs1.Eof
TableName = rs1("Table_Name")
Set rs2 = objConnection.OpenSchema(adSchemaColumns,Array(Null, Null, TableName))
Wscript.Echo UCase(TableName)

Do While Not rs2.EOF

ColumnName = rs2("Column_Name")
ColTypeNum = rs2("Data_Type")
ColClen    = rs2("Character_Maximum_Length")

select case ColTypeNum
case 20   ColTypeName = "BigInt"
case 128  ColTypeName = "Binary"
case 11   ColTypeName = "Boolean"
case 129  ColTypeName = "Char"
case 6    ColTypeName = "Currency"
case 7    ColTypeName = "Date"
case 135  ColTypeName = "TimeStamp"
case 14   ColTypeName = "Decimal"
case 5    ColTypeName = "Double"
case 72   ColTypeName = "GUID"
case 9    ColTypeName = "Dispatch"
case 3    ColTypeName = "Integer"
case 205  ColTypeName = "LongVarBinary(Image,Blob)"
case 201  ColTypeName = "LongVarChar(Memo,Text)"
case 203  ColTypeName = "LongVarWChar(Memo,Text)"
case 131  ColTypeName = "Numeric"
case 4    ColTypeName = "Single"
case 2    ColTypeName = "SmallInt"
case 17   ColTypeName = "UnsignedTinyInt(Byte)"
case 204  ColTypeName = "VarBinary"
case 200  ColTypeName = "VarChar"
case 12   ColTypeName = "Variant"
case 202  ColTypeName = "VarWChar"
case 130  ColTypeName = "WChar"
case else ColTypeName = ColTypeNum
end select

Wscript.Echo  "    ", ColumnName & ", " & ColTypeName & ", " & ColClen



WScript.Echo "------------------------------------------------------------------------"


$call cscript db.vbs

The output looks like:

--- Job describe.gms Start 01/30/13 15:24:38 WEX-VS8 23.9.5 x86/MS Windows       
GAMS Rev 239  Copyright (C) 1987-2012 GAMS Development. All rights reserved
Licensee: Erwin Kalvelagen                               G120717/0001CV-WIN
          Amsterdam Optimization Modeling Group                      DC4572
--- Starting compilation
--- describe.gms(80) 2 Mb
--- call cscript db.vbs
Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.8
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

ADO Version: 6.1
ADO Connection: Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=C:\projects\ulrike - ifpri\gdx\;Extended Properties=dBASE IV;

     ALLOC_KEY, WChar, 8
     CELL5M, Double,
     CR_NAME_SH, WChar, 4
     CR_VALUE, Double,
     ISO3, WChar, 3
     PROD_LEVEL, WChar, 7
     REC_TYPE, WChar, 1
     TECH, WChar, 1
     UNIT, WChar, 6

     ALLOC_KEY, WChar, 8
     CELL5M, Double,
     CR_NAME_SH, WChar, 4
     CR_VALUE, Double,
     ISO3, WChar, 3
     PROD_LEVEL, WChar, 7
     REC_TYPE, WChar, 1
     TECH, WChar, 1
     UNIT, WChar, 6

     ALLOC_KEY, WChar, 8
     CELL5M, Double,
     CR_NAME_SH, WChar, 4
     CR_VALUE, Double,
     ISO3, WChar, 3
     PROD_LEVEL, WChar, 7
     REC_TYPE, WChar, 1
     TECH, WChar, 1
     UNIT, WChar, 6

--- describe.gms(81) 2 Mb
--- Starting execution - empty program
*** Status: Normal completion
--- Job describe.gms Stop 01/30/13 15:24:38 elapsed 0:00:00.316

I looked for some free DBF viewers, but they largely originate from obscure Russian web sites and Google warned not to open the downloaded zip files. This ADO based approach should at least create no problems like introducing viruses.

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