Monday, April 19, 2010

Generating all non-dominated solutions in a multi-objective integer programming model (II)

This is a simple algorithm to enumerate all (or a subset) of the efficient solutions of an integer programming problem. This is a slightly different approach than used in Basically the algorithm is as follows:

  1. Choose any weights λi > 0
  2. repeat
    1. solve problem with weighted obj
    2. if infeasible: STOP
    3. record the efficient solution
    4. add cut to prevent this solution to be found again
    5. add constraint such that dominated solutions are not accepted

As example we use a simple model from J. Shapiro, “Multiple Criteria Public Investment Decision Making by Mixed Integer   Programming”, working paper, MIT, 1975:

max x1+10x2+9x3
max 10x1+x2+9x3
x1+x2+x3 ≤ 2
x1,x2,x3 ∈ {0,1}

The following GAMS model illustrates the algorithm on this small problem:


Example (4) from

"Multiple Criteria Public Investment Decision Making by Mixed Integer
Programming", Jeremy F. Shapiro, WP 788-05, Alfred P. Sloan School of
Management, MIT, May 1975


set j /v1,v2,v3/;
binary variables x(j);

set i /obj1,obj2/;
variables z(i),sz;

parameter lambda(i);

table objcoeff(i,j)
v1  v2  v3
obj1   1  10   9
obj2  10   1   9

scalobj.. sz =e=
sum(i, lambda(i)*z(i));
objs(i).. z(i) =e=
sum(j, objcoeff(i,j)*x(j));
sum(j, x(j)) =L= 2;

* there are 7 feasible integer solutions
* here we calculate them all
equation edummy;
variable dummy;
edummy.. dummy=e=0;

set k/k1*k10/;
set dynk(k) 'dynamic set';
dynk(k) =

equation cut(k);
parameter sol(k,j),obj(k,i);
sol(k,j) = 0;
sum(j, x(j)$(sol(dynk,j)>0.5) - x(j)$(sol(dynk,j)<0.5)) =l= sum(j$(sol(dynk,j)>0.5),1) - 1;

model m0 /edummy,e,objs,cut/;

option limrow=0, limcol=0;

scalar ok/1/;
solve m0 using mip minimizing dummy;
   ok = 1$(m0.modelstat=1
or m0.modelstat=8);
if (ok,
      dynk(k) =
      sol(k,j) = x.l(j);
      obj(k,i) = z.l(i);

display "----------------------------------------------------",
" All solutions",

* calculate the min and max objectives
parameter minz(i), maxz(i);
model m1 /e,objs,scalobj/;
alias (i,ii);
option optcr=0;
    lambda(i) = 0;
    lambda(ii) = 1;
solve m1 using mip minimizing sz;
abort$(m1.modelstat<>1) "Not optimal";
    minz(ii) = sz.l;
solve m1 using mip maximizing sz;
abort$(m1.modelstat<>1) "Not optimal";
    maxz(ii) = sz.l;
display "----------------------------------------------------",
" Bounds for objectives",

* calculate all efficient solutions
* this is a variation on the above:
* a new solution must be better in at least one obj than all previous
* solutions.

binary variable y(k,i);
equation nondom(k,i),ysum(k);

nondom(dynk,i)..  z(i) =g= obj(dynk,i) -  (maxz(i)-minz(i))*(1-y(dynk,i));
sum(i,y(dynk,i)) =g= 1;

model m2 /e,objs,scalobj,cut,nondom,ysum/;

obj(k,i) = 0;
sol(k,j) = 0;
dynk(k) =

* any nonzero weight is ok.
lambda(i) = 1/

solve m2 using mip maximizing sz;
   ok = 1$(m2.modelstat=1
or m2.modelstat=8);
if (ok,
      dynk(k) =
      sol(k,j) = x.l(j);
      obj(k,i) = z.l(i);

display "----------------------------------------------------",
" Efficient/nondominated solutions",

The first part is optional: we enumerate all feasible integer solutions. This is not possible for large problems, so in practice this step must be omitted. The results for this example:

----     73 ----------------------------------------------------
             All solutions

----     73 PARAMETER sol 

            v1          v2          v3

k2       1.000
k3       1.000       1.000
k4                   1.000
k5                               1.000
k6                   1.000       1.000
k7       1.000                   1.000

----     73 PARAMETER obj 

          obj1        obj2

k2       1.000      10.000
k3      11.000      11.000
k4      10.000       1.000
k5       9.000       9.000
k6      19.000      10.000
k7      10.000      19.000

So we have seven possible integer solutions. Note that solution k1 is v1=v2=v3=0, obj1=obj2=0. Many of them are dominated. E.g. solution k4 is dominated by solution k3 (note: we are maximizing).

In the model we need a big-M constant. To find good values for these constants we need to find the minimum and maximum values for each objective. That is done in part 2. The result is:

----     98 ----------------------------------------------------
             Bounds for objectives

----     98 PARAMETER minz 

                      ( ALL       0.000 )

----     98 PARAMETER maxz 

obj1 19.000,    obj2 19.000

This means we can use 19 as big-M value.

In the last part we enumerate all efficient or non-dominated solutions:

----    140 ----------------------------------------------------
             Efficient/nondominated solutions

----    140 PARAMETER sol 

            v1          v2          v3

k1       1.000                   1.000
k2                   1.000       1.000
k3       1.000       1.000

----    140 PARAMETER obj 

          obj1        obj2

k1      10.000      19.000
k2      19.000      10.000
k3      11.000      11.000

For very large problems we can make the set k sufficiently small so that we collect k non-dominated solutions instead of all possible non-dominated solutions. Note that the problem becomes larger and larger. The number of constraints added to the problem in each cycle is:

  • 1 cut to exclude this solution
  • (K+1) constraints to find non dominated solutions (here K is the number of objectives).

In addition we add each cycle K binary variables.

It is noted that the weights are not very important when we are able to find all efficient solutions. Just any nonzero weights will do.


  1. Hi Erwin,

    I have adapted your method of dynamically generating constraints to enumerate all feasible solutions for a single objective MIP problem. But when I use GAMS/CPLEX to solve it, I find the first solution returned by CPLEX is not optimal: it iss dominated by several later solutions. Meanwhile, CPLEX claims having proved the optimality for the solution. I have set optcr and optca to 0. Have you ever encountered similar problems? I can paste the GAMS model here if you think necessary. Thanks.



  2. The best place to get free GAMS support is

  3. Well..thanks for the pointer.

    BTW: Nice blog. Help me a lot.

