Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Data errors

Even small tables can contain errors. An example data set in a published paper about scheduling maintenance of power generators looks like:


In GAMS I transcribed this as:

table data(i,*)
capacity   allowed-from  allowed-to  outage-weeks

*             MW        week           week    number of weeks
unit1      555          1             26           7
unit2      555         27             52           5
unit3      180          1             26           2
unit4      180          1             26           1
unit5      640         27             52           5
unit6      640          1             26           3
unit7      640          1             26           3
unit8      555         27             52           6
unit9      276          1             26          10
unit10     140          1             26           4
unit11      90          1             26           1
unit12      76         27             52           3
unit13      76          1             26           2
unit14      94          1             26           4
unit15      39          1             26           2
unit16     188          1             26           2
unit17      58         27             52           1
unit18      48         27             52           2
unit19     137         27             52           1
unit20     469         27             52           4
unit21      52          1             26           3

table manpower(i,t) 'Manpower required for each week'
week1 week2 week3 week4 week5 week6 week7 week8 week9 week10
unit1    10    10     5     5     5     5     3
unit2    10    10    10     5     5
unit3    15    15
unit4    20
unit5    10    10    10    10    10
unit6    15    15    15
unit7    15    15    15
unit8    10    10    10     5     5     5
unit9     3     2     2     2     2     2     2     2     2     3
unit10   10    10     5     5
unit11   20
unit12   10     1     5    15
unit13   15    15
unit14   10    10    10    10
unit15   15    15
unit16   15    15
unit17   20
unit18   15    15
unit19   15
unit20   10    10    10    10
unit21   10    10    10


Just to be sure I added some checks:

set error(i,t) 'check for mismatch between manpower and outage-weeks';
and ord(t)<=data(i,'outage-weeks')) = yes
and ord(t)>data(i,'outage-weeks')) = yes
abort$card(error) "manpower mismatch"

Low and behold, we see:

----     93 manpower mismatch

----     93 SET error  check for mismatch between manpower and outage-weeks


unit12         YES

**** Exec Error at line 93: Execution halted: abort$1 'manpower mismatch'

Indeed we have for this unit a problem in the manpower allocation.


  1. Can you post a link to the paper? It would be useful, and I don't think it's degrading in any way to the original authors: bugs happen. At least if someone searched for the paper, they would also find this errata.

  2. K.P. Dahal, J.R. McDonald and G.M. Burt,
    Modern heuristic techniques for scheduling generator maintenance in power systems,
    Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control 22,2 (2000) pp. 179–194
